He is Creator

milky-way2_1024x576I came across a video today that I just had to share. (click here to see it) Now yes, I’ve shared videos like this that glorify our Lord and His amazing love for us as well as His creative power before; and I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this one on the main website some time ago at least once. But for some reason this one struck a chord with me today that moved me to share it once again with my brothers and sisters in the Lord along with a simple comment regarding its content.

The video is titled, “There are 400,000 galaxies in this animation, these are their actual, real positions.” And as I recall this video only shows a very small section of the Universe wherein at first was thought to be nothing but a dark region of space with no stars at all. As we know now thanks to modern technology, there are billions of galaxies out there in the expanse we can see with the tools we have now; and no doubt trillions more in the areas we can’t reach with the telescopes we have today.  Continue reading

Jerry Brown Pardons Criminal Aliens to Prevent Deportation

Jerry-Brown-Christmas-Associated-Press-640x480“Brown’s Christmas giving this year included granting 132 pardons and commuting 19 prison sentences. . …Due to his 1995 conviction on felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and misdemeanor charges for receiving stolen property, Mony Neth was not shielded from ICE under the sanctuary state law while sitting in the Sacramento County Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center in Elk Grove. But Brown used his gubernatorial power to prevent Neth and Kong’s deportation by issuing a state pardon on December 23, defying the Trump administration’s initiative to expel any legal aliens that violate the terms of their visas by engaging in criminal activity.” –Source

As I posted in two videos so far and more than a few blog entries, and yes as you can imagine, on my words of a beast page I have a lot more than just 5 quotes regarding all this; but do you recall these Vatican statements wherein they have made very serious plans to make the United States of America into a Roman Catholic country coast to coast so as to both remove religious freedom as well as quench all Biblical truth?  Continue reading

Archbishop Cupich Hits Steve Bannon: ‘Laughable’ to Believe Church Has Economic Interest in Mass Immigration

Cupich-GettyImages-640x480“(Roman Catholic Steve Bannon said) “The [Catholic] bishops have been terrible about this. You know why? Because unable to really … come to grips with the problems in the Church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches … They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration._ (The Archbishop said in return) “Yes, in fact, he even went so far as to say that we wanted to increase our collections as a result of that. That it was a monetary, a financial decision which I think Cardinal Dolan found laughable, as I do. We budget quite a bit of money every year in order to assist people who are migrating here, people who are trying to enter into our society and be a part of the American dream.” –Source

The “American Dream?” He actually said that as a rebuke to what Bannon said? That statement alone proves Bannon was 100% correct! This Bishop claims the Church’s activities regarding how they help immigrants and many of them are in fact illegal immigrants, is not about the financial benefits. If that’s so, why mention the “American dream” which is all about becoming financially successful to the point their donations to the Catholic church will indeed go up?   Continue reading

All SDA Pastors need to REPENT!

47864C5600000578-5206311-Trump_signed_his_tax_cut_bill_on_Friday_morning_in_the_Oval_Offi-a-60_1513963912394Trump signed it! It is now law!

Have you seen my “Image of the Beast” page on my website that’s been up there almost from the very start of the site? That page grew over the years with every new political event surrounding the prophesied 501c3. If you go to that page you will see I also made many videos on this long prophesied event. But with the posting of the page, every update to the page, and every video made and then placed on the page, at each new posting I was ridiculed and declared in error by all SDA preachers regarding how in order to get the 501c3 contract you must join your church with the second beast of Revelation so as to create an image to the first beast in Rome.   Continue reading

VIDEO: CNN Hypes Children’s Book Portraying Santa Claus As a Gay Man

Actually, this has to be one of the first times CNN is promoting some historic truth. But I am sure they’re completely unaware of it. And yes, the authors only wrote it because it would obviously make them a lot of money due to the fact the present push towards homosexuality is the norm for Vatican inspired politics in America. A topic so shocking as this is bound to turn heads to better promote the book. But, what shocks me is why some parents are upset about this since they have been promoting Santa Claus as either a cross dressing woman, a homosexual or a transgender for literally decades. And yes, I can prove what I just said.   Continue reading

Pope Glorifies Devil and says Jesus failed

ezgif.com-webp-to-jpg“The Devil is more intelligent than mere mortals and should never be argued with, Pope Francis has warned. …He uses various terms to refer to the Prince of Darkness, including Satan, the Evil One, the Seducer, Beelzebub and the Great Dragon. …Last week Pope Francis called for the wording of the Lord’s Prayer to be changed so that it blames the Devil, rather than God, for “leading us into temptation.” –Source

First and foremost, notice where the Pope is making this statement. Look at the picture I posted in the blog entry. He is speaking from the Vatican’s audience hall. I did a video on that building back in January showing how the building was specifically designed to look like the head of a serpent. Worse yet, the place the Pope stands when he speaks to the people is made to look like he is speaking from inside of a serpent’s mouth. Fangs and all! Yet he claims to be a Christian? Confusing isn’t it? Stay with me on this one because it doesn’t end here.  Continue reading

China’s CCTV network took 7 mins to capture BBC reporter

9082f9be6eff312d131a670565314320“It took Chinese authorities just seven minutes to locate and apprehend BBC reporter John Sudworth using its powerful network of CCTV camera and facial recognition technology. This wasn’t a case of a member of the media being forcibly removed from the country. The chase was a stunt to illustrate just how powerful and effective the Chinese government’s surveillance system can be. It’s a stark example of the type of monitoring that China has invested heavily in over recent years with the aim of helping police do their job more efficiently.” This wasn’t a case of a member of the media being forcibly removed from the country. The chase was a stunt set up to illustrate just how powerful and effective the Chinese government’s surveillance system can be. –Source

If you’re not an obedient Christian, this video will most assuredly frighten you in a big way. Reason being is, if we are the last generation that will see the mark of the beast enforced, this video shows how easily some Christians that refuse the mark will be tracked down. They tracked and captured that man in only 7 minutes in that massive city! And this isn’t even taking into consideration all the data the government has on you via your digital identity.  Continue reading

‘I want to kill children’ message lands teacher in hot water

DQ0qzCyX4AAhJcVAfter watching this video, three things come to mind in a big way here. #1, the obvious… As I have been saying for literally decades, the American School system is not a safe place for children. My homeschool spurs page with thousands of articles and videos proves that hands down. #2. This News report looks to be yet another slam on Christianity in that the second projected slide placed on screen claims the teacher is a Christian. (see pic on left) If you look through those articles and videos I have on my aforementioned page you will see Christianity has been targeted in a big way in American schools for many decades. And #3; Notice how this teacher spelled the word “flea” on that slide. Now yes it also appears he missed the fact the caps lock was still on as he used a lower case “i” and “c” in ways that don’t work well with proper grammar; but the word “flee” used here is very telling in regards to his attention to details. No, he is not talking about fleeing as the word he used here would normally be used in a proper sentence, which we know is defined as someone seeking to escape danger in a hurry. He is talking about a little bug found on rodents and house pets.  Continue reading

Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple

donald-trump-united-nations-hand-vid-screenshot-20170919-600“While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer to reality than ever before. “What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality. He added, “This necessarily had to come from a non-Jew in order to bring them into the process, so they will be able to take their part in the Temple. Fried sees Trump’s role similar to the one played by Cyrus, the Persian king who ended the Babylonian exile and helped build the Second Jewish Temple.” –Source

Just so you know, all that was just said comparing Trump to Cyrus is nothing more than a lie concocted by Jewish leaders in bed with Rome so as to bring about the arrival of Antichrist in the coming days. I challenge all so called Scholars and doctors of divinity to show the people of the world a single prophecy from the Christian Bible that says a third Temple is prophesied or even needed this side of the cross of Christ.  Continue reading

Is the US Embassy Move Prophetic?

Palestinian-protesters-burn-Israeli-U.S.-flags-December-7-2017-getty-1-640x480No, I do not see this move of the US Embassy being prophetic in the biblical sense as we see nothing on this in the Bible cover to cover. We do see something in Daniel 11:45 that can be twisted to make it appear as such, but if you let the Bible define itself as well as match things with historic record, you will see how the Jesuits lie on such things for sinister reasons.  Continue reading