This is how Pope Francis keeps his peace amid Vatican ‘corruption’

– In a lengthy, unscripted dialogue with 140 male religious superiors, Pope Francis admitted that there is “corruption” inside the Vatican, but said that despite this, his secret to maintaining peace comes from St. Joseph and a strong prayer life.

He also spoke at length on religious life, offering advice to the superiors on how to deal with different scandals in their communities, and explained why he chose youth and discernment as the topic for the next synod of bishops.

When asked how he keeps peace amid tension and opposition, the Pope jested, saying “I don’t take tranquilizers!” and said he’s learned to take the advice given to him by Italians, to maintain “a healthy couldn’t-care-less attitude.”   Continue reading

Pope takes a stand for persecuted Muslim group

GettyImages-631451938-640x427Pope Francis appealed Wednesday for the Rohingya, a Muslim minority group forced to flee violence and persecution in Myanmar.

The pope singled out the group during his weekly audience at the Vatican, asking pilgrims to pray with him “for our Rohingya brothers and sisters who are being chased from Myanmar and are fleeing from one place to another because no one wants them.”

“They are good people, they are not Christians, they are peaceful people, they are our brothers and sisters. And for years they have been suffering. They are being tortured and killed, simply because they uphold their Muslim faith,” Francis said as he marked the church’s International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking.   Continue reading

Nun receives death threats for suggesting Mary was not a virgin

4237“A nun in Spain who says she received death threats for suggesting that Mary probably had sex with her husband, Joseph, has apologised for any offence caused but accused her critics of deliberately misunderstanding her point. Sister Lucía Caram, a well-known Dominican nun with more than 183,000 Twitter followers, appeared to contradict church teaching when she appeared on Spanish TV on Sunday to discuss sex and faith. …On Wednesday, Caram issued a statement in which she said she had received death threats after her TV appearance.” –Source

Rome has for centuries indoctrinated their flock well. To think that a Catholic in good standing, which they are if they trust the Pope over the Bible, for them to see no sin in sending death threats to someone in their own church speaks volumes of how much control Rome has over their people. Rather strange is it not? They easily place their mortal lives in danger by committing crimes that can land them in prison yet completely ignore the danger they place their immortal lives in when committing open sin that will land them in hellfire. What a church Rome has built!   Continue reading

Great-grandma accidentally prays to Lord of the Rings figurine for years

gabriela-brandc3a3o“A great-grandmother has been accidentally praying to a figure of Elrond, an elf from The Lord of the Rings, after mistaking it for a figurine of Saint Anthony, every day for years. …The captions on the images translate to: ‘My daughter’s great-grandmother prays to this figure of Saint Anthony every day, but looking more closely…’, before the big reveal was made. …The next day we explained again and she understood and we got her a new figure of Saint Anthony.” –Source

Finally, a Roman Catholic admits in writing that they do in fact pray to those statues. But please don’t blame the Catholic people as they were taught since birth to do this by their priests and so they see no wrong in this. That means they will defend this without wisdom regarding the truth you have. And, depending upon the venue by which you choose to warn them, one can expect that whenever real Christians seeking to help the loyal Catholics see they are being taught by their priests and nuns to perform acts of idol worship the more vocal Catholics among them who study and then teach Roman Catholic theology that is wholly outside Bible Scripture will always chime in and do all they can to protect their now proven Pagan creed by lying outright about praying to the statues in the hopes of belittling the truth we hold so as to save themselves from embarrassment.   Continue reading

Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria

prisonA chilling new report by Amnesty International exposes the Syrian government’s calculated campaign of extrajudicial executions by mass hangings at Saydnaya Prison. Between 2011 and 2015, every week and often twice a week, groups of up to 50 people were taken out of their prison cells and hanged to death. In five years, as many as 13,000 people, most of them civilians believed to be opposed to the government, were hanged in secret at Saydnaya.

Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syriaalso shows that the government is deliberately inflicting inhuman conditions on detainees at Saydnaya Prison through repeated torture and the systematic deprivation of food, water, medicine and medical care. The report documents how these extermination policies have killed massive numbers of detainees.  Continue reading

Australian Catholic Church Alleges 7% Of Priests Sexually Abused Kids Over Decades

ap_0807190566_custom-d9c625bfee2fdde76229943e04461ec82cba6525-s1500-c85Seven percent of Catholic priests in Australia between 1950 and 2010 allegedly sexually abused children, according to data provided by church authorities in a major investigation.

Australia is the latest country to unearth widespread, decades-long child abuse by Catholic Church authorities.

The findings were released by The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which launched in 2013 to look at child abuse in places like schools and government organizations.

It started surveying church authorities shortly afterward, in response to the high number of survivors who told the commission they were abused at a Catholic Church institution.   Continue reading

Pope Francis: ‘Let Us Pray for Babies in Danger of Being Aborted’

Pope-with-baby-1-640x480“After his weekly Angelus prayer Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square, the pontiff said that he joined the Italian Bishops in “supporting bold educational action in favor of human life. Every life is sacred!” “Let us promote the culture of life in response to the logic of disposability and a declining population,” he said. “Let us join together and pray for babies who are in danger of being aborted, as well as for people who are at the end of life. All life is sacred!” he said. “Let no one be left alone and may love defend the meaning of life.” –Source

Let me ask you this. If Satan himself was to manifest before your eyes or even move about you in a permissive manner in your life, how do you suppose he would go about doing that? He would appear as an angel of light, right? Of course, that’s exactly what Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 11:14 when he said, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” And so Satan would never come to you in his true form dripping with rotted flesh with millions of flies following after him in the hopes of a quick meal. No, he will come to you as your best friend, a gentle stranger, a so called Christian and as we see here a Pope.   Continue reading

Pope Francis praises German Protestants and Catholics for cooperation

37431230_303As Reformation Year begins, Pope Francis welcomed a high-ranking Protestant delegation from Germany to the Vatican on Monday. The pontiff urged both denominations to put all remaining differences aside.

In a meeting in Rome with Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, the chair of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), Pope Francis called for the Reformation’s 500th anniversary to be an opportunity for increased efforts to achieve ecumenism.

“We must, with imploring prayer and all of our strength, strive to overcome the obstacles that still exist,” Pope Francis said.   Continue reading

For Europe, There’s a New Threat in Town: The US

03Trump-world-sub-master768The European Union is accustomed to crisis.  But it is probably safe to say that none of the 28 leaders who are gathering in Malta on Friday expected the crisis that has overtaken the agenda: the United States of America.

Like much of the world, the European Union is struggling to decipher a President Trump who seems every day to be picking a new fight with a new nation, whether friend or foe. Hopes among European leaders that Mr. Trump’s bombastic tone as a candidate would somehow smooth into a more temperate one as commander in chief are dissipating, replaced by a mounting sense of anxiety and puzzlement over how to proceed.

If many foreign leaders expected a Trump administration to push to renegotiate trade deals, or take a tough line on immigration, few anticipated that he would become an equal opportunity offender. He has insulted or humiliated Mexico, Britain, Germany and Iraq; engaged in a war of words with China and Iran; and turned a routine phone call with the prime minister of Australia, a staunch ally, into a minor diplomatic crisis.

With the possible exception of NATO, where he has softened his tone, Mr. Trump has expressed disdain for other multilateral institutions such as the European Union. His praise has been reserved for populists and strongmen, like Nigel Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and, of course, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

Mr. Trump is convinced that the United States has been played for a patsy by the rest of the world and is vowing to set things straight. “We’re taken advantage of by every nation in the world virtually,” he said on Thursday at a prayer breakfast. “It’s not going to happen anymore.”

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Ex-Obama Official Suggests ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump

djt-640x480“In a blog post for Foreign Policy magazine, Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official, outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump, including declaring him mentally unfit for command or carrying out a military coup. Brooks is a Schwartz senior fellow at the New America Foundation, which is funded by billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. She served from 2009-2011 as Counselor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and served as a senior adviser at Obama’s State Department.” –Source

And a large portion of citizens in America are most assuredly buying into all this just as expected because that’s what sheeple do. Truth is, this is what happens when the TV becomes a god in the houses of the people who refuse to think for themselves. They trust it and everything it says regardless of how fictitious it may be. Case in point: How many people believe the conspiracy plot lines of some Hollywood movies as if they are true directly after watching the movie? Not to mention how Hollywood also manipulates the minds of million in other less political ways. This is why everything from women wearing men’s clothing to promiscuity, be it heterosexual or homosexual has become the norm in America. Once it hits the big screen it becomes the new fad of the day.   Continue reading