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Please Stop Defending False SDA Prophets


Since posting the videos proving David Gates is a false prophet, some have gone so far as to claim he messed up just like William Miller did when he set a date and so he is not a false prophet. Problem is, the mistake of Miller was prophesied. The date setting of David Gates was never prophesied. He set a date in direct defiance to the written Word of God.

He set that date when he gave that starting point for his 1260 day prophecy that I covered in detail in this video. That officially ended on March 07, 2019 unfulfilled. But many keep defending him and even offer up brand new dates for his prophecy. Some said he meant April 22, 2019. That day has come and gone. Then they said April 30th. That day also came and went without fulfillment. And now they are declaring June 21st, the first day of Summer as the date will see his prophecy fulfilled, even though David gates said with his own lips that it would fulfill some time in “March or April of 2019.”

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David Gates: A CONFIRMED False Prophet

UPDATED News Articles 04-10-19


As I stated back in this video i did on December 15, 2018 after seeing a video by SDA pastor David Gates, the SDA church has now become openly visible as one that harbors false prophets. Worse yet, all of the leaders including David Gates are government approved agents of the United States government which all students of prophecy know to be the second beast of Revelation that hates and will soon kill Christians in large numbers for Rome. And just so you know, these SDA leaders are also builders of the long prophesied image of the beast in Rome. They are doing this by emulating the Vatican’s church and state structure via their 501c3 contract with the US government just as prophecy said they and all the fallen churches would do in these very last days.

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SDA False Prophets

What I am about to share is just a fraction of what I have listed at SDAapostasy.org so as to keep this blog entry short and on point. After what happened recently with Pastor David Gates who not only ignored the Word of God regarding how only false prophets will set dates for prophesied events after the fulfillment of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel, which came to fruition in 1844, to actually changing the Bible’s prophetic definition from a day equaling a year as Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 defined it to using the Vatican’s claim that a day equals a day so as to shore up a so called prophetic event he claims began in the Fall of 2015 and will come to fruition in the Spring of 2019, I felt it was time to warn some of the brethren in the Seventh Day Adventist church who are right now being moved by the Lord to seriously considered coming out of that church that it is in fact time to come out of her right now. Hopefully this compilation of facts will bless them with the confirmation they need to make the right choice. And again, this is just a fraction of the growing compilation of articles, pictures, videos, studies, statements and SDA doc files that I have posted on SDAapostasy.org for those of you that need even more confirmation.   Continue reading

Oct 21 – Planet X: False Prophet Exposed

End-of-world-23-856579“The actual event of the beginning of the Tribulation occurs on October 15.  That’s when the action starts. Hold on and watch – wait until the middle of October and I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.” –Source

As we all know, this Roman Catholic false prophet David Meade predicted the end of the world on September 23. It obviously failed as students of prophecy expected. And just 24 hours before it was expected to fail, Meade quickly admitted to all his subscribers that he made a mistake and then changed the date for the end of the world, or the so called start of the seven year tribulation start point to October 15. It is now October 20th, we’re obviously still here and since his proven Jesuit contrived false prophecy of a seven year tribulation was only capable of starting when the secret rapture which was also invented by the Jesuits was to occur. As we all know, everyone is pretty much still here with the exception of the normal birth and death rate of planet earth since day one.   Continue reading

Sept 23 False Prophet Recants: Says Oct 21 is “new” end of World

wolf-in-sheeps-clothingFor those of you that may have missed all the hoopla that went down last Sabbath day wherein the originator of the most recent (and quite popular) false prophecy regarding September 23; (His name is David Meade) it appears that he has recanted and has actually declared he was wrong about his “calculations.” Which those that do true research know was all based on using Pharaoh’s Pagan horoscope theology that was designed to glorify him (Pharaoh) as a god.  Continue reading

Hardline Colombia Catholics shun ‘false prophet’ pope

2a16f1e6688d40f9c012a24f0a0c5fab0d37d467Though millions may turn out to wave at Pope Francis when his popemobile rolls through Colombia’s streets this week, one group of people will not be smiling — or even watching.

They go to mass and their homes are filled with devotional figurines, but for some here, this pope is just not Catholic enough.

“This visit is by someone ‘non grata’, as diplomats say… He is a false pope, a false prophet of God,” says the academic Jose Galat, the movement’s most prominent member.   Continue reading

Christian Scientist Predicts Jesus Will Return in Three Weeks

jesus-is-coming-sign“A Christian computer scientist predicted that, based on her calculations and analysis of the 70 “sevens” prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel, the return of Jesus to earth is imminent—and it won’t even reach 2017. Nora Roth, a self-proclaimed Bible student, said the second coming of Christ will happen in three weeks, specifically on New Year’s Eve. Her findings, written on her blog “The Mark of the Beast,” are based on the biblical pattern of following the sabbath. Roth cited that God mandated the seventh day of the week to be the sabbath day. He also instructed the Israelites to observe the sabbath year or sabbatical year, which is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle.” –Source

She then proceeds to twist the daylights (literally) out of Scripture so as to preach and uplift light-less Vatican dogma first preached by the Jesuits of Rome when it comes to a secret rapture, seven year trib theory as well as the so called 1000 years of peace on earth. Which was actually the way Satan was able to get most Jews 2000 years ago to reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Messiah. They expected a muscle bound warrior who was to end Roman rule and take over the world wherein the Jews would reign with Him as priests and prophets. Seeing how they fell for it then, Satan is using the exact same lie today with a slight twist to it.   Continue reading

South African pastor condemned for ‘healing’ HIV and cancer with insecticide

5834bfc1c3618867448b46caA South African pastor who has been dubbed the ‘Prophet of Doom’ has been slammed by a group representing 88 denominations and churches for spraying his congregation with insecticide, claiming it can heal cancer and HIV.

Self-proclaimed prophet Lethebo Rabalago has been using an insect spray called ‘Doom’, spraying the product into people’s eyes, among other body parts, claiming it can heal individuals from several diseases. Continue reading

Don’t listen to the ‘prophets of doom,’ Pope Francis insists

19394069f15e1931eca94d858893ca1a-690x450ROME- Pope Francis on Sunday called for the faithful not to be driven by end-times curiosities or apocalyptic preachers, urging them to focus on what is truly important: “The Lord and our neighbor.”

“Those who follow Jesus pay no heed to prophets of doom, the nonsense of horoscopes, or frightening sermons that distract from the truly important things,” Francis said.

It is important, he continued, to distinguish “the word of wisdom that God speaks to us each day” from the shouting of those who use “God’s name to frighten, to nourish division and fear.”

Francis’s words came as he was celebrating Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica, in Rome.   Continue reading

‘Prophet’ Brings Dead Woman Back Through Facebook

rndr_670x377David E. Taylor, a self-proclaimed “prophet,” asserted on Aug. 25 that he brought a dead woman back to life through a message on Facebook.

“Raised from the Dead!” Taylor posted on his Joshua Media Ministries International Facebook page. “David E. Taylor Commands Her to Live Through Sending a Text Message Through Facebook – Releasing the Supernatural Resurrection Power of God! She Lives!”

To support his extraordinary declaration, Taylor included a picture of an elderly woman in a hospital bed and a “message from her daughter” that stated: “Thank you sooo much Dad (Apostle Taylor), the doctors were sooo amazed for my Mom’s speedy recovery. She was dead for 40 minutes but God resurrected her !!!”   Continue reading