Sunday Keeping SDAs

 (Pic above =  Back page of the December 5, 1988 Pacific Union Recorder)


Have those of you inside the SDA church who have admitted over the years that your church is in apostasy ever wonder why the obedient members have left your local churches? The prophesied remnant people can see what is happening, but the pastors and leaders cannot see as per judgment upon them. This is why so many exSDA’s have been moved by the Lord to proclaim all around the world of prophesied events being fulfilled long before the SDA leaders can see “anything happening in the pipeline” as their president recently put it. And so why is this happening to the SDA churchContinue reading

SDA Prophet Exposes SDA President

Ted WilsonIf you watch the video I am about to post here, you will notice on the top of the screen in the video you will see numerous headlines displayed that prove the Vatican is pushing Sunday sacredness worldwide and talk of religious laws have escalated in many nations around the world, including the USA.

What I am about to do I have never done before in the blog as I can recall. I want to share something from the book Testimonies for the Church volume 5. Reason being is, all SDA’s, as well as many outside the SDA church not only declare this book contains prophetic utterance, they also declare the woman that wrote it to be an end time prophet of God. After reading this, please click the link I will share below of a video I made in November of last year of SDA president Ted Wilson. Once you read what is says in Testimonies vol. 5, and then then hear what Ted Wilson says on camera, some of you may finally begin to see what the obedient remnant people of God have been warning everyone about for decades.   Continue reading

Should SDA Pastors Step Down?

church-state-oneJesus said in Luke 20:25, “..Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.” Just about every preacher on this earth uses that passage and a few others to confirm we must keep the church separate from the politics and corruption of government and those that teach prophecy know that the USA is actually the second beast of Revelation and especially evil, therefore clearly not a safe government for pastors to ever join in legal binding contracts with. The purity of the church should never mingle with the worldliness of men who have a bloodlust for power over their fellowmen.   Continue reading

World Council of Churches Scolds Trump for Dumping Paris Climate Deal

stop-climate-change-sign-paris-agreement-getty-640x480“The World Council of Churches (WCC) has censured President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord, an agreement the president said gravely disadvantaged American workers. In an official statement from its executive committee, the WCC said that the President’s decision “has grave consequences for the impoverished and vulnerable, for our children’s children, and for the entire planet, putting at risk people’s access to clean water, food, shelter and secure livelihoods, and undermining efforts for environmental sustainability and for peace.” –Source

As we know, Trump caved on the climate change fiasco after he appointed his daughter to head up the White House climate change work for the Pope. Plus, we have Trump’s own words that his decision to pull out of the Paris accord had nothing to do with the fate of the planet as the Pope’s fear-mongers suggest. In days gone by he was very vocal declaring global warming a lie. Which 31,487 Scientists have stated in writing is bad science and a bold faced lie. But when pressured about it after becoming president, Trump reiterated about how the United States government has all along been a trailblazer in taking measures to slow global warming by its many very expensive (to US business men) government regulations. He even stated we are the cleanest nation on earth when it comes to governmental efforts in this issue.   Continue reading

Muslim tries to explain why he killed his sister for marrying a Christian

161003-honor-killing-sister-featureRajhu discovered that his sister had defied the family and married the Christian. For six days he paced. His rage grew. How could she? He watched her laughing on the phone, ignoring their mother’s pleas to leave the man. On the seventh day, he retrieved the pistol from where he had hidden it and walked up to his sister. With one bullet to the head, he killed her. For generations now in Pakistan, they’ve called it “honor” killing, carried out in the name of a family’s reputation.” –Source

Again? I just posted an article on Monday of this week of a father killing his daughter in a s called honor killing. This is happening so often now that I just have to ask why does Seventh Day Adventist Pastor Dwight Nelson declare on 3ABN Television that Allah is the same God as the Christian God and the Koran, which we now know was written by the Vatican is as holy as the Christian Bible? And why did 3ABN contact me asking me to remove the video I made about this instead of doing the right thing by rebuking Pastor Nelson of the Pioneer Memorial SDA church literally located in Andrews University in Berrien Springs Michigan who preached this demonic sermon in a General Conference church? And why hasn’t the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist church ever publicly rebuked Nelson for declaring the Christian God of love is now to be considered the same Muslim god of hate that demands its followers to kill Christians to the tune of one dead every 2 minutes, nor did they ever demand 3ABN television post a video wherein they retract all that Nelson said? Worse yet, after doing a little digging I found that another SDA pastor proclaimed Allah to be the Christian God a year earlier. I did a video on this man (John Carter) as well.   Continue reading

Obama handing off WWW to Globalists – SDA church missed this too?!

internet_network“China, Russia already announcing ‘necessary’ steps they want to take. …Pointing to the U.N.’s Geneva Declaration of Principles which clearly lays out the U.N.’s designs on taking over the Internet, Bergman argues that the giveaway could, “spell the end of the current era of free speech on the Internet, as well as free enterprise.” Authoritarian governments around the world bolster Bergman’s case. China issued a statement saying, “It is necessary to ensure that United Nations plays a facilitating role in setting up international public policies pertaining to the Internet.” The Russians weighed in, arguing that, “We consider it necessary to consecutively increase the role of governments in the Internet governance, with strengthening the activity of the International Telecommunications Union [the UNs telecommunications arm] in this field… in the development of ethical aspects of Internet use.” –Source

You know what amazes me about all this? The Seventh Day Adventist church (SDA) claims to be one that understands and preaches prophecy, and that includes modern day prophetic events. Yet, they missed this among other important fulfillments? Truth is, a few other denominations make the same claim. But with the SDA church, there’s at least an historic validity to the claim that they were blessed with the prophetic understanding. In her infancy the SDA church was as prophecy predicted for the 9th hour church. But as also predicted, that would make her an obvious and open threat to the Roman Catholic church that houses the main headquarters for Satan on earth and so as expected, the SDA church was infiltrated and did indeed become one with Rome and is now considered a sister to fallen Babylon. (See more pics, videos, studies, SDA quotes and modern day articles confirming this as prophesied fact hereContinue reading

A Muslim Looking Forward to the Third Temple?

“The following is a press release from Turkish religious figure Adnan Oktar (pictured, center), who recently hosted a number of Israeli Jewish officials during Ramadan and very interestingly expressed his anticipation for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem. …Mr. Adnan Oktar explained that the days when the Prophet Solomon’s Masjid and Palace (Solomon’s Temple) will be rebuilt in an atmosphere of global peace and tranquility are at hand. Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, who is a historian and consultant to the Sanhedrin regarding issues related to Islam, emphasized that the rebuilding of the Temple is a very good development for all mankind.” –Source
First and foremost, contrary to popular belief, there is not a single Bible verse declaring the need for a third temple or even a prophecy stating a third temple is to be built. However, this won’t stop Satan or his Jesuit pawns from suggesting this is a prophecy and or a need as they have been doing so for centuries. Even some in the Seventh day Adventist (SDA) church over the years have been used by Rome to spread the thought that a third temple was needed. That way, by the time all the Sunday keepers, Muslims and other nonChristian faiths join hands on this, the SDA people will have been readied as well.

Take the strange theology of SDA Archeologist Ron Wyatt for example wherein he taught the literal blood of Jesus Christ somehow fell upon the ark of the covenant that was secretly placed under His cross on Calvary 2000 years ago, even though the Word says that blood was to be presented in the Heavenly temple instead. Not only is there not a single Bible verse to back this claim in either the Old or New Testament that Christ’s blood needed to be sprinkled on the earthly copy of the ark of the covenant first found in Heaven that is not made by the hands of men, it sets the stage for Jews, Christians and even Muslims to see the need for a third temple in the future.  Continue reading…

Philippine President Duterte’s Seventh-day Adventist membership application in character review process

image-52MANILA, Philippines — An application for membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been submitted by newly-elected Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The church has acknowledged receipt of the application and a character review of the baptismal candidate is under way.

President Duterte signalled his interest in the church in a recent interview with the Cebu Sun Star in which he said that if he was excommunicated from his own church he “might join the Seventh-day Adventists.”

Joining the Adventist Church would be a bit of an adjustment for the president, said University of the Philippines Anthropology specialist, Miguel Magnolia. “The Seventh-day Adventists don’t just baptize you on the spot. They want you to know what you are committing to. Plus, vegetarian chicken can be a shock to the system.”  Continue reading…