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Audio: Fargo Businessman Says He’ll Put North Dakota Blue Laws Repeal on the Statewide Ballot

15974862_1651647998469218_1006304786031145054_oYesterday the state Senate, amid a lot of talk about religion, shot down a bill repealing the state’s blue laws.

Today the Senate could have reconsidered the vote – anyone on the prevailing side, or who was absent for the vote, can call for a reconsideration on the next legislative date – but it didn’t happen. Now unless the blue laws repeal gets amended into some other bill, which seems unlikely, the issue is over for this session.

But Brandon Medenwald, a Fargo-based businessman, told me on the radio today that he’s going to put the issue on the ballot for an initiated measure.   Continue reading

Video: Senate Votes Down Blue Laws Repeal Amid Bizarre Rant About Atheists

deverAfter the House passed a repeal of North Dakota’s blue laws – the prohibition on some types of retail sales on Sunday mornings – I expected smooth sailing in the state Senate. The Senate, after all, is typically perceived as being at least somewhat less socially conservative than the House.

Boy was I wrong.

The bill – HB1163 introduced by Rep. Pamela Anderson (D-Fargo) – failed on a 22-25 vote though it was hardly a party-line affair. As you can see from a roll call printout a friendly SAB reader at the capitol sent me, there were plenty of Republicans and Democrats on each side of this issue.

From the opposition, there was a lot of talk about religion.

“Man was not made for the Sabbath, rather the Sabbath was made for man,” Senator Robert Eberle (R-Lehr) told the floor in remarks attributed to Jesus. He went on to call the desire for Sunday sales “selfish consumerism.”

Senator David Clemens (R-West Fargo) said North Dakotans should “use that time to go to worship” or be with their families. Senator Diane Larson (R-Bismarck) echoed those sentiments.

But the most bizarre comments came from Senator Dick Dever (R-Bismarck) who went on a lengthy rant about atheism.

“We don’t teach evolution in school because it’s settled science,” he told the Senate floor. “We teach it because it isn’t creationism. Why is that?”

He called atheism a “belief system” which adheres to the “humanist manifesto.” Which may be true for some atheists, but certainly not all.

Not this atheist, anyway.

He also said that atheists are trying to “foist” their philosophy on society by trying to “break down the family.” He accused atheists, when the sue over things like saying “god” in the pledge of allegiance, of “using the government as a tool to advance” the “faith” of atheism.

He then went of into a tangent about creationism.

“We don’t teach evolution in school because it’s settled science,” he told the Senate floor. “We teach it because it isn’t creationism. Why is that?”

Dever appeared to answer his own question in another part of his diatribe. He said humanists encourage teachers to use “a classroom instead of a pulpit” to spread their belief system.

What any of that has to do with Sunday openings I have no idea. The idea that the push behind this bill is some sort of atheist/humanist plot is a bit ridiculous. I suspect that most of the people who support the change are people of one faith or another who just happen to think that business owners should get to decide for themselves when they might want to be open.

I’m told that there may be an effort to reconsider the bill on the Senate floor. That’s what happened in the House earlier this session when the bill initially failed there. How successful that effort will be I don’t know, but I’ve already spoken to one supporter of the legislation who is promising to put the issue on the statewide ballot if the bill dies in the Senate.


VIDEO: Jerry Springer: Bannon ‘Wants America To Be Basically Christian and White’

2418“Sunday, on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” talk show host Jerry Springer suggested that White House Chief Strategist and former Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon “has a philosophical goal” to “do away with a multicultural America,” which is why he and President Donald Trump go after the courts and the media. “Bannon has a philosophical goal, and that is, as I said before, to do away with a multicultural America. He wants America to be basically Christian and white. So keep out the Mexicans, keep out the Muslims, etc.,” Springer explained.” –Source

Jerry Springer, for those of you that may not know, was a flailing politician in 1970 who ran for Congress and failed only to be elected to the Cincinnati council in 1971 and then resign in disgrace after admitting he purchased services from a brothel in 1974. Still, even though all that happened he was re-elected in 1974 showing all of us how corrupt the American voter has become. He then went on to become Mayor and then tried once to become Governor as well as attempting more than one run for the US Senate. But he wasn’t done. His desire to destroy America from within pushed him to create the “Jerry Springer Show” wherein he flaunted all sorts of sick, disgusting and perverted lifestyles of the poor and infamous in the Chicago area.   Continue reading

Did the Pope just send Islamic Terrorists to China?

Uighur-men-praying-at-mosque-AFP-640x480“The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and its rival al-Qaeda have recently published propaganda videos explicitly calling on jihadists from China’s Uighur minority who have joined the terrorist groups to attack the communist country. …Both videos feature calls to the Muslim world to wage jihad against the kafirs [non-believers] of China and to perform acts of revenge for the deaths of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. …Oh, you Chinese, who do not understand what people say! We are the soldiers of Allah, will make you understand Islam with the tongues of our weapons. We will come to you to shed blood like rivers and avenge the oppressed,” he adds before savagely decapitating a prisoner dressed in red, a color traditionally associated with communism.” –Source

If you are one to watch the News, especially that which comes from nations wherein the Pope recently visited or is trying to make “friendly relations” with, you may notice that each time the Pope visits a nation, not long after the visit political chaos literally breaks forth on numerous front because the man of sin brings the enemy of souls with him wherever he goes and anyone doing business with him grants Satan permission to run rampant in their nation. What amazes me is how 1.2 billion Catholics keep missing all this time after time. They watch their Popes go from nation to nation, yet rarely do they see their Popes having major meetings with Catholic church leaders. No, the Pope concentrates on having meetings with the leaders of nations as well as non-Catholic leaders and with leaders from very evil religions. Worse yet, he bows before their antiChristian leaders and actually kisses their holy books. But nary a Catholic is bothered by this?  Continue reading

“Snoop Dog” shoots Trump in music video

download“Snoop Dogg stars in a new politically-charged music video that sees the rapper pull a gun on and “shoot” a parody clown version of President Donald Trump. Visuals for “Lavender,” a song that first appeared on BADBADNOTGOOD and Kaytranada’s IV, show a clown-faced President “Ronald Klump” holding a press conference where he announces a plan to “deport all dogs.”-Source

I would post some of the comments “Snoop Dogg” makes in the article but it’s one “F” word after another and the video, (please don’t watch it) it’s worse than the article. So why am I posting it? It’s the same thing over and over again in the lame stream media lately. All of them make failed comments about assassinating Trump and many of the professional liars in Hollywood (actors) which we all know are heavy into politics; I mean the politically fueled movies confirmed that decades ago; but many of them make open death threats to the president but have you noticed something strange about that? When Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House on camera before a large group of women, or Mickey Rourke threatens to literally kill Trump with a baseball bat during an interview outside a bar, yet none of these people end up behind bars? Hmmmmm   Continue reading

Pope Francis warns Trump: ‘Populism is evil’

pope-francis“Pope Francis has warned in an interview with a German newspaper of the dangers of rising populism in western democracies. The pope told Die Zeit on Thursday “populism is evil and ends badly as the past century showed.” He also said he rejects any kind of cult around the papacy and that he’s a normal believer just like everyone else.” –Source

First off this Jesuit Pope aka prophesied man of sin stated that “populism is evil.” And do you know why he says that? You may be a bit shocked in this because he is banking on the “dumbing down” of the masses to slip this one by as well as having hope the elite that do understand will circle the wagons for him. But for some of you that may not know what that word “populism” means, I will define it for you.   Continue reading

EU bishops’ commission calls for work-free Sundays

March 07, 2017

euThe Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community has joined with other groups in calling for Sunday to be recognized as a common day of rest from work throughout the European Union.

“In particular in times of digitalization, all citizens of the European Union are entitled to benefit from decent working hours,” COMECE said in a statement. “Only essential services should operate on a Sunday.”


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Jesuits at Georgetown University Lying for the Muslim Brotherhood!

MB-Motto“A Georgetown professor has penned a column in the Washington Post saying the Muslim Brotherhood does not exist in America and even if it did, it’s an entirely peaceful organization. In an op-ed titled “Calling the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization Would Hurt All American Muslims,” Professor Arjun Singh Sethi says that “the Brotherhood disavowed violence long ago.” Groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America or ISNA and Muslim Student Association or MSA have “no connection to it,” according to Sethi, even though the connections have been documented by countless other scholars, FBI officials and investigative journalists. He also tries to discredit the much-quoted “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” authored by Brotherhood member Mohamed Akram. “This memorandum, of which there is only one known copy, has been widely discredited and called a fantasy,” Sethi writes.” –Source

One would think that him being a Professor he would have done just a tad bit more research before publishing such folderol any journalist wannabe could research out in their kitchen on any cellphone to find the real truth on this. But being a Professor in a Vatican funded Jesuit University one has to realize the power behind the comment and so the demographic research would have to be looked at to assure a positive outcome on all this before releasing such a statement. The numbers are there and they knew before going to press that the majority in the nation, and those Soros and Rome pay to riot in the streets, are the type of sheeple anyone with viable gray matter knows to be morally unstable to the point they would switch sides at the drop of a dime; or maybe a bulging promised bag of bitcoins, (perhaps 30?) and so they needed to make sure the to appeal to employed rioters would believe such comments as we see this Professor sharing. I mean after all, they don’t want to upset the pawns unless they can profit by their ill repute en masse; and one can rest assured martial law can be quite profitable for those in power. Especially those that purchased nationally sized portions of dry goods they can sell at puffed up prices when the store shelves go empty. (BTW: For those that don’t think Soros is working with Catholics, click here)

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Victim quits pope’s abuse panel, slams ‘shameful’ Vatican

Part-DV-DV1716545-1-1-1“Marie Collins, an Irish survivor of clerical sex abuse, resigned Wednesday from Pope Francis’s child protection panel, accusing senior Vatican officials of “shameful” blocking of reforms approved by the pontiff. Collins’s departure and her depiction of high-level obstruction of change is an embarrassing blow to the pontiff’s attempts to demonstrate that the Church is effectively combating a scourge that has profoundly damaged its image over recent decades. The 70-year-old, who was raped by a hospital chaplain at 13, explained her decision in an article for the National Catholic Reporter (NCR). As a survivor I have watched events unfold with dismay,” she wrote. Her resignation happened days after Francis came under fire for reducing sanctions imposed on some paedophile priests in line with his desire for the Church to be more merciful across a range of issues.” –Source

ECHO.. Echo.. echo..

Never seems to end does it? And what’s truly shocking is, even though this woman, a devout Roman Catholic, sees how her Vatican priests are blocking every attempt by her to do as she was hired to do, and that was to find a way to protect the children from the child molesters in her church leadership, she not only walks off the job proving the Vatican has no real interest in stopping their flesh crazed pedophile recreational past time, she has no intention of leaving her beloved church. Now keep in mind, she wasn’t only hired to help the Vatican figure out a way to help protect the children from the child rapists in the priesthood, she herself was a victim of sexual abuse by this very same priesthood. And all this comes to light just four days after the Pope himself quietly trims sanctions for sex abusers in his priesthood that are seeking mercy for the crimes they commit against the children?! (Not surprised since the last 2 Popes did the same thing!)   Continue reading

Married lesbian Baptist co-pastors say all are ‘beloved’

The Rev. Maria Swearingen, center left, and the Rev. Sally Sarratt, center right, are welcomed into membership at Calgary Baptist Church by other clergy during a service on Feb. 26, 2017, in Washington, D.C. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks
The Rev. Maria Swearingen, center left, and the Rev. Sally Sarratt, center right, are welcomed into membership at Calgary Baptist Church by other clergy during a service on Feb. 26, 2017, in Washington, D.C. RNS photo by Adelle M. Banks

WASHINGTON (RNS) In her sermon on the last Sunday of Black History Month, the Rev. Maria Swearingen preached about her belief that black lives, “queer lives” and immigrant lives matter.

And since it also was Transfiguration Sunday, she pointed to the story in the Gospel of Matthew where God declared Jesus “beloved.” That is a term, she said, that can be used for everyone.

Swearingen stood in the pulpit for the first time as the lesbian co-pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, her wife and fellow co-pastor, the Rev. Sally Sarratt, smiling over her left shoulder as they began their new joint roles.   Continue reading