All SDA Pastors need to REPENT!

47864C5600000578-5206311-Trump_signed_his_tax_cut_bill_on_Friday_morning_in_the_Oval_Offi-a-60_1513963912394Trump signed it! It is now law!

Have you seen my “Image of the Beast” page on my website that’s been up there almost from the very start of the site? That page grew over the years with every new political event surrounding the prophesied 501c3. If you go to that page you will see I also made many videos on this long prophesied event. But with the posting of the page, every update to the page, and every video made and then placed on the page, at each new posting I was ridiculed and declared in error by all SDA preachers regarding how in order to get the 501c3 contract you must join your church with the second beast of Revelation so as to create an image to the first beast in Rome.   Continue reading

Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple

donald-trump-united-nations-hand-vid-screenshot-20170919-600“While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer to reality than ever before. “What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality. He added, “This necessarily had to come from a non-Jew in order to bring them into the process, so they will be able to take their part in the Temple. Fried sees Trump’s role similar to the one played by Cyrus, the Persian king who ended the Babylonian exile and helped build the Second Jewish Temple.” –Source

Just so you know, all that was just said comparing Trump to Cyrus is nothing more than a lie concocted by Jewish leaders in bed with Rome so as to bring about the arrival of Antichrist in the coming days. I challenge all so called Scholars and doctors of divinity to show the people of the world a single prophecy from the Christian Bible that says a third Temple is prophesied or even needed this side of the cross of Christ.  Continue reading

VIDEO: Trump to lift military gear ban for local police

7717521784_3d135a1267_b“The Trump administration will unveil a new plan Monday to roll back limits on a controversial program that provides local law enforcement agencies with surplus military gear, marking the end of a policy implemented during the Obama administration. President Barack Obama issued an executive order in 2015 prohibiting the transfer of a host of equipment, including armored vehicles, grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and camouflage uniforms following controversy over the “militarization” of the police response to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.” –Source

First and foremost, CNN is once again lying here. An Executive Order is not permanent law by any means. The fact Trump has erased a few of Obama’s EO’s proves this hands down. The only reason Obama signed the EO was to play a political card to make himself look good knowing the next president could remove it, yet the MRAPS, (I have a few videos on that here) still kept flowing into local community police stations as a gift from the United States Government, (second beast of Revelation) so as to have the tools needed to not only enforce martial law, but to create a police State and eventually a Socialist society just as the man of sin in Rome (the first beast of Revelation) was planning to do all along so as to herald the enforcement of the mark of that very same beast in the USA first Continue reading

Pope Francis: Rights of Migrants Trump National Security Concerns

pope-francis-barcelona-ap-640x480“Pope Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to protection trumps national security concerns. Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 world refugee day, celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic extremist attacks.” –Source

In other words, like any radically disconnected from reality politician no matter what side of the isle they herald from, the Pope ignores the plight of the innocent people that are openly being persecuted, raped, beaten, tortured and even killed en masse by these so called “immigrants” simply because he wants to make sure his loyal soldiers in Islam find their selected post of duty in every nation on earth so as to help Rome do as prophecy says they will do when it comes to enforcing their admitted mark. And as prophecy predicted and historic record confirmed, like his dying god Satan, (see proof here) he uses fear as a major cog in his wheel of deception because it’s so much easier to force someone to do as you command than it is to ask them to bow in worship, even though all politicians have already done so on camera.   Continue reading

Pope Orders Belgian Catholic Charity To Stop Euthanizing People

1502142043818“Pope Francis has ordered a Catholic charity in Belgium to cease euthanizations of mentally ill patients in their psychiatric centers by the end of August, or face excommunication. …To use euthanasia as a kind of ultimate therapy would be utterly unworthy of us,” Stockman said of his order. “It would be as if we were helping a patient who is on the verge of the abyss to take the leap of death, by giving him a little push. As far as I know, this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice.” –Source

First and foremost, we have ample amounts of Scripture as well as historic and even modern day evidence that the Popes of Rome are not Christians and the religion called Roman Catholicism is not a Christian religion. In fact, according to every Bible on the planet they are defined as a cult. So for the article to claim “this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice” is no different than Westboro Baptists who use hate to spread their version of Christianity. Satan knows what he’s doing here when he uses the most wicked church leaders to declare themselves Christian so as to assure Christianity gets a very bad name. In so doing this moves many into seeking their spiritual fulfillments in his many other demonic religions. And no, I am not saying the Roman Catholic people are evil. The Lord winks at their ignorance just as much as He does ours. The majority of Catholics have no clue their Vatican prelates are devil worshipers who have been prophesied to be those that try to destroy Christianity by claiming to be Christians while declaring Pagan dogma to be that of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Continue reading

Trump having meetings with many foreign leaders!

Donald-Trump-Narendra-Modi-hug-Getty-640x480“President Donald Trump has held roughly 50% more meetings with foreign leaders than President Barack Obama did over the same amount of time in their respective first terms in office. A review of both presidencies reveals that Obama met with about 20 foreign leaders through July 6, 2009, not including international summits or the United Nations and other institutions. Trump has met with about 30 leaders through June 6, 2017 – not including summits, the UN, or the Palestinian Authority. …Trump’s ambitious foreign policy schedule contradicts critics’ attempts to portray his foreign policy as “isolationist,”  or to suggest the 45th president is not interested in foreign affairs.” –Source

For those that think Trump is against the New World Order of the Pope and globalization wherein the mark of the beast will be a sure thing to spread globally, think again. If he was against the Pope and his agenda as so many assume, he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing right now. Not only have we seen more talk about religion in politics after Trump gained office so as to assure the prophecy regarding the religious laws needed to enforce the mark of the Roman church comes to fruition, we see Trump escalating his foreign table talks with everyone he can get a meeting with so as to speed things up. Basic reality is, if he was an isolationist as many claim he would emulate or at least lean towards the nonexistent foreign policies of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and not John Paul II Continue reading

Top U.N. Official: Trump Engaging in ‘Flirtation’ with Torture, Americans More ‘Accepting’ of It

United-Nations-High-Commissioner-for-Human-Rights-jordan-prince-Zeid-Raad-Al-Hussein-getty-640x480“In this context, most worrisome to me is the persistent flirtation by the President of the United States, throughout his campaign and soon thereafter, with a return to torture. We are now told the US Army field manual will not be redrafted, and the US Secretary of Defence is guiding the White House on this. For now there is little danger of a return to the practice of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” a euphemism that dupes no one. The mood in the US could of course change dramatically, if the country were at some stage to experience a gruesome terrorist attack. And, mindful of how the American public has, over the last ten years, become far more accepting of torture, the balance could be tipped in favour of its practice – and destroy the delicate position the Convention Against Torture is in.” –Source

Now do you see why students of prophecy understood as we did during the Trump campaign when he and the Pope butted heads that is was nothing more than a negative propaganda campaign designed to pull the onus off the Pope and how he will still have complete control over US policy because prophecy will be fulfilled? And the fact Trump and His Roman Catholic wife met with the Pope in May and had nothing but praises for him shows it’s all politics. Nothing more nothing less.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Zinke: It’s not about climate change, it’s about a bad deal

694940094001_5457443734001_5457440699001-vs“On ‘America’s Newsroom,’ the secretary of the interior defends President Trump’s decision to exit Paris accord…” –Source

As I said in videos and blog entries, Trump caved long ago on this but not as many can tell as of yet it seems. He has been saying since day one in his presidential campaign that climate change is a hoax. But almost immediately after being elected president his daughter Ivanka is granted the lead position in the White House climate change department. If it’s a hoax and he plans to walk away laughing; why is his daughter doing as he denies? Why is he allowing US tax dollars to be spent on what he called a hoax?  Continue reading

Pelosi says Trump ‘dishonoring’ God in global warming decision

nancy_pelosi_trump_san_francisco_21957_c0-267-3387-2241_s885x516Rep. Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Trump was “dishonoring” God and questioned whether his grandchildren will even be able to breathe air after his announcement a day earlier that he would withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

“How is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe — assuming they breathe air,” she said at her weekly press conference.

She compared the president to racist segregationists during the civil rights movement, said Mr. Trump’s decision was yet another reason he needed to release his tax returns, and said the U.S. has isolated itself from the world, joining just Syria in rejecting the Paris agreement as too onerous.  Continue reading

VIDEO: Pope-Trump meeting agenda: Climate change, terrorism

170524103355-trump-pope-audience-medium-plus-169“After a highly anticipated meeting, Pope Francis appears to have left his mark on President Donald Trump. “Thank you. I won’t forget what you said,” Trump told Pope Francis, before leaving the Pope’s private study after a half-hour private meeting. Neither Trump nor the Pope revealed what their conversation entailed, but readouts from the White House and the Vatican highlighted terrorism, climate change and peace as agenda items covered.” –Source

As I have been wondering for months since Trump’s daughter Ivanka made climate change her focus in her father’s White House; when will Trump finally cave on this long prophesied agenda of the Pope regarding climate change? Well, this meeting is not only the focus of a new video I’m working on, (from last Friday’s blog entry) it’s also what all students of prophecy have been watching for all along because we know prophecy will be fulfilled no matter how much Trump is against it. And as expected, Trump had his meeting with the Pope, and as was also expected they had their meeting behind closed doors so as to keep the people they promised transparency with are kept in the dark, because as also prophesied their deeds are from the darkened realm of Satan. And if their constituents knew they would boldly revolt.  Continue reading