On February 2, 2024, the Adventist Review news reported that “In Mongolia, Adventist women pastors hold first-ever retreat… under the leadership of Ministerial Association director Bold Batsukh, held the first women’s pastor’s training in its territory, December 1-3. The first meeting sought to revive the mission spirit, realign procedures, and re-evaluate church administration strategies. Eight women pastors participated in this special event, organizers reported. The women pastors shared experiences and received training in effective pastoral care for their local churches.”
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Church and State – SDA apostasy
Back in 1893, the SDA pioneers resolved to decline to accept exemptions from the State for they believe and uphold the separation of Church and State. Proof? Please refer to the excerpts I posted below from Daily Bulletin of the General Conference, vol. 5, no. 20, page 437:
Continue readingClimate Change Hoax CONFIRMED!
It’s what climate change evangelicals do not want to hear: That there is no real climate change emergency now or disaster looming. That word comes from a new international study that concluded there’s “no evidence” of that climate emergency. The conclusion was reached after the study authors analyzed data from heat waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and ecosystem productivity. … “Fearing a climate emergency without this being supported by data means altering the framework of priorities with negative effects that could prove deleterious (harmful) to our ability to face the challenges of the future, squandering natural and human resources in an economically difficult context.” – Source
First we saw David Gates use Vatican prophetic definitions in 2019, now we see Doug Batchelor doing the same thing. The SDA church is purposely protecting the Popes of Rome exactly as prophesied.
SDA Apostasy off the Chart!
For decades I have put forth a heartfelt plea to all Christians still sitting in apostate churches to obey that which is written in Revelation 18:1-5. Sadly most ignore what I have to share.
Today, I want to focus on the Seventh day Adventist people by asking one question. Any one of us can do this with the same result. Ask any Seventh Day Adventist if their church is in apostasy and all leaders and people in the pews will all agree yes, the SDA church has fallen. Yet even with this knowledge they stay in their church even though their very own prophet stated long ago that “Babylon, the symbol of the apostate church.” (COL 178.4)
Continue readingWhy Doug Batchelor’s Pushing Vaccines for US Government
As the obedient remnant people we know all about the dangers of the AMA vaccines that kill many more people than the disease they claim to fight against and they do in fact cripple so many children with autism it’s a wonder hundreds of thousands of parents haven’t come forward in protest. But then this is the age of lying and so many people accept the lies of the government and its media machine as if it’s all true. The planned-demic fiasco has proven that hands down.
But why do you suppose a leader in the Seventh Day Adventist church which used to be known for promoting the health message as well as Biblical truths regarding defiling the body with dangerous chemicals like vaccines suddenly say on camera that vaccines are “probably a good thing?” (video coming soon)
Continue readingRCC & SDA Funding Homosexual Agenda
If you’ve seen the info compiled in my February 2004 Newsletter titled, “Rome’s Homosexual Agenda” it will be no surprise to you that a few weeks ago the Pope defended the homosexual lifestyle by claiming anyone speaking out against it are to be compared to Nazis. Doing that means the Scriptures that speak on such things are also just as evil in his eyes. But then that’s to be expected since we have quotes from centuries ago to modern day wherein Popes and prelates declare in writing that they hate the Bible. And since we are so close to the end where homosexuality is prophesied to be normalized worldwide as it was in Noah’s day as Jesus prophesied in Luke 17:26-29, the dying god of Rome is rushing the Pope forward using his worldwide recognition to protect and promote homosexuality.
Continue readingThe Kellogg File
Just so you know, I am not associated with vbates.com in any way other than Christian friendship and I do not make any money at all by promoting the original books they have to offer. I promote their books because unlike the SDA church and its affiliates that have been editing the Spirit of Prophecy writings to hide their apostasy, vbates.com has the original writings intact so as to allow the people of God all the info they need along with the Word of God to be prepared from what’s already begun in these last days as well as prepare for the coming of the Lord.
Continue readingSDA Changed GC to Teach Jesuit Second Coming
NOTICE: The 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy share a false prophetic message from a man named “Dr. Joseph Wolff” who is nowhere to be found in the original 1884 Great Controversy. Wolff was the child of Jewish parents and his father was a Rabbi. He later converted to Catholicism and used his Romish faith to preach Jesuit lies regarding the second coming.Why he is used as a viable reference for prophetic truth in their 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy books is very confusing. They even puff him up as one who declared the advent message and even called him a “the missionary to the world” on page 357.1 NONE of what this Romish student preached is found anywhere in the original Great Controversy. Not even his name is found. The SDA leaders appear to have placed it in the 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy so as to lend credence to the false prophecy of Rome which we know can be used in the coming days to declare Antichrist is in fact Messiah.
Continue readingSDAs Prophesied to worship their Pastors
News Headlines Updated 07-24-19
If you read the chapter titled “The Scriptures a Safeguard” in the 1884 GC you will see that it is obvious that Sister White is speaking about the SDA people and how they need to make sure they stay in the Word of God regardless of what their pastors teach or command. After she quotes Isaiah 8:20 she says “The people of God are directed to the Scriptures as their safeguard against the influence of false teachers and the delusive power of spirits of darkness.” {SP 411.1} But when we look at Rome we see how they hate the Scripture and even teach false doctrines against the Bible. And so it is obvious sister White is not speaking to Catholics here as they are not directed to the Bible as a safeguard.
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