VIDEO: It’s Time To Get ‘Aggressive’ With ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ – W.H.O. Director

Last month, the W.H.O failed to secure its proposed global pandemic treaty. Praise the Lord for this is good news for now! Yet it is only temporary because there was a warning that “if another pandemic appears, there will be another push to hand over to the world organization literally all of the authority for health care decisions.” But the same organization said early this year that the new global pandemic is not a question of “if” but “when.”

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Billions will soon blaspheme the Holy Ghost

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

How does one blaspheme the Holy Ghost?

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 12:31-32, “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”

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Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As many are aware that have seen all my videos posted on my climate change page over the last few years, the Pope is planning to demand Sunday laws to stop climate change. In fact, the United States Government’s “Project 2025” is concrete proof the prophecy is very soon in fulfilling. BUT, what the Pope sent to the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit in Dubai yesterday (December 03, 2023) declares we are MUCH CLOSER to Sunday Laws than ever before.

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Exactly As Prophesied

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As students of prophecy, we know there are certain things that must happen before the mark of the beast can be enforced. If you have read my blog entry titled “Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK” you know what’s already happened recently and so, there’s not a lot left to happen. I also have a page titled “Religious Laws are Coming” wherein I share current events regarding the mark of the beast being enforced soon and I also have a website “The LOUD Cry” wherein I share an outline on how the Loud Cry goes forth and what happens directly before the mark is enforced for those children of God who are serious about getting ready for their King’s return.

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Vatican’s Relationship with China is ‘Very, Very Respectful’ according to Pope Francis

On September 5, 2023, the Breitbart News reported that “The Pope Francis said Monday that the Vatican is walking a “friendly path” with china, insisting that “relations are moving forward” on both sides…. The pope further stated that “The channels are very open – for the appointment of bishops there is a commission that has been working with the Chinese government and the Vatican for a long time,” the pope stated in reference to a 2018 accord between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the naming of bishops. Francis went on to underscore the fact that “there are many, or rather there are some, Catholic priests or Catholic intellectuals who are often invited to Chinese universities to offer courses” as evidence of Chinese goodwill toward the Church. “I think we need to move forward in the religious aspect to understand each other better and so that Chinese citizens do not think that the Church does not accept their culture and values and that the Church is dependent on another, foreign power,” he added.”

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The Return of Mask Mandates

On August 21, 2023, reported that “Covid mask mandates are returning to Hollywood, with Lionsgate being the first major studio to reinstate masking and daily testing for its Los Angeles office workers… The return of mask mandates comes as the Biden administration is ramping up another round of COVID hysteria ahead of 2024, pressuring all Americans to get the latest booster this fall. This had led to growing suspicion that Democrats will not only impose mask mandates but bring back mass lockdowns ahead of the next presidential election, in a repeat of 2020”

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Covid was a Precursor for coming Climate Lockdowns

On August 1, 2023, posted the leaked video below of Nicole Schwab, the daughter of World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab admitting that the Covid was simply a precursor for coming lockdown.

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The European Commision has published that “On July 1, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) takes up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics.” The partnership between WHO and EU announced its launching through WHO News release dated June 5, 2023, as “a landmark digital health partnership… the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.”

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Fund Freezing Feature In Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

The reported on July 17, 2023 that “A blockchain developer has found a code in Brazilian central bank-backed digital currency (CBDC) that would allow the government to freeze accounts or even drain them at will.” It further stated that “the central bank’s official response is that they can do this at any time … Magalhaes said that Brazilian people have a valid reason to be scared given the country’s history. President Fernando Collor de Mello in 1990 froze the finances of all Brazilians for over a year just two weeks after he was elected. Several other privacy advocates have warned against CBDCs as they would grant government an unprecedented control on people’s finances. Many are afraid that there’s a high possibility that governments will use CBDCs as a mass surveillance tool to control people.”

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