On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization declared a global emergency over a recent monkeypox (mpox) outbreak in Africa. Watch:
Continue readingTag: Jesuits
LGBT Catholics: Vatican Opening to Gay Blessings a ‘Huge Step Forward’
The “Pro-LGBT Catholics like Jesuit Father James Martin have lauded the Vatican’s allowance of blessings for gay couples as “a huge step forward.” according to news headline on December 19, 2023.
Continue readingSDA Apostasy: Adventist-Catholics, Lawsuits, and Worldliness
The Vatican flag was flown at the Seventh-day Adventist’s (SDA) 61st General Conference (GC) Session in St Louis, Missouri (MO) on June 11. While some church folk are okay with it and have offered stout defence, other members of the church are raising a red flag against the Vatican flag. A vibrant discussion continues to take place across all social media platforms.” – SOURCE.
Continue reading“Pope: May the Ignatian Year help us see all things new in Christ” Prophecy News Updates – 5/28/21
Notice this blasphemous claim of Pope: “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.]
Then notice the Jesuit Oath here: “I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”
Then read below headline where the pope offers a blessing to celebrate the Ignatian year from May 2021 till June 2022… The Bible says, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
Continue reading“Making America Catholic” Prophecy News Updates – 1/22/21
The USA has just installed a second Catholic president and right from his very first day in the office, he already signed executive orders that support Vatican’s agenda like climate change and homosexual agenda. Oddly, he even don’t know what EO he was signing but signs it anyways. Yes, prophecy is rapidly fulfilling in front our eyes – the second beast of Revelation is exercising the power of the first beast (Vatican). Religious laws is soon coming that will involved the whole world!
Continue reading2020 Election Has Already Been Decided
“Voting booths have already been hijacked by a political elite comprised of Republicans and Democrats who are determined to retain power at all costs. The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the Deep State will win and “we the people” will lose.” – Source
Jesuit priest, Father James Martin offered prayer at the Democratic National Convention while Cardinal Timothy Dolan delivered the opening prayer by video feed during the Republican National Convention. The Jesuits are playing both sides. It doesn’t matter who wins the US presidency, the real winner is the Vatican!
Continue readingSDA Changed GC to Teach Jesuit Second Coming
NOTICE: The 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy share a false prophetic message from a man named “Dr. Joseph Wolff” who is nowhere to be found in the original 1884 Great Controversy. Wolff was the child of Jewish parents and his father was a Rabbi. He later converted to Catholicism and used his Romish faith to preach Jesuit lies regarding the second coming.Why he is used as a viable reference for prophetic truth in their 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy books is very confusing. They even puff him up as one who declared the advent message and even called him a “the missionary to the world” on page 357.1 NONE of what this Romish student preached is found anywhere in the original Great Controversy. Not even his name is found. The SDA leaders appear to have placed it in the 1888 and 1911 Great Controversy so as to lend credence to the false prophecy of Rome which we know can be used in the coming days to declare Antichrist is in fact Messiah.
Continue readingJesuit Magazine Makes ‘Catholic Case for Communism’
“The Jesuit flagship publication in the United States, America magazine, has published an article defending Marxism and comparing the murderous, atheist ideology to Christianity. In “The Catholic Case for Communism,” America writer Dean Dettloff says that the militant atheism of Marxist politics is “understandable” because “Christianity has so often been a force allied to the ruling powers that exploit the poor. …Communists, on the other hand, are loving people concerned above all for the good of the poor, …The Jesuits’ decision to publish a radical article of this sort suggests that they believe public opinion is warming toward communism. America’s editors have floated a weather balloon to see how Americans react to communism 2.0.” –Source
As I’ve done previously during this video series exposing the open sin of the SDA leaders; I have to take a slight detour today regarding something that just happened in the News that is prophetic in nature when it comes to Satan gathering his antichristian troops that will soon go forth against God’s people at Armageddon. As we already see the media hating on Christians all over the world now on a daily basis and we know the Vatican was actually built by Satan for this purpose and every prelate in Rome have been recently exposed as card carrying devil worshipers just as prophecy predicted long ago, what was just released to the world-wide media needs to be addressed.
Continue readingFr. James Martin: Pope appoints ‘gay-friendly’ bishops, cardinals to change Church on LGBT
Vatican consultant and homosexual activist priest Fr. James Martin stated at a recent conference that Pope Francis has gone out of his way to appoint “gay-friendly” bishops and cardinals in the Catholic Church.
Speaking at the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice 2018 in Washington D.C. on Saturday evening, the Jesuit priest and America magazine editor-at-large told students that “things are changing” in the Church regarding homosexuality under Francis’ watch.
“…Just look at what has happened in the last five years–since Pope Francis has been elected,” he said. Continue reading
Jewish, Christian, Islamic scholars agree on Temple location
“Put simply, the scholars at our conference never doubted nor disputed that there had been a Jewish Temple on today’s Har Habayis in antiquity, up until 70 CE. Rather, they argued consistently, with no exception, that the religious traditions and texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam solidly recognize this reality.” –Source
“First and foremost, for WorldNetDaily to post a PDF file from a Jewish Professor who most likely sets the stage for the Jesuit theology about a 7 year tribulation is in fact par for the course for WND. The only reason I use them on a regular basis is that they tend to have somewhat of a Christian slant to their reporting which allows for better sources on some articles, and combating their false theology regarding a secret rapture to an Islamic Antichrist is child’s play in the hands of any obedient student of Bible prophecy because being obedient means the Author of those prophetic facts will reveal the truth unto us. But, the only reason I post this article about Jews, Christians and Muslims supposedly agreeing on the Temple location is because of the timing of it all. What I mean is, any student of prophecy can tell you they are starting these talking points just prior to religious laws being legalized in the USA. This all plays into the long declared agenda of Jesuits regarding a nonbiblical seven year tribulation which if successful in pulling they will no doubt make plans to disrupt within 3.5 years so as to make their agendas appear prophetic. Continue reading