Vatican’s Eucharistic ‘Jesus’ Revival in USA is Here – Sunday Laws are coming

According to Catholic Agency News on July 18, 2024, “the National Eucharistic Congress officially kicked off Wednesday evening with the triumphant culmination of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimages, the solemn entry of the Eucharistic Jesus in a papally-blessed golden monstrance, and speeches from Catholic luminaries that set the tone for the historic five-day event.”

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Pope proclaims 2025 Jubilee Year to UNITE all Christians on Easter Sunday

On May 9, 2024, the pope “proclaims the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025, consigning the Bull of Indiction – “Spes non confundit. Hope does not disappoint” – to the Archpriests of the Papal Basilicas and representatives of the world’s bishops.” It further stated that “Recalling that 2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, Pope Francis urged expressions of synodality, and renewed efforts to further Christian unity. He appealed especially for progress to be made toward a common celebration of Easter, noting that in 2025, providentially, all Christians will celebrate the Paschal mystery on the same date. Pope Francis insisted that Christian hope, rooted in Christ’s death and resurrection for each human person, points to our final destiny, eternal happiness with God in heaven. We are saved by God’s mercy, seen especially in the gift of indulgences: While Confession washes away our sins, indulgences – including the Jubilee Indulgence – remove the effects of sins forgiven in the Sacrament. In the Bull of Indiction, the Pope notes that the specific conditions for receiving the indulgence will be published soon.”

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Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 03-27-24)

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As many know, I have a page on the site all about the Vatican’s Socialist agenda that confirms their long-prophesied desired to use the USA to spearhead their mark of the beast enforcement. On that page I have many articles and videos confirming the so called “Great Reset” plans for all nations. This starting here in the USA. And since Rome was able to get Roman Catholic Joe Biden into office in a very strange way wherein he can be used as the ultimate puppet under control by the Vatican cultivated and controlled shadow government here in our country, Biden’s apparent bowing to China due his massive corruption causing him to be compromised in ways that many in politics never saw coming; we can see this in how China has been allowed to commit many dangerous acts against our country without being stopped. Everything from the spy balloon to buying up hundreds of thousands of acres near our military bases confirms Biden cannot stop them without being outed worse than he already is.

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‘No cash accepted’ signs are bad news

On January 22, 2024, a news headline reported that “‘No cash accepted‘ signs are bad news for millions of unbanked Americans.” It goes on to say that “People without bank accounts are shut out from stores and restaurants that refuse to accept cash… Numerous shops had one sign proudly proclaiming how welcoming and inclusive they were — next to another sign saying “No cash accepted.” This tells people without bank accounts that they aren’t welcome.”

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Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As many are aware that have seen all my videos posted on my climate change page over the last few years, the Pope is planning to demand Sunday laws to stop climate change. In fact, the United States Government’s “Project 2025” is concrete proof the prophecy is very soon in fulfilling. BUT, what the Pope sent to the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit in Dubai yesterday (December 03, 2023) declares we are MUCH CLOSER to Sunday Laws than ever before.

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We’re All Doomed: U.N. Warns Planet Earth on the Eve of Destruction

On October 25, 2023, Breitbart News published that “The U.N. warned in a report” that “Melting glaciers. Unbearable heat. Space junk. Accelerating extinctions. Population growth. Groundwater depletion. Societal decay…. these are just a few of the potential irreversible impacts threatening the planet that must be immediately addressed through drastic changes to “human actions.”

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Exactly As Prophesied

Credit: Blog from Presents of God ministry

As students of prophecy, we know there are certain things that must happen before the mark of the beast can be enforced. If you have read my blog entry titled “Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK” you know what’s already happened recently and so, there’s not a lot left to happen. I also have a page titled “Religious Laws are Coming” wherein I share current events regarding the mark of the beast being enforced soon and I also have a website “The LOUD Cry” wherein I share an outline on how the Loud Cry goes forth and what happens directly before the mark is enforced for those children of God who are serious about getting ready for their King’s return.

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Vatican’s Relationship with China is ‘Very, Very Respectful’ according to Pope Francis

On September 5, 2023, the Breitbart News reported that “The Pope Francis said Monday that the Vatican is walking a “friendly path” with china, insisting that “relations are moving forward” on both sides…. The pope further stated that “The channels are very open – for the appointment of bishops there is a commission that has been working with the Chinese government and the Vatican for a long time,” the pope stated in reference to a 2018 accord between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the naming of bishops. Francis went on to underscore the fact that “there are many, or rather there are some, Catholic priests or Catholic intellectuals who are often invited to Chinese universities to offer courses” as evidence of Chinese goodwill toward the Church. “I think we need to move forward in the religious aspect to understand each other better and so that Chinese citizens do not think that the Church does not accept their culture and values and that the Church is dependent on another, foreign power,” he added.”

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The Return of Mask Mandates

On August 21, 2023, reported that “Covid mask mandates are returning to Hollywood, with Lionsgate being the first major studio to reinstate masking and daily testing for its Los Angeles office workers… The return of mask mandates comes as the Biden administration is ramping up another round of COVID hysteria ahead of 2024, pressuring all Americans to get the latest booster this fall. This had led to growing suspicion that Democrats will not only impose mask mandates but bring back mass lockdowns ahead of the next presidential election, in a repeat of 2020”

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