According to pope, the pandemic and climate change crises show that there’s no time to lose and “we have the means” toward “innovation and invention and to seek new paths” to save the planet from it’s destruction so he was calling all the leaders of the world to act their part. However, it’s already evident that the Vatican invented the climate change agenda and is behind this plandemic to deceive and control the world so he can enforce his mark of authority. That being the case, we have to prepare our heart by confessing and forsaking our sins before the judgment and share the present truth to others whether they hear or forbear. Bible prophecy revealed that this planet earth is reserved to be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:7) because the people transgressed God’s holy laws (Isaiah 24:4-6 ). Truly our time is running out – but opposite of pope’s reasoning – it is because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is soon coming! Are you ready? Are you sure?
Pope on Earth Day: “It is time to act!”
“the Covid pandemic taught us this interdependence, this sharing of the planet,” Pope Francis said, adding that both global catastrophes – Covid-19 and the climate emergency – show us that we are running out of time. “We have the means, it is time to act, we are at the limit,” he urged.
Video: Pope on global crises: We are running out of time
Kerry Falsely Claims To ‘Remove CO2 From Atmosphere’
“Joe Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry made anti-scientific remarks about CO2 at the Virtual Climate Summit. As scientists have always said, CO2 is a natural part of the Earth’s atmosphere and it serves as food for plants and trees that process CO2 into oxygen.”
Whitehouse: ‘Every Bill Has to Be a Climate Bill’
“On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) said that “every bill has to be a climate bill and there has to be a big climate bill” and the build back better bill will be a big climate bill.”
“Right on cue, CNN is starting their climate change hysteria push, using COVID-19 fear as a hook to get helpless and pathetic Americans alarmed about a new phenomenon.”
U.K.’s Kwarteng Says He May Go Vegan to Tackle Climate Change
“U.K. Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said he could become vegan to help combat climate change and hinted that laws may not be needed to get British citizens to reduce their meat consumption, because they’re doing it anyway.” (Note: God is bringing us back to man’s original diet – a plant-based diet, NOT because of climate change but because animal creation is now diseased so it is now unhealthy and no longer safe to eat.)
Bill Gates says he’ll fly a lot less and eat more synthetic meat to fight climate change
“On the personal front, I am doing a lot more,” Gates wrote. “I am driving electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (some of the time!). I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct air capture by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in low cost housing to replace natural gas.”
Japan Declares 3rd State Of Emergency, 3 Months Ahead Of Olympics
“The emergency measures stop short of a full lockdown, but they impose limits on restaurants and other businesses. The strictest rules will apply to places that sell alcohol or offer karaoke. They’ll be asked to close entirely, while many other establishments will close at 8 p.m. The new policies, which carry fines but largely rely on voluntary compliance, go into effect on Sunday and will run through at least May 11.”

Big Pharma’s coronavirus vaccines will do more harm than good, warns health expert
“Despite proof that Big Pharma’s coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are linked to various side effects like fatal blood clots, health experts all over the world insist that getting vaccinated is key to protecting the public from the virus.”
So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught Covid anyway in US, CDC says
“About 5,800 people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infected anyway, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells CNN.Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said. It said 396 — 7% — of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.”
“The coming vaccine narrative should concern you even more than the old one. Over a quarter of the United States population has been vaccinated for Covid-19. One would think that with so many allegedly “safe” people combined with the warmer weather, Covid cases today would be dropping compared to February. They’re not.”
“Despite all the high-pressure sales tactics and tyrannical lock down policies, only one in five Americans have lined up for the covid-19 jabs, on average. In Mississippi, approximately 21 percent of the population is fully inoculated, even though the vaccines have been available to everyone for over a month. In Alabama that number is 19 percent and in Georgia, only 20 percent of people have been coerced to comply.”
Covid passports proving vaccine status to be released for summer holidays
Fully vaccinated travellers should be able to sidestep tests and quarantine, European medical agency says. Covid passports will be made available to prove people have been vaccinated as early as next month, in time for summer holidays, the travel industry has been told. The Department for Transport wants an official certification scheme that gives British travellers a document they can show at borders overseas in place by May 17.”
Connecticut House Approves Bill to End Religious Exemptions for Vaccines
“The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives in Connecticut has passed a bill aimed at ending the state’s religious exemption from immunization requirements for schools, starting with the 2022-23 school year.”
Alaskan village bans unvaccinated people from in-person shopping
“People who have not received experimental coronavirus shots, however, ‘can still make phone orders and their orders are delivered to their home.’ Kongiganak, a village of fewer than 500 people in Alaska, is requiring inhabitants, the vast majority of whom are Native Americans, to be fully vaccinated to be eligible for any in-person shopping.”
Greek Teacher Arrested After Attending School Without Negative Coronavirus Test
“Police arrested a Greek teacher for going to school without producing a negative Wuhan coronavirus self-administered test. The high school teacher on the island of Andros was one of seven people authorities arrested on Tuesday for failing to comply with the measures enacted by the government to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.”
Frontline Workers Testimonies – News Reports – VAERS Data – 12APR2021.pdf – “Someone has spent 300 hours compiling the stories of every single injury & death she has seen in the media & on social media. It’s a tribute to these lives. Do you know someone on the fence? Perhaps this will make it easier? All the info is in one place…many many pages of MUCH proof.”
“Two days ago, the Department of Health (DOH) has announced that it has recorded 24,823 cases of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) from COVID-19 vaccination. But the agency, however, has again denied these incidents claiming that “none of the serious effects so far has been identified to be directly caused by any of the vaccines”. Maria Rosario Vergeire, the DOH Undersecretary, declared in a press briefing that “there are almost 7,000 non-serious and 164 serious adverse effects for Sinovac and there are also 17,503 minor and 206 serious adverse effects for AstraZeneca”. These serious adverse events experienced by victims are difficulty in breathing and chest pain.”
Shocking report on Sinovac vaccinations: Increased Covid cases after using vaccine – “THE Department of Health still has not found the courage to report to the nation on the results of the Sinovac vaccinations in the country, as The Manila Times urged it in an editorial last week. Lest it never find the nerve to do its duty, I want to relay (reprint) posthaste a shocking and fully documented report in the Epoch Times on the Sinovac vaccinations in various countries, including China.”

U.S. banks deploy AI to monitor customers, workers amid tech backlash
“Several U.S. banks have started deploying camera software that can analyze customer preferences, monitor workers and spot people sleeping near ATMs, even as they remain wary about possible backlash over increased surveillance, more than a dozen banking and technology sources told Reuters.”
Amazon’s Palm-Scanning Payment Tech Is Coming to Whole Foods
“Amazon is reportedly testing its palm-scanning payment technology in Whole Foods, starting with a single store in Amazon’s home city of Seattle. The biometric system identifies not only the customer’s palm print but even the pattern of veins in their hand to identify them for payment processing.”
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