Zuckerberg Calls for Government to Give Everybody ‘Universal Basic Income’

CAMBRIDGE, MA - MAY 25: Mark Zuckerberg, Harvard dropout and CEO of Facebook, a company worth nearly $400 billion, is pictured at the Harvard University commencement in Cambridge, MA on May 25, 2017. Zuckerberg delivered the commencement address and received an honorary degree. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
CAMBRIDGE, MA – MAY 25: Mark Zuckerberg, Harvard dropout and CEO of Facebook, a company worth nearly $400 billion, is pictured at the Harvard University commencement in Cambridge, MA on May 25, 2017. Zuckerberg delivered the commencement address and received an honorary degree. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

“Thursday during his commencement speech at Harvard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for a “new social contract” with a “universal basic income.” Zuckerberg said, “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Previous generations fought for the vote and civil rights, they had the  New Deal and the Great Society. And now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress not by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful.” –Source

In other words, since we have followed the lead of the Vatican in promoting a Socialist format in America by offering welfare to tens of millions of people that don’t need it at all but gladly receive over getting a real job, and since most in America like the idea of allowing the Government to control every aspect of their lives thanks to the dumbing down brought on by the government schools system, why not force the American people to accept a mandatory income so as to teach them to rely 100% on the corrupted Government so that when new and more insane laws are passed removing freedoms and promoting insanities like the mandatory Vaccinations they keep pushing. That way when the people refuse to do as their government commands they can just threaten to take away their “mandatory incomes” so as to force them into compliance just as we saw the government do with the so called Preachers and pastors who bowed in worship to the filthy lucre handed them under the long prophesied 501c contract. Now granted the restriction on political sermons was lifted on May 4th a few weeks ago, but that is where they hung their hat for 63 years! But then that’s how big government works. They push the unjust laws for as long as it grants them additional control of the people and only lift it when it benefits them. And getting the one world church members (ALL church denominations today) to chime in to help the Pope in his push for Sunday Laws, that’s a prophetic no-brainer. And yes, this includes the SDA church as an admitted member. See their own doc files here.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Pope-Trump meeting agenda: Climate change, terrorism

170524103355-trump-pope-audience-medium-plus-169“After a highly anticipated meeting, Pope Francis appears to have left his mark on President Donald Trump. “Thank you. I won’t forget what you said,” Trump told Pope Francis, before leaving the Pope’s private study after a half-hour private meeting. Neither Trump nor the Pope revealed what their conversation entailed, but readouts from the White House and the Vatican highlighted terrorism, climate change and peace as agenda items covered.” –Source

As I have been wondering for months since Trump’s daughter Ivanka made climate change her focus in her father’s White House; when will Trump finally cave on this long prophesied agenda of the Pope regarding climate change? Well, this meeting is not only the focus of a new video I’m working on, (from last Friday’s blog entry) it’s also what all students of prophecy have been watching for all along because we know prophecy will be fulfilled no matter how much Trump is against it. And as expected, Trump had his meeting with the Pope, and as was also expected they had their meeting behind closed doors so as to keep the people they promised transparency with are kept in the dark, because as also prophesied their deeds are from the darkened realm of Satan. And if their constituents knew they would boldly revolt.  Continue reading

President Duterte declared Martial Law in Mindanao

ap_17142762675825_mini_wide-f38ffc988b308d8cf4398cd2baf207c563cae977-s1500-c85Gunfire erupted between Philippine security forces and militants in Marawi City in the mid-afternoon Tuesday. By the time the sun had set on the small southern city, President Rodrigo Duterte had declared martial law in the region and vowed to end his diplomatic trip to Moscow early.

In the hours between, violence and confusion consumed the community, as armed men linked with the Maute Group occupied the Amai Pakpak Medical Center and several other major buildings. Philippine Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, who is in Moscow with Duterte, told a news conference that militants even set fire to some of those buildings — including the city’s jail, a local Catholic church and Dansalan college.  Continue reading

Anti-border wall Pope Francis to meet President Trump — behind Vatican wall

5_222017_vatican-pope-2-38201_c0-203-4928-3076_s885x516The world’s most powerful president and religion’s most visible voice with meet for the first time Wednesday — but not before President Trump has to cross through the Vatican wall that divided the two men, metaphorically, last year.

Long a symbol of the Vatican’s majesty, the wall also became for Mr. Trump evidence of Pope Francis’s hypocrisy, after the pontiff last year, responding to a reporter’s question about the U.S.-Mexico border, said wall-builders are “not Christian.”

Mr. Trump’s famous response was that the pope himself lived behind “an awfully big wall.”   Continue reading

Mark Zuckerberg: We Need a ‘Global Superstructure to Advance Humanity’

ucv4r7-e1485297679496-640x480“In an article titled “Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?” author Farhad Manjoo poses the question, “Mark Zuckerberg now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection in human history capable of adapting to the world it created?” The author met with Zuckerberg to discuss Facebook and the many issues that the company faces. At one point, Zuckerberg discussed the need for the development of social infrastructure in order for humanity to “get to the next level.” There’s a social infrastructure that needs to get built for modern problems in order for humanity to get to the next level,” he stated. “Having more people oriented not just toward short-term things but toward building the long-term social infrastructure that needs to get built across all these things in order to enable people to come together is going to be a really important thing over the next decades. …Given Facebook’s recent decision to hire partisan left-leaning fact checkers such as ABC News, Snopes, Politifact, and even the George Soros-funded Correctiv to police “fake news” on their platform, many would question the type of  “global superstructure” that Mark Zuckerberg wishes to architect.” –Source

Wait a second.. Why is it every time I post more info on Facebook confirming it to be a government owned and operated website hell-bent on pushing the global vision of Rome’s New World Order under a Socialist format that most (not all) Facebook user tells me I’m crazy and Facebook is just a website that some computer programmer built for fun years ago? It’s because the conception and power behind Facebook is just that deceptive.  Continue reading

Trump to call terrorism fight a ‘battle between good and evil’ in speech to Muslim world

trump_us_saudi_arabia_71590_c0-229-5472-3419_s885x516President Trump on Sunday will cast the fight against terrorism as a “battle between good and evil” and will tell Muslim countries that it’s up to them to decide what kind of future they want in the Middle East.

In a major speech in Saudi Arabia, the president will reject the idea that the U.S. and its allies are at war with Islam, but he’ll stress that it is Islamic leaders, not Western politicians or diplomats, who are best able to defeat terrorism.   Continue reading

Donald Trump’s Ambitious First Foreign Trip Features Three of World’s Biggest Religions

AFI-640x480“President Donald Trump leaves for his first foreign trip of his presidency Friday, highlighting three of the world’s biggest religions with visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican City. “I’ll meet scores of leader, and honor the holiest sites of these three great religions,” Trump said during a speech on Wednesday, previewing his trip to Coast Guard graduates. …No president has ever visited the homelands of three of the of the world’s great faiths in the same trip before, faiths which are professed by millions of Americans,” a White House official told Breitbart News, pointing out that the president was “very excited” to make the trip.” –Source

Have you seen my new page titled “Religious Laws are coming as Prophesied” yet? Perhaps you need to if you’re not aware of what’s prophesied to happen in the coming days. As I have stated for literally decades, before and after finding the truth about God’s Law wherein I finally became an obedient Christian that truly understands what it means to say Jesus is “Lord” of my life; the office of president has seen one wicked president after another all my life. If you look into a few of the presidents before you were born to see how long this was happening, it’s amazing how the timing of it all coincides with the start of the prophesied end times Continue reading

Hawaii Lawyer: Trump Exec Order Violates 1st Amendment Because Honor Killings Are Islamic

GettyImages-683386718-640x480“In his arguments, Neal Katyal stated today that the collection of such data as outlined by the Executive Order 13780 contravenes the Establishment Clause, in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion… In doing so, Katyal appears to be making the case that honor killings — murder committed in the name of restoring a family’s dignity following discouraged behaviour within fundamentalist homes — is in itself Islamic.” –Source

And that’s how Satan uses Roman politics to assure the most evil things can be protected by the State and this includes the killing of innocent young girls who refuse to do as their crazed Islamic parents demand of them. As prophesied the love of many has waxed so cold that in years past killing one’s daughter would be next to impossible for a father to do. But in today’s world it is so common they need laws like this insane lawyer suggests to protect them. And eventually such laws will exist because it was prophesied and so it will happen. See my new and quickly growing Religious Laws ARE COMING page when you get time.  Continue reading

Asteroid hit Armageddon bull’s eye to wipe out the dinosaurs, scientists believe

09fa6226958ff6aaed84d9e90909e69fNew research suggests the relatively minor nine-mile wide asteroid — equivalent to a grain of sand hitting a bowling ball — smashed into a huge lode of sulphur-rich rock, subsequently plunging the planet into a global winter and pulverising numerous species. Scientists drilled a mile down into the 20-mile deep impact crater, located in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Yucatan peninsula, in a bid to further understand how the catastrophic end to the dinosaurs’ 150 million year reign on earth came to such an abrupt end 68 million years ago.” –Source

First and foremost it was prophesied that today’s scientists would be liars so as to help Rome’s final push towards global dominance and the mark. They will not only lie about certain scientific facts to hide the biblical truth that we were all created and not evolved from monkeys. They will do everything in their power to remove the thought of creation from all school books and so called “scientific” documents and even the more popular documentaries on television. Thanks to not only the knowledge of God’s Word increasing in the hearts of the obedient bride in these last days as the prophet Daniel predicted, we also have more reputable scientific evidence that confirms the planet is not flat, the granite shell was created in an instant, a great flood occurred wiping out all life including the dinosaurs that walked with man, and there is actually an ark with the exact same dimensions sitting on top Mount Ararat that has been photographed and recently videotaped showing the animals stalls inside the ark. (See links below)   Continue reading

Let’s continue to grow in unity, Francis urges Coptic Orthodox patriarch

Pope_Francis_with_Pope_Tawadros_II_of_Alexandria_in_Cairo_Egypt_on_April_28_2017_Credit_LOsservatore_Romano_CNAFollowing his trip to Egypt last month, Pope Francis sent a message Wednesday to the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Tawadros II, expressing his hope that their Churches will continue to work toward unity in the sacraments.

“Along this path we are sustained by the powerful intercession and example of the martyrs. May we continue to advance together on our journey towards the same Eucharistic table, and grow in love and reconciliation,” Pope Francis said in his letter to the Coptic Orthodox Patriarch May 10.

“I take this opportunity to offer my prayerful best wishes for your peace and health, as well as my joy and gratitude for the spiritual bonds uniting the See of Peter and the See of Mark.”   Continue reading