‘Our destination is heaven’ like Mary’s Assumption into heaven – Pope Francis

Pope Francis spoke about old age and the expectation of death at his general audience Wednesday. Reflecting on the Virgin Mary’s bodily Assumption into heaven, he recalled the hope Christians have in the resurrection of their own body at the end of time. “We recently celebrated the Assumption into heaven of the Mother of Jesus. This mystery illuminates the fulfillment of the grace that shaped Mary’s destiny, and it also illuminates our destination,” he said at the Vatican on Aug. 24. “Our destination is heaven.” – Source.

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“If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis” Prophecy News Updates – 6/11/21

Although we don’t know the day and hour of Jesus’ coming yet we can definitely know the seasons. (Matthew 24:36; 1 Thes 5: 1-2) The “kings of the earth” (world leaders) and the “merchants of the earth” (great and power elite men) are all joined hands with Vatican in deceiving the world. We are now seeing how slowly but surely the covid planned-demic and climate change agenda will have their part in prophetic end-time events that will ultimately lead to the enforcement of the mark. Let us prepare to stand in the great day of God.

If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis

“The IMF has highlighted the economic benefits of global vaccines, which would be huge. But there is another powerful reason for a worldwide campaign. Vaccinating the world will be crucial if countries are going to act together to confront the climate crisis, which will require many of the same things as delivering vaccines: resources, innovation, ingenuity and a true partnership between rich and developing countries. The Cop26 climate conference in November will be an opportune moment for building this partnership. “

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Muslims now worship Mary



After I did the video about the one world church I got to thinking; years ago I did a video wherein I showed an exMuslim who decided to leave the Islamic faith because he saw Catholicism written into the Koran. Especially when it came to Mary. Many people laughed when I said that Rome will get the Muslims to uplift Mary in the same way they got the Jews to not only keep Sunday holy but to pass laws allowing Jews to break the real Sabbath. Well, I just ran across an article the other day that is about two years old. For those of you that laughed when I said the Muslims will uplift Mary in the coming days, what say ye now? Check this out… “United Arab Emirates renames mosque ‘Mary, Mother of Jesus’

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A Million Christians to Pray Rosary on Poland’s Border Commemorating Historical Defeat of Islam

Polish-girl-pray“Poland’s bishops have urged the nation’s Catholics to join a massive rosary prayer crusade along the country’s 2,000-mile border to pray for the salvation of their country. Organizers say they expect up to a million people to participate in the “Rosary on the Borders” event on October 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, where “the Christian fleet overcame the Muslim armada, saving Europe from Islamization.” The Catholic Feast of the Holy Rosary was established by Pope Pius V in 1571 as “Our Lady of Victory” after the so-called Holy League won a landmark victory over the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Lepanto.” –Source

This is why the Protestant movement and even the name “Christian” has become so weakened over the last few centuries to where very few prayers are answered. No one is serious about their Christian walk! And to call Roman Catholics Christians not only makes Muslims hate us, (because it was the Vatican that attacked them in the Crusades and NOT Christians) it also makes Christians look bad when those that deny Scripture to worship idols declare themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ. I do not apologize for that statement because there is simply no easy way to say that. Sometimes truth is simply that blunt.  Continue reading

Providence bishop declares 2017 as Marian Year

15192543_1192607157453252_4636642076936271161_n-480x450“It’s going to be an important year in the church because it’s the 100th anniversary of Mary’s apparitions at Fatima and we’re going to be celebrating that particular event in the diocese along with the universal church,” said Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of Providence.
 PROVIDENCE – Catholics in the Diocese of Providence have an additional reason to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Jan. 1, as the feast day also marks the beginning of the upcoming Marian Year for the diocese.

“This is an opportunity to renew and to refresh our devotion to Mary that we have as Catholics,” said Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, who well celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul on the feast, which is a holy day of obligation. Continue reading

‘Pope Francis’ Claims Mary Was ‘Assumed Into Heaven Body and Soul’ on Feast of Assumption

Pope_Francis_in_March_2013-300x200ROME — Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis,” asked for Mary to intercede for the oppressed on Monday and claimed to the thousands gathered to observe what is known as the Roman Catholic “Feast of the Assumption” that she had been “assumed into Heaven body and soul.”

“To the Queen of Peace, who we contemplate today in heavenly glory, I wish to entrust once again the anxieties and sufferings of the people who, in many parts of the world, are innocent victims of persistent conflict,” he said.  Continue reading

Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy: Two devotions, one message

sacred-heart-717x360Historically in Catholic devotional life, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the First Friday of June observed as the proper feast day of the Sacred Heart. This year, the feast falls on June 3.

The Sacred Heart devotion was formalized in the seventeenth century, through apparitions of Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque, a simple Visitation nun in Paray-le-Monial, France.

As the Church enters the month of June during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, influenced by the Divine Mercy devotion from Poland, some questions come to mind: Is there a shared message between the Sacred Heart devotion given to St. Margaret Mary Alocoque in the seventeenth century, and the Divine Mercy devotion given to St. Faustina in the twentieth century?  Continue reading…

Vatican tries to snuff out Fatima conspiracy theories

FATIMA ANNIVERSARY PORTUGALVATICAN CITY — When then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger met the press in 2000 for the formal release of the so-called Third Secret of Fatima, he said he knew many people would be disappointed.

Almost 16 years later, at the beginning of a yearlong preparation for the 100th anniversary of the apparition of our Lady of Fatima in 2017, now-retired Pope Benedict XVI is still dealing with people not convinced the secret is really out.  Continue reading…

Why Catholics And Muslims Alike Come To Pray At This Shrine To Mary

LEBANON-RELIGION-CHRISTIANITY-ISLAMDuring the month of May, Catholics around the world honor the Virgin Mary in a practice dating back to the 13th century. But at one shrine to Mary in Harissa, Lebanon, it isn’t just Catholics coming to pray.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon has drawn Muslim visitors since it opened in 1908, said the shrine’s rector, Father Younen Obeid, in a recent video produced by Catholic News Service. They come as tourists, but also to pray and participate in Christian ceremonies at the site.

“All of [the Muslim visitors] have big respect for Mary,” Obeid said.

This respect stems directly from the Quran, the holy book of Islam, which references Mary 37 times — even more occasions than the Bible. The 19th chapter of the Quran is in fact named after Mary and tells the story of her life and how she came to give birth to Jesus, though Islam does not hold the belief of Jesus’s divinity.  Continue reading…