Sunday Law bill in Poland signed into law

poland sunday lawPolish President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday signed into law a bill that largely limits trade on Sundays, saying it will benefit employees’ family life.

The legislation, worked out by the conservative government and the Solidarity trade union, is expected to draw protests from large Western supermarket chains that are the main target of the law. A large part of their profit is earned on weekends, when many do their big weekly shop. Critics say some of them make employees work long hours for modest pay.   Continue reading

Donald Trump Declares Sunday a National Day of Prayer for Hurricane Harvey Victims

prayerPresident Donald Trump declared Sunday a national day of prayer for Hurricane Harvey victims. The president signed a declaration after he met with several faith leaders and evangelical ministers.

“As response and recovery efforts continue, and as Americans provide much-needed relief to the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are reminded of Scripture’s promise that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,’” Trump said in a statement. “Melania and I are grateful to everyone devoting time, effort, and resources to the ongoing response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.”

The president signed a statement declaring Sunday, September 3, as a national day of prayer.  Continue reading

Audio: Fargo Businessman Says He’ll Put North Dakota Blue Laws Repeal on the Statewide Ballot

15974862_1651647998469218_1006304786031145054_oYesterday the state Senate, amid a lot of talk about religion, shot down a bill repealing the state’s blue laws.

Today the Senate could have reconsidered the vote – anyone on the prevailing side, or who was absent for the vote, can call for a reconsideration on the next legislative date – but it didn’t happen. Now unless the blue laws repeal gets amended into some other bill, which seems unlikely, the issue is over for this session.

But Brandon Medenwald, a Fargo-based businessman, told me on the radio today that he’s going to put the issue on the ballot for an initiated measure.   Continue reading

Video: Senate Votes Down Blue Laws Repeal Amid Bizarre Rant About Atheists

deverAfter the House passed a repeal of North Dakota’s blue laws – the prohibition on some types of retail sales on Sunday mornings – I expected smooth sailing in the state Senate. The Senate, after all, is typically perceived as being at least somewhat less socially conservative than the House.

Boy was I wrong.

The bill – HB1163 introduced by Rep. Pamela Anderson (D-Fargo) – failed on a 22-25 vote though it was hardly a party-line affair. As you can see from a roll call printout a friendly SAB reader at the capitol sent me, there were plenty of Republicans and Democrats on each side of this issue.

From the opposition, there was a lot of talk about religion.

“Man was not made for the Sabbath, rather the Sabbath was made for man,” Senator Robert Eberle (R-Lehr) told the floor in remarks attributed to Jesus. He went on to call the desire for Sunday sales “selfish consumerism.”

Senator David Clemens (R-West Fargo) said North Dakotans should “use that time to go to worship” or be with their families. Senator Diane Larson (R-Bismarck) echoed those sentiments.

But the most bizarre comments came from Senator Dick Dever (R-Bismarck) who went on a lengthy rant about atheism.

“We don’t teach evolution in school because it’s settled science,” he told the Senate floor. “We teach it because it isn’t creationism. Why is that?”

He called atheism a “belief system” which adheres to the “humanist manifesto.” Which may be true for some atheists, but certainly not all.

Not this atheist, anyway.

He also said that atheists are trying to “foist” their philosophy on society by trying to “break down the family.” He accused atheists, when the sue over things like saying “god” in the pledge of allegiance, of “using the government as a tool to advance” the “faith” of atheism.

He then went of into a tangent about creationism.

“We don’t teach evolution in school because it’s settled science,” he told the Senate floor. “We teach it because it isn’t creationism. Why is that?”

Dever appeared to answer his own question in another part of his diatribe. He said humanists encourage teachers to use “a classroom instead of a pulpit” to spread their belief system.

What any of that has to do with Sunday openings I have no idea. The idea that the push behind this bill is some sort of atheist/humanist plot is a bit ridiculous. I suspect that most of the people who support the change are people of one faith or another who just happen to think that business owners should get to decide for themselves when they might want to be open.

I’m told that there may be an effort to reconsider the bill on the Senate floor. That’s what happened in the House earlier this session when the bill initially failed there. How successful that effort will be I don’t know, but I’ve already spoken to one supporter of the legislation who is promising to put the issue on the statewide ballot if the bill dies in the Senate.


EU bishops back Pillar of Social Rights, call for recognition of Sunday rest

travailleurs-d_tach_sThe Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) have renewed their support of the European Pillar of Social Rights, an EU document on labor, education, and other social issues.

In recent comments on the draft document, COMECE called for a recognition of Sunday rest.

“As in times of digitalization of the economy, the boundaries between private and work-life become increasingly blurred, COMECE proposes to incorporate decent working hours and the right to a common weekly day of rest,” the bishops’ commission stated. “This day should be in principal the Sunday, which is recognized by tradition and custom in most of the member states or regions.”   Continue reading

Vatican promotes Trump! Sunday Laws coming soon!

 “Plenty of people on both sides of the political aisle have described the stakes of the upcoming presidential election in biblical terms. But at least one person in a San Diego Catholic church took things a step further in recent weeks. In an insert to the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church’s weekly bulletin on Oct. 16, a flier told parishioners that “it is a mortal sin to vote Democrat,” according to NBC 7The church’s publications didn’t just offend parishioners, who called them a “disgrace” and a “shame,” but they also potentially violated tax law. Specifically, the “Johnson Amendment,” proposed by Lyndon B. Johnson as a senator, prohibits tax-exempt charities, or section 501(c)(3) organizations, from participating in any political campaign for an elective office, according to The Washington Post. ” –Source

Now yes, I know, this is old news. And I was planning on posting this a week ago, but articles that were more pressing came up and I was called away from home for a day as well. So it stayed on the back burner for a while. But I still can’t ignore what’s happening here and so I must share what the Lord showed me on this. Especially since I made the video “Trump and the Prophesied 501c3” back in July.   Continue reading

Paris Climate Agreement to enter into force on 4 November

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 24: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the 69th United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters on September 24, 2014 in New York City. The annual event brings political leaders from around the globe together to report on issues meet and look for solutions. This year's General Assembly has highlighted the problem of global warming and how countries need to strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 24: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at the 69th United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters on September 24, 2014 in New York City. The annual event brings political leaders from around the globe together to report on issues meet and look for solutions. This year’s General Assembly has highlighted the problem of global warming and how countries need to strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

“The historic Paris Agreement to address climate change will enter into force on 4 November, the United Nations announced today. …Now we must move from words to deeds and put Paris into action. We need all hands on deck – every part of society must be mobilized to reduce emissions and help communities adapt to inevitable climate impacts. …The Paris Agreement, adopted on 12 December 2015 in Paris, marks a watershed moment in global efforts to address climate change. Adopted by 196 parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) last December in Paris, the Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius.” –Source

In other words, the means by which the mark of the beast will be enforced will become politically viable on November 04, 2016. No, the mark will not be enforced at that time, but the means by which they can (and will) demand “every part of society” to comply will be forever (that is until Jesus gets here) etched in stone via the Vatican’s agenda wherein every nation in the UN have already signed unto. And yes, even though we have 31,487 American Scientists, which includes 9,029 with PhDs who have stated in writing, on camera, or in any other way they possible that global warming is a scientifically proven bold faced lie, this global law that was passed last year and will be enforced on November 04, 2016 still declares this long prophesied law is needed to keep “the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius.” Which means, even though they changes the name of it from “global warming” to “climate change” to hide the fact their bad science was exposed, they will still base this law on a proven lie. But then, when the Vatican is involved, the lie becomes the political truth. After all, the Vatican’s finally exposed dying god is in fact the father of lies according to our ever living Creator, Saviour, King and God who stated as such in John 8:44.  
Continue reading

SUNDAY LAW: The one commandment that almost all Christians break, and why it matters

10-commandmentsIt had been a very busy time. I’d already been in Israel and Palestine for a month or so. In between volunteer shifts (I was there with the World Council of Churches) I had been taking every opportunity to meet people and see the sights.

Although there is a wonder about that place, there’s also a sadness. For every inspiring historical site, there’s another contemporary situation that breaks your heart.

So it was in a state of some tiredness that I came woke early in my apartment near Ramallah in Palestine, headed through the misery of the Qalandiya checkpoint and up into the north of Israel.

I was to be staying for the weekend at a Kibbutz near Nazareth. This was an unusual enough experience in itself but I was also going to be there throughout Sabbath, staying with an observant family.   Continue reading

Pope Francis: Capitalism Is ‘Terrorism Against All of Humanity’

Pope_590“The remarks followed similar comments made Wednesday, when Pope Francis argued that the current Middle East conflicts are wars over economic and political interests—not religion or so-called “Islamic terrorism.” “There is war for money,” he said Wednesday, according to The Wall Street Journal. “There is war for natural resources. There is war for the domination of peoples. Some might think I am speaking of religious war. No. All religions want peace; it is other people who want war.” –Source

Either the Pope has a spiritually lethal mental defect making it impossible for him to see the truth on Islam, or as I and many other students of prophecy have been saying for decades, the Popes of Rome have one agenda and one agenda only. Uplift Satan, his agenda to destroy as many lives as possible and since the work is nearly done wherein most people trust the lies over the truth staring them in the face, the Pope’s of Rome will gleefully spout as many lies as possible so as to push forth the lie that Islam is a peaceful religion so as to push the other lie that Sunday is the Sabbath and all must bow to Satan so as to have the peace they are craving in their countries. Continue reading

AUDIO: Tongan bakeries banned from opening on Sundays

Bakers in Tonga are petitioning the King after the government decided to enforce a ban on selling bread on Sundays.

Church leaders pushed for the ban to be enforced under one of the country’s oldest laws, which forbids commercial undertakings on the Sabbath.

Authorities began enforcing it on Sunday July 3 and bakers worry about what this could mean for their business.

The Ha’amoko Bakery’s Kennedy Penitani says they were consulted in May about the ban, and had proposed opening their bakeries in the afternoon.  SOURCE