Due to all the political theater going on, I haven’t seen anything worth sharing on the blog or in video lately as I hate politics, expect of course when what they do confirms prophetic utterance. And in this case, all that we see happening has to do with the soon to come Roman Catholic religious laws I have spoken about quite often the last few decades. I have quite a few videos on this as well as Scripture showing that the mark of the beast is in fact Sunday laws, hence the reason every time the mark or the beast is mentioned the word “worship” is right there with it.
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Reason for Pandemic Summarized
I’ve been asked quite a few times as to what I think of all that’s been happening with the planned-demic and bought and paid for rioters. As usual I send a list of the blog entries (see below) that touch on this. But that’s a lot of reading or video watching as I made a short video for each one. And since I’ve been asked to summarize all the blogs I did on this, I decided to share this blog which will also be a video to condense things a bit. And if anyone wants more info they can just check out all the links in the blog entries as I have many in each of them.
Continue readingLock downs, compliance & Sunday laws
There are plans to make the population jump through all sorts of hoops in the coming days (and years) just so we can live a normal life that will later be adjusted slightly and easily implemented to enforce the mark as students of prophecy know. Yes, it’s all unconstitutional but it will happen and as prophesied they will change the constitution (or what’s left of it) to allow all of it. The fact we now have Harvard lawyers like Alan Dershowitz puffed up as scholars of constitutional law claiming “You Have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated” confirms their plans are a done deal.
Continue readingCovid-19 – this is our 66AD
Do you recall what Jesus said in Matthew 24 that came to fulfillment 40 years after He said it? He said this in Matthew 24:15-18, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.” Now I won’t get into defining all the prophetic symbols and dates that match all this with historic record, but if you’re interested you can find out what all the prophetic symbols mean on my “dream of a king” page when you get time.
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