“Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question. One case has come back to haunt him: An Italian priest who received the pope’s clemency was later convicted by an Italian criminal court for his sex crimes against children as young as 12. The Rev. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him, The Associated Press has learned.” –Source
It’s exactly as I’ve been saying for literally decades. Roman Catholic priests do not become pedophiles once they join the unbiblical priesthood, the truth is pedophiles become Catholic priests knowing they will be protected. This is also why the Vatican is the only church on earth with “altar boys.” This allows them the “religious” lie they t ell parents that they need to be alone with their sons so as to better educate them in their duties as altar boys. Continue reading