‘Death Panel’: European Court Says Terminal Baby Must Die Despite Parents Funding Extra Care

Screen-Shot-2017-06-29-at-17.56.51-640x480“A European court has ruled that the parents of a critically ill baby cannot privately pay for him to go to the United States for “experimental treatment”, and the child must stay in a British hospital to “die with dignity.” The parents of 10-month-old Charlie Gard are reported to be “utterly distraught” after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) denied them a final effort to save their dying son.” –Source

First and foremost, how does a baby “die with dignity” when that baby cannot even form a single word let alone a complete sentence? No, this insane decision to refuse the parents of this dying little boy the chance to get him to the United States is nothing more than par for the course in this end  time society wherein death is looked upon as just another way to save money. As is obvious, one of the main reasons the UK court is demanding this child to “die with dignity” is because as they admitted in writing, the parents “cannot privately pay for him to go to the United States.”   Continue reading

Vatican’s 3rd most powerful figure, Cardinal Pell, charged with multiple sex assaults

59545b8cc36188d5548b45dfAustralia’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic clergyman, Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell, has been charged by Australian police over sex allegations from “multiple complainants.” The Vatican has released a statement of support for Pell, citing his “honesty.”

“Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offences,” Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton told the media in Melbourne on Thursday. Continue reading

Top U.N. Official: Trump Engaging in ‘Flirtation’ with Torture, Americans More ‘Accepting’ of It

United-Nations-High-Commissioner-for-Human-Rights-jordan-prince-Zeid-Raad-Al-Hussein-getty-640x480“In this context, most worrisome to me is the persistent flirtation by the President of the United States, throughout his campaign and soon thereafter, with a return to torture. We are now told the US Army field manual will not be redrafted, and the US Secretary of Defence is guiding the White House on this. For now there is little danger of a return to the practice of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” a euphemism that dupes no one. The mood in the US could of course change dramatically, if the country were at some stage to experience a gruesome terrorist attack. And, mindful of how the American public has, over the last ten years, become far more accepting of torture, the balance could be tipped in favour of its practice – and destroy the delicate position the Convention Against Torture is in.” –Source

Now do you see why students of prophecy understood as we did during the Trump campaign when he and the Pope butted heads that is was nothing more than a negative propaganda campaign designed to pull the onus off the Pope and how he will still have complete control over US policy because prophecy will be fulfilled? And the fact Trump and His Roman Catholic wife met with the Pope in May and had nothing but praises for him shows it’s all politics. Nothing more nothing less.   Continue reading

Ten Commandments Monument Destroyed at Arkansas State Capitol Within 24 Hours

694940094001_5486027902001_5486010294001-vsA man rammed his car into and destroyed a newly-installed monument to the Ten Commandments outside of Arkansas’ State Capitol — less than 24-hour after it was unveiled by politicians.

Michael Reed, 32, allegedly shouted “Freedom!” after the collision, according to video posted to Facebook, authorities said.

A spokesman for Arkansas’ State Capitol Police confirmed Reed’s arrest to NBC News, adding that the granite tableau had been “shattered” in Wednesday’s incident.   Continue reading

DHS John Kelly Defunds, Disinvites Islamic Groups Favored By Barack Obama

AP_342247220468-640x480“Administration officials have eliminated 2016 plans to fund Islamic groups allied to former President Barack Obama, and declined to schedule a 2017 Islamic ‘Iftar’ dinner where those groups were able to show their political influence to the ambassadors of wealthy Islamic countries. The turnaround was made public on Friday when the Department of Homeland Security announced a revised list of the organizations which are getting DHS funds to help prevent young Muslims from becoming jihadis. The new list replaced an Obama list announced January 13, 2017, and it dropped a $800,000 grant for an Islamic seminary in Los Angeles, and a $393,000 grant for a linked organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council Foundation.” –Source

This is by far, too little too late. In fact, it’s all a farce as the DHS is still allowing Muslims to be funded and schooling some to supposedly “prevent young Muslims from becoming jihadis.” The fact we now have over 35 Islamic military training compounds on US soil right now shows, this is all propaganda. Why doesn’t the DHS shut them down? But then this is the so called unbiased DHS talking now. If they were unbiased under Obama and saw a genuine threat to homeland security, they never would have allowed Muslims into the nation under Obama or any president for that matter. Because as Obama, Clinton and the Bush family proved in just the last few decades alone, some US Presidents are all about helping those that will destroy America.   Continue reading

NASA’s new assignments: Find aliens, prove evolution

Star-nursuries“The National Space and Aeronautics Administration has done some amazing things for the United States over the years: the initial short flights into space, then the longer orbiting missions, the moon visits, the space station and even unmanned trips to every sidewalk in the solar system. But now it has some new goals: Find aliens. And prove evolution.” –Source

First and foremost, NASA never landed anyone on the moon. All they did was win a propaganda war with the best lie. The fact we had “Van Allen Belts” back then and to this day still wrapped around our planet that would fry any human with lethal doses of radiation while passing through them using a tin foil type of 1960’s space capsule proves they lied. In fact, when promoting a new space program for the planet Mars, NASA scientists recently admitted the Van Allen belts are a problem they need to work out as they cannot be flown through without killing the astronauts, and they have been caught admitting this numerous times on camera, yet no one seems to remember how NASA claimed to fly through them in the 1960’s? (Also watch this video starting at 3:00) So.. why is that? Why is it no one remembers how we were 100% unable to get through the Van Allen Belts decades ago? Well besides the power behind the controlled media that knows all too well how to hide the facts and fabricate all sorts of strange things, most sheeple prefer the lie over the truth because it benefits the flesh.   Continue reading

Philosopher who backs legal abortion appointed to Vatican pro-life academy

PA-26058508-800x500“Pope Francis has appointed 45 new ordinary members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, according to a statement on the Vatican website. They include Nigel Biggar, who has said that he thinks the limit for legal abortion should be 18 weeks. In a dialogue with fellow philosopher Peter Singer in 2011, reported by Standpoint magazine, Biggar said: “I would be inclined to draw the line for abortion at 18 weeks after conception, which is roughly about the earliest time when there is some evidence of brain activity, and therefore of consciousness. In terms of maintaining a strong social commitment to preserving human life in hindered forms, and in terms of not becoming too casual about killing human life, we need to draw the line much more conservatively.” –Source

If he was serious about “not becoming too casual about killing human life” he would draw the line at conception and declare that is when God is involved. (See Isaiah 48:8; Jeremiah 1:5 & Luke 2:12) As per the written Word that says He names us in the womb and so any Bible believer would never even consider abortion because it is murder. But Nigel Biggar is Roman Catholic and so truth is not a prerequisite to any dogma of Rome. Hence the reason they hate Sola Scriptura with such a passion. This is also why the Roman Catholic Vatican approves and even funds abortion clinics in their hospitals. That fact alone shows it’s not about the so called Vatican dogma that abortion is wrong. (which it is) Rome only uses the abortion card when it is politically feasible for them to do so; and it has served them well over the years when making sure certain unjust laws get passed as well as good laws get tabled. But let me get this straight, and I hope some Catholics ask similar questions.   Continue reading

Now U.S. government threatens to take all your cash

“In the name of fighting terrorism financing, a new U.S. Senate bill threatens to force private corporations to monitor your financial activity and empowers government to seize all your assets if you fail to comply with the new law. Even failure to fill out one form is license for the federal government to take everything you have. …If the bill becomes law, Americans would be subject to a whole host of government intrusions. One little slip-up would open a Pandora’s box of governmental inquiry into your financial life,” says Peter Reagan, a financial-market strategist at Birch Gold Group. “For example, failing to complete a single reporting form would result in the government being granted abilities to freeze and seize not just a portion, but the entirety, of your assets. The bill even goes so far as to include the contents of safety-deposit boxes.”-Source

Looks like Satan is getting a little worried and hurried in his final agenda because he knows that if the people have access to cash they can avoid the mark of his beast that his man of sin in Rome is about to enforce. As one of many students of prophecy, this is why I created a page titled “the expected cashless society” on the site many years ago about the Pope’s plan to make sure all cash is removed from society or at the very least digitized so as to control every dime.   Continue reading

Oregon Senate votes to allow dementia patients to be starved to death

shutterstock_131816549_810_500_55_s_c1“A bill allowing the starvation and dehydration of dementia and mentally ill patients against their will passed the Oregon Senate 17-13 on June 8. …SB494 would remove safeguards in Oregon law that protect the right of patients to receive food and water as part of basic treatment. It would give healthcare representatives power to potentially coerce doctors into starving patients against their will. …SB494 was introduced after a dispute between the husband of an Alzheimer’s patient and her nursing home. The patient, Nora Harris, had filled out an advance directive saying she didn’t want to be fed intravenously. She began needing helping using utensils. Harris could still eat with her hands and was still expressing a desire to eat. Her husband filed a lawsuit to get her nursing home to stop feeding her.” –Source

Me thinks her so called “advance directive saying she didn’t want to be fed intravenously” may have been forged by her husband as it is painfully clear that even though she is in an advanced state of dementia she still wants to be fed. And because she won’t allow them to murder her by starvation, her husband is now seeking laws to allow her to be murdered. And in today’s world where any woman can walk into an abortion clinic can legally murder her baby to avoid stretch marks, or any coherent patient dying of a so called incurable disease can pay their doctor to legally murder them, what’s to stop this man from seeking a way to murder his wife so he can either gain her insurance money, prevent her insurance payoff from dwindling due to it being used to feed her or on the better toss of the coin he simply can’t deal to watch her drift away mentally.  Continue reading

Pope Francis demands obedience from priests of Nigerian diocese

Pope_Francis_meets_with_a_delegation_from_the_Diocese_of_Ahiara_June_8_2017_Credit_LOR_CNAPope Francis met on Thursday with a delegation from a Nigerian diocese which for the last four and a half years has refused to recognize the bishop who was appointed as its shepherd.

He demanded that the clerics of the Diocese of Ahiara accept the bishop appointment that has been made, or face suspension and loss of office.

Fr. Peter Okpaleke was appointed Bishop of Ahiara in December 2012 by Benedict XVI. But the Ahiara diocese is dominated by the Mbaise ethnic group. As an outsider from the nearby Diocese of Awka, Fr. Okpaleke was rejected by much of Ahiara’s clergy and laity, who wanted one of their own to be appointed bishop over them.  Continue reading