Vatican’s Eucharistic ‘Jesus’ Revival in USA is Here – Sunday Laws are coming

According to Catholic Agency News on July 18, 2024, “the National Eucharistic Congress officially kicked off Wednesday evening with the triumphant culmination of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimages, the solemn entry of the Eucharistic Jesus in a papally-blessed golden monstrance, and speeches from Catholic luminaries that set the tone for the historic five-day event.”

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Pope proclaims 2025 Jubilee Year to UNITE all Christians on Easter Sunday

On May 9, 2024, the pope “proclaims the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025, consigning the Bull of Indiction – “Spes non confundit. Hope does not disappoint” – to the Archpriests of the Papal Basilicas and representatives of the world’s bishops.” It further stated that “Recalling that 2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, Pope Francis urged expressions of synodality, and renewed efforts to further Christian unity. He appealed especially for progress to be made toward a common celebration of Easter, noting that in 2025, providentially, all Christians will celebrate the Paschal mystery on the same date. Pope Francis insisted that Christian hope, rooted in Christ’s death and resurrection for each human person, points to our final destiny, eternal happiness with God in heaven. We are saved by God’s mercy, seen especially in the gift of indulgences: While Confession washes away our sins, indulgences – including the Jubilee Indulgence – remove the effects of sins forgiven in the Sacrament. In the Bull of Indiction, the Pope notes that the specific conditions for receiving the indulgence will be published soon.”

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SHOCKING articles of the week (ending-02-28-24)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

Remember the (Sunday) Sabbath to Stop Global Warming!

“In The Washington Post recently, advice columnist Michael Coren argued that one way to fight climate change is to take a weekly day of rest. He called his idea a “green Sabbath. Clergy are now arguing that this practice, whether in a secular or religious context, can help redirect the world’s societies away from catastrophic climate change.

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‘Doomsday Clock’ near to apocalypse due to climate disasters, nuclear war and AI

On January 24, 2024, a news headline reads “Apocalypse now[ish]: ‘Doomsday Clock’ flags existential threats of nuclear war, climate disasters and AI.” It goes on to say that “The end is nigh. So says a science-oriented advocacy group that Tuesday pointed to its famous ‘Doomsday Clock’ that shows 90 seconds till midnight and the Earth nearing apocalypse… The group said the clock could be turned back if leaders and nations headed its earnest prognostication to work together, and specifically noted powerful countries that have the capacity to do so, including the previously mentioned major world powers.”

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‘No cash accepted’ signs are bad news

On January 22, 2024, a news headline reported that “‘No cash accepted‘ signs are bad news for millions of unbanked Americans.” It goes on to say that “People without bank accounts are shut out from stores and restaurants that refuse to accept cash… Numerous shops had one sign proudly proclaiming how welcoming and inclusive they were — next to another sign saying “No cash accepted.” This tells people without bank accounts that they aren’t welcome.”

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“DISEASE X” — new global pandemic not “if” but “when” according to WHO at WEF Summit 2024

According to news headline on January 17, 2024, “The Secretary-General of the WHO has indicated that a new “Disease X” pandemic will certainly occur. During a WEF event entitled “Preparing For Disease X,” (See below snippet) Who head Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus said it is a “matter of when, not “if” for a new unknown disease to emerge… Although COVID came immediately, we were preparing for COVID-like diseases. you may even call COVID the first ‘Disease X’. The description of the event on the WEF website states that “Disease X” could lead to “20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

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Pope Denies Hell AGAIN

Pope Francis said this week he believes in hell but likes to think of it as “empty” because of God’s great mercy.” according to news headline on January 16, 2024. He continues by saying that, “What I will say is not a dogma of faith but something personal,” the pontiff said Sunday evening on the Italian television program Che Tempo Che Fa. “I like to think of hell as empty; I hope it is,” he told the show’s host, Fabio Fazio.

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