“’Hope for the Future’: Pope Francis Asks Mary to Intercede for End to Pandemic” Prophecy News Updates – 5/7/21

Last month, the Vatican has dedicated this month of May to Global Rosary ‘Marathon’ for end of Covid-19. So on May 1st, “Pope Francis prayed a rosary Saturday for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, imploring the Virgin Mary to intercede for healing for the sick, comfort for the grieving, and hope for the future.” Source

First and foremost, the Bible plainly states in 1 Timothy 2:5  that “there is one God, and one mediator (intercessor – Strong’s G3319) between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” In fact, Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6 NOT the Virgin Mary.

Second, “our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope(1 Timothy 1:1) is also “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) NOT the Virgin Mary.

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Pope Honors Pagan fire god of Child Sacrifice!


As we know, the Vatican has been promoting Paganism for centuries, and rightly so as prophecy does declare in graphic detail that a religion would come to power in the last days under a church and state banner wherein the Pagan gods of Babylon would be uplifted and merged into Christianity. I mean seriously, some would not believe how many Bible verses there are that touch on this. And now that we are in the last days right before Jesus returns, the dying god of Rome can no longer afford to hide his agenda behind closed doors as he has little time left to work. And so today we even have Vatican prelates admitting in writing that they do in fact embrace the Pagan gods of Babylon just as our Christian God prophesied they would. Check just a few of many Vatican statements regarding all this.

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Pope wants all to worship creature over Creator

gettyimages-902574852-50_custom-e5a54cc57f086167929ef7639e8dc32b211a698d-s800-c85The following is everything the Pope claims will make for a better 2018 in his newest dissertation to the world. To summarize he stated in the article: “Stop the anti-migration rhetoric – Give thanks to countries that have taken in refugees – End the war in Syria  – Invest in medicines and treatments that are not always profitable  – Beware of robots taking away jobs – Close the gap between the rich and poor and End child labor.” –Source

Now some may say those are noble causes, and some are and some are purely political. But the reason I am pointing this out is that this man who claims to be a Christian who not only leads 1.2 billion Catholics, he is also considered the leader of over a billion Protestants since June 26, 2000 when he was placed as the leader of the one world church of which all churches are members; expect of course the prophesied obedient remnant people Continue reading

U.N. brings back image of 3rd pagan god

Lion_in_the_garden_of_Palmyra_Archeological_Museum_2010-04-21“Religious leaders in Israel are concerned that the United Nations’ is promoting idolatry after word was released that the organization is helping fund a reproduction of a third pagan god – the goddess of “extra-marital relations.” –Source

Students of prophecy have been exposing the U.N. for as long as I can remember as the long prophesied pawn that helps to better structure the coming New World order, or one world government as the prophet Daniel described it long ago. But all this Paganism of the U.N. has made our job of declaring truth that much easier. What I mean is, as obedient students of the Bible we know the Whore of Babylon in the book of Revelation is the Roman Catholic church. In fact I have a page solely dedicated to proving that prophesied fact as fulfilled in graphic detail. We also know due to all the Pagan fruits described in Scripture regarding Babylon’s taste for strange flesh as well as the worshiping rituals of same that the Vatican prelates who actually practice on a daily basis in graphic detail, right down to the fact the Catechism or doctrines of the Roman Catholic church have been confirmed to be borrowed from the Pagans to the tune of over 85% of their dogmatic teachings. And get this, we even have Vatican prelates themselves admitting all that to be historic fact in writing as shocking as that may be for some to believe.  Continue reading

Fatima solution to mayhem in Vatican today

threefatimachildren_810_500_55_s_c1“Mayhem. That’s the only word to describe what is taking place in the Church today. Remember the archbishop who released a scandalous Vatican sex-ed program at World Youth Day in Krakow? He was appointed as the new head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family. Both institutions have now been stripped bare – the Academy of all its members and the Institute of its most conservative faculty. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia recently gushed praise for one of Italy’s leading proponents of abortion, same-sex “marriage” and restriction on religious freedom. More than that, prior to his Vatican post he commissioned a homoerotic mural in his cathedral church in which he had included an image of himself.” –Source

And it goes on from there about some of the scandals in the Vatican. But they most assuredly don’t cover all of them. In fact, if they were to peruse my website to just hit on the highlights (or lowlights for that matter) regarding the Vatican’s sinful past the last few decades alone, they would have one very large article to contend with.   Continue reading

Ecosexual: Sex With the Earth Now Available in Experimental Art Bathhouse in Sydney

earth-dayTwo Australian artists have set up what they call an “ecosexual bathhouse” at a festival of experimental art in Sydney where people are invited to have sex with the earth to help secure the future of the planet.

Part of the Syndey LiveWorks Festival of experimental art, the bathhouse is premised on “ecosexuality,” a “growing” movement involving a queer identity that considers the environment an erotic partner. The bathhouse has been created by artists Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair of the artists collective of Pony Express, according to Vice.

The artists described their work as a “no-holds-barred extravaganza meant to dissolve the barriers between species as we descend into oblivion” as the result of our global environmental crisis.   Continue reading

FRESNO Weeping Virgin Mary statue is being called a miracle

A statue of the Virgin Mary in Fresno, California appears to be weeping. The family who owns the statue calls it a miracle and said it’s been happening for a while.

To the faithful, Maria Cardenas said the statue of the Virgin Mary is a blessing. Tears seem to well up in her right eye and stream down her face to her chin.

Cardenas said it’s beautiful the way she looks right now. Every tear, she said, is nothing short of a miracle. So she collects them in a glass and shares them with those who find their way to this home.

A lot of people come and they can’t believe it, she said, but they come with faith.  Source