“Another Jesus”? meet AI Jesus

An AI program is pretending to be Jesus and thousands of lost young people are flocking to it, according to WND news … At least one of those deceivers is turning out to be an AI called “ask_jesus.” … The chatbot, referred to as “AI Jesus,” has the appearance of a bearded white man with a radiant halo and utilizes artificial intelligence reportedly trained on the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.

Operating under the Twitch channel name “ask_jesus,” the live stream has amassed a following of over 36,000 devoted users. Viewers are encouraged to pose their questions to the “AI Jesus,” who responds with gestures and answers, providing advice on topics ranging from gaming to relationships. The chatbot has the ability to remember previous interactions with the user which gives it a false sense of omniscience.

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“Pope On Earth Day: We Have The Means, It Is Time To Act” Prophecy News Updates – 4/23/21

According to pope, the pandemic and climate change crises show that there’s no time to lose and “we have the means” toward “innovation and invention and to seek new paths” to save the planet from it’s destruction so he was calling all the leaders of the world to act their part. However, it’s already evident that the Vatican invented the climate change agenda and is behind this plandemic to deceive and control the world so he can enforce his mark of authority. That being the case, we have to prepare our heart by confessing and forsaking our sins before the judgment and share the present truth to others whether they hear or forbear. Bible prophecy revealed that this planet earth is reserved to be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:7) because the people transgressed God’s holy laws (Isaiah 24:4-6 ). Truly our time is running out – but opposite of pope’s reasoning – it is because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is soon coming! Are you ready? Are you sure?

Pope on Earth Day: “It is time to act!”

“the Covid pandemic taught us this interdependence, this sharing of the planet,” Pope Francis said, adding that both global catastrophes – Covid-19 and the climate emergency – show us that we are running out of time. “We have the means, it is time to act, we are at the limit,” he urged.

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Pope is now a “professional” liar

2018050058bts-poster-pClick here to check out a video on “Rome Reports.” You only need to view the first 12 seconds wherein they actually admit the Pope is going play a part in an up and coming movie called “Beyond the Sun.” And yes, the inference to Sun worship is always to be expected when it comes to Pagan Rome.

What amazes me is how blind the Popes of Rome truly are when it comes to Biblical as well as common sense. Absolutely everyone knows the first sin ever to be used by Satan was that he lied to one third of Heaven and conned all those angels to join him in a rebellion wherein hellfire is the end result for him, his angels, and every foolish human on the planet that cannot see the evidence of a Creator and omnipotent God everywhere they look.   Continue reading

Mega-Church Pastor says Jesus is a liar

presbusa-1144x761“The leader of the second largest congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner has declared that Christianity is not the only way to heaven. Kershner, 45, who leads the 5,500 member Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, Illinois, expressed her belief in a podcast with the Chicago Sun-Times after she was asked the question, “Is Christianity the only way to heaven?” “No,” Kershner replied bluntly.” –Source

Question, where does our Heavenly Father reside? In Heaven right? And as Christians we all want to go to Heaven to be with Him. Knowing this, we that read and believe the Bible recall how Jesus stated clearly in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Therefore, this woman who claims to be a pastor, even though the Bible says the only way to be a pastor is to be “the husband of one wife” (See 1Timothy 3:2) and worse yet; like most pastors the world over she blasphemes by using the title “reverend” even though when speaking of the Lord, it states clearly in Psalms 111:9, “holy and reverend is his name;” this woman is openly mocking the Lord in many different ways by simply standing as pastor before the people. And that is the main reason she stands there.   Continue reading

Nun receives death threats for suggesting Mary was not a virgin

4237“A nun in Spain who says she received death threats for suggesting that Mary probably had sex with her husband, Joseph, has apologised for any offence caused but accused her critics of deliberately misunderstanding her point. Sister Lucía Caram, a well-known Dominican nun with more than 183,000 Twitter followers, appeared to contradict church teaching when she appeared on Spanish TV on Sunday to discuss sex and faith. …On Wednesday, Caram issued a statement in which she said she had received death threats after her TV appearance.” –Source

Rome has for centuries indoctrinated their flock well. To think that a Catholic in good standing, which they are if they trust the Pope over the Bible, for them to see no sin in sending death threats to someone in their own church speaks volumes of how much control Rome has over their people. Rather strange is it not? They easily place their mortal lives in danger by committing crimes that can land them in prison yet completely ignore the danger they place their immortal lives in when committing open sin that will land them in hellfire. What a church Rome has built!   Continue reading

Trump Effect – President Obama Issues Executive Order on Transfer of Executive Power…

14328814221_208f745363_oWhite House Version – President Obama has initiated an enhanced transition of power process through an executive order directed toward the assembly of a cross functional transition team from all cabinet members.

Regular Speak Version – In case Trump wins this thing we’d better have an efficient process in place for shredding the evidence, and keeping all executive leadership from prosecution.  Source

Why promising God will bless you if you tithe misses the point about giving

moneyThere’s a change machine in my local supermarket. Drop in a pound’s worth of coppers – the irritating one and two pence pieces that just weigh your pocket down and that you hardly ever spend – and you get a shiny £1 coin back. It’s a great idea, and one that seems to have been ripped off by Perry Noble’s NewSpring church in South Carolina. The megachurch pastor has a reputation for controversy, and it’ll be interesting to see how many eyebrows his current project raises. Because the church is encouraging its members to tithe – give 10 per cent of their income – by offering a 90-day money back guarantee. Source