VIDEO: NFL Unleashes ‘Love Has No Labels’ Ad

Love_has_no_labels_cotw“The National Football League partnered with The Ad Council and R/GA to promote its “Love Has No Labels” campaign from the Pro Bowl in Orlando, FL. The ad shows the “kiss cam” from the January all-star game with various types of couples kissing. One of the women featured in the ad is a survivor of a shooting last year at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub.” –Source

The video starts off panning the crowd with a heart outline on the screen. You know, the infamous “kiss cam” wherein people are pressured to kiss on camera before millions of people. As students of prophecy, it wasn’t a hard call to declare this wouldn’t end well years ago when this began as the norm at most sporting events. In the early days, open signs of affection outside of holding hands or a gentle smile were forbidden as it was obvious where it would lead if left unchecked. And so here you have it. But no one cares now that all those “prudes” are dead and gone.   Continue reading

Knights of Columbus leader meets Pope, presents $1.6 million

anderson_conv-690x450ROME – Pope Francis on Thursday met with Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, who presented the pope with a $1.6 million donation and also discussed his organization’s efforts on behalf of persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

The Knights of Columbus have played a lead role in raising consciousness about the realities of anti-Christian violence around the world. Among other things, a report prepared by the Knights was instrumental in triggering a finding from the U.S. State Department in March 2016 that Christians, Yazidis and other minorities are the victims of an ISIS-led genocide in Iraq and Syria.

The Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world, are also the primary partner of Crux.   Continue reading

Survey finds Jews, Catholics America’s most-liked religious groups

graphDespite a contentious U.S. election in which religion played a major role, as well as the continuing scourge of religious-inspired terrorism worldwide, a new survey finds that Americans have warming attitudes towards virtually all major religious groups in the country.

The new Pew Research Center survey, released Wednesday, finds that Jews and Catholics get the highest ratings on a “feeling thermometer,” with a mean rating of 67 and 66 respectively on a thermometer that ranges from 0 to 100.

Mainline Protestants were just behind at 65. Evangelical Christians finished at 61, Buddhists 60, Hindus 58, Mormons 54, atheists 50 and Muslims 48. Even the relatively low ratings for atheists and Muslims, however, represent increases over the last such survey in June 2014.   Continue reading

Trump retains LGBT State Department official, frustrating Christian conservatives

Randy Berry, the first U.S. special envoy for the rights of LGBTI persons, is shown at a gay pride rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in June 2015. Berry says the U.S. is supporting activists worldwide but recognizes the risks they face in many countries. Photo courtesy U.S. State Department
Randy Berry, the first U.S. special envoy for the rights of LGBTI persons, is shown at a gay pride rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in June 2015. Berry says the U.S. is supporting activists worldwide but recognizes the risks they face in many countries. Photo courtesy U.S. State Department

(RNS) President for less than a month, Donald Trump has come through for the overwhelming numbers of religious conservatives who helped put him in office — but not so much on LGBT issues.

Conservative Christians in particular cheered his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and Trump’s promised “fix” for the Johnson Amendment, which restricts pastors’ ability to politick in the pulpit.

But for the second time since his inauguration, Trump has decided to preserve an Obama-era initiative to protect sexual minorities.

The State Department announced Monday (Feb. 13) that it would retain Randy Berry, the special envoy for the human rights of LGBTI persons. In 2014, the Obama administration created Berry’s position to support efforts abroad to protect gay people from violence and death.

The conservative Family Research Council had made removing such “activists” a priority and as recently as December called on the State Department to rid itself of employees who promote an “anti-family, anti-life agenda.”   Continue reading

Why Haven’t We Found Civilizations Older Than 7,000 – 8,000 years?

960x0“Only after the ice age ended and the current interglacial began, about 20,000 to 12,000 years ago, would the environmental conditions arise that would allow for the type of farming that can support civilizations. And only after the interglacial began, with its milder conditions, could human populations grow to the point where hunter-gathering starts to become insufficient at providing enough food for the increased number of mouths, and the consequences of population pressure (famine, territorial conflict, etc) start making early farming and civilization a more appealing option for some previously hunter-gathering societies to think about adopting.” –Source

If this wasn’t so sad, so very annoying and so scientifically idiotic I would be rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably. If you read this article, or at least read the paragraph that shares a plethora of possibilities they share to teach evolution you’re bound to find it hilarious as I did. In this age of lying however, most will find it somewhat believable because lies have literally become the truth for most now. But when you read the excuses they share as to why they think the planet is much older than the Bible confirms, you get the feeling that you’re listening to a teenager from the 1970’s who was trying to one up one of his friends that just shared the previous tall tale by making up a new one with as much nonsense as possible.   Continue reading

Vatican Expresses Concerns Over ‘Spread of Nationalism, Populism’

Parolin-640x480“The Cardinal also recalled recent comments by Pope Francis, saying that “there is a risk of history repeating itself.” In a lengthy interview with the Spanish daily El País in late January, Pope Francis was asked whether he was concerned about the spread of a populism that capitalizes on “people’s fears,” preaching “a message of hate.” In his reply, Francis distinguished between a good, grassroots populism, where it is the people who are “the protagonists,” and a cult of personality where a charismatic figure like Hitler rises to power and is welcomed as a savior figure.” –Source

Ironic don’t you think? A Jesuit Pope who took the bloodcurdling Jesuit oath uses Roman Catholic emperor Adolph Hitler as his example of what can happen when such a political monster, which by the way his very own papal predecessor funded, puffed up and installed as emperor. But because most people are purposely dumbed down all over the world on Scripture as well as historic facts, they don’t realize how he’s playing both ends against us in the middle.   Continue reading

How Pope Francis can become the global voice against President Trump

GettyImages-470618986The movement that propelled Donald Trump into the White House is not isolated to the United States. It is a global phenomenon. All over the West, a populist backlash is brewing against the elites of society. And that backlash all too often takes the shape of authoritarianism and ethnonationalism.

If so much weren’t at stake in this matchup between these two warring factions, I’d be tempted to reprise Henry Kissinger’s infamous phrase about the Iran-Iraq War: “It’s a pity both sides can’t lose.” The global elite has been on an extended vision quest up its own derrière. It has been responsible for countless dramatic failures, and still seems unable to question itself and its own failed paradigms. At the same time, the special mix of fear mongering, incompetence, and corruption that the Trumps and and Nigel Farages and Marine Le Pens of the world promote is just as bad, if not worse.   Continue reading

Satan fakes a Christian resurrection!

covered_corpse“A 14-year-old girl in a coma in an undisclosed North African country after being attacked and mutilated by Muslims upset with her conversion to Christianity has stunned doctors and hospital workers by getting up from her bed and going home. At least two physicians had declared her dead. …But, an hour after Lydia’s death, workers went to remove her body from her hospital room. “Her parents, brothers, sisters and other believers surrounded her, sobbing at the tragic loss of their beloved. Doctors, nurses and other hospital staff arrived to have a last look at young Lydia’s lifeless body, now draped in a white cloth,” he told WND. “Suddenly, someone noticed the fabric shaking. Could it be wind blowing in from outdoors? The trembling intensified, but now, clearly, the movement came from beneath the cloth. “Then, just as suddenly, Lydia herself threw off the white covering and stood from the bed. ‘Mummy, our Lord Jesus, our Lord and God Jesus Christ!’ she exclaimed joyously.” While nurses and workers screamed “Ghost! Ghost!” and backed away in terror, Lydia addressed her mother. “Mummy, I’m Lydia … not a ghost. I’m alive! Jesus gave me my life back and healed me! See, He’s just disappearing there on the clouds!’ She pointed her finger towards the sky,” Ciniraj said. …My soul left my body and I was dead. Angels came to receive me to heaven. But Jesus appeared before me and said, ‘I cannot turn back from the prayers of my children. My eyes are upon my children and ears are open to their prayer. So I give you your life back, for the issues of death belong to me. You go, and be my witness.” –Source

Are you a Christian? A REAL Christian? Then you know all about the state of the dead and what really happened in this North African country. (See my State of the Dead video here) As we know, no one will go to Heaven this side of the resurrection of Christ Jesus until He returns to wake them from their graves. In other words, that was NOT Jesus “healing” her at all. And just so you know, Satan has no power over life at all. Only death. In fact, the demon pretending to be Jesus in this “vision” clearly stated that “the issues of death belong to me.” Satan is well known to be the author of death on planet earth. And so, as we have seen many times before with coma patients. The doctors declared her dead a bit too early. And so Satan ran with it knowing he can run with it.   Continue reading

Retrial for Jesus: New campaign launched in Israel

Israel-600x300“A Jewish Orthodox scholar is proposing an Old Testament ceremony, the redemption of the firstborn, to return Jesus of Nazareth to the Jewish fold and then hold a retrial at which he could be acquitted. The first trial, two millennia ago, resulted in Jesus’ condemnation by the high priests for blasphemy, his crucifixion by the Roman conquerors and his resurrection through which Christians worldwide believe they can receive salvation and life eternal. The Jewish authorities, however, have been libeled ever since as “Christ-killers” and more. …Alloro’s argument is that the retrial of Jesus is necessary because the original trial before the high priest in the middle of the night was illegal.” –Source
First and foremost, the Jews were not “libeled” as Christ killers. Their leaders did in fact fabricate a case against Him and used the Roman authorities to kill Him because they could not kill Him themselves. Still, all that was prophesied and Jesus was supposed to die for the sins of men including this illegal trial and the sin of murder by the Jews. And yes, even the lie of this so called “Rabbi” can be forgiven if in fact the man proclaiming it repents and accept Jesus as Saviour.   Continue reading

Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference

COP-21-640x480“A high-level whistleblower at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that the organization published manipulated data in a major 2015 report on climate change in order to maximize impact on world leaders at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015. According to a report in The Mail on Sunday, NOAA scientist Dr. John Bates has produced “irrefutable evidence” that the NOAA study denying the “pause” in global warming in the period since 1998 was based on false and misleading data. …Dr. Bates accused the lead author of the paper, Thomas Karl, of “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.” Bates says that Karl did so “in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming pause, rushed so that he could time publication to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy.” –Source

Oh perish (or Paris) the thought! How on earth could this ever happen? Just because students of prophecy have been declaring they would do this for well over a century and everyone breathing air on this very same planet also know the planet is in no way, shape or form “warning” as the Popes in Rome keep claiming, it doesn’t mean Christian prophecy is right. Or wait a minute… that’s exactly what it means.   Continue reading