The Vatican abruptly announced that they will not provide a live broadcast of Joe Biden and Pope Francis’s meeting. They are only going to release edited footage of the encounter. No explanation was provided on why the change happened.” Source
Continue readingCategory: Public School
What’s In The News – Prophecy Updates – 12/11/20
We have a remarkable week brothers and sisters! We see these headlines of the past weeks about the signs of the times that really confirms we are in the very last days. Satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour whoever he can because he knows he has a short time. So, let’s be watchful and prayerful all the time.
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” Luke 17:26-27
Continue readingMedia ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting
“Here we go again. A horrific mass shooting occurs. Everyone is in shock and grief. Democrats blame guns and Republicans. Pundits urge the public, “If you see something, say something.” And everyone asks, “Why?” As information about the perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the “troubled youth” who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications – you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including “suicidal ideation” and even “homicidal ideation.” –Source
Once again we see a school shooting and people dying at the hands of someone medicated by Pharmaceutical drugs! Yet because big pharma uses their insane amount of profits to pay off so many politicians you won’t hear the truth about their mind altering drugs being mentioned in the media anytime soon. No, I expect for the next few weeks we will hear all about the need for gun control in the USA from those paid off politicians and nary a single doctor who “legally” prescribes these psychotropic drugs that are far more powerful than any street drug known to man will ever see any jail time. No laws will be passed to stop the drug companies from killing innocent people by murder or even suicide; not to mention the accidental deaths from being prescribed the wrong medications. In fact, drug overdose deaths exceeded motor vehicle-related fatalities in 36 states! Yet they still sell this stuff without so much as a slap on the wrist? Continue reading
Little Boys Becoming Drag Queens
Do you recall this article I posted on my homeschools spurs page back in November of last year? No, you’re not hallucinating, that’s actually a homosexual man dressed as a woman possessed by a demon with five horns literally reading an LGBT story to precious little children in the Michelle Obama public library in Long Beach, California. As expected some of the children were very happy and entertained by all this. But then this is to be expected if you have ever watched modern day cartoons, read a comic book or seen a DC Comic movie wherein all sorts of demon images are made to look as heroes for the children. As also expected some of the children have been adversely affected, and yes as per Biblical jurisprudence some of them have been openly possessed by the demons their very own parents allowed them to play with and now we see boys as young as 10 years old not only dressing as drag queens, this young boy literally started a drag club for kids in New York City! And it gets worse if that’s actually possible. Continue reading
‘I want to kill children’ message lands teacher in hot water
After watching this video, three things come to mind in a big way here. #1, the obvious… As I have been saying for literally decades, the American School system is not a safe place for children. My homeschool spurs page with thousands of articles and videos proves that hands down. #2. This News report looks to be yet another slam on Christianity in that the second projected slide placed on screen claims the teacher is a Christian. (see pic on left) If you look through those articles and videos I have on my aforementioned page you will see Christianity has been targeted in a big way in American schools for many decades. And #3; Notice how this teacher spelled the word “flea” on that slide. Now yes it also appears he missed the fact the caps lock was still on as he used a lower case “i” and “c” in ways that don’t work well with proper grammar; but the word “flee” used here is very telling in regards to his attention to details. No, he is not talking about fleeing as the word he used here would normally be used in a proper sentence, which we know is defined as someone seeking to escape danger in a hurry. He is talking about a little bug found on rodents and house pets. Continue reading
40 Percent Of Americans Now “Prefer Socialism To Capitalism”
“Americans are increasingly embracing socialism, and this is particularly true for young adults under the age of 30. As you will see below, four out of every ten Americans now prefer socialism to capitalism, and if current trends continue it is just a matter of time before those that prefer socialism are in the majority. Of course our society has already been very heavily socialized. We have been trained to believe that if a problem exists, then it is the job of government to fix it, and over time government on all levels of our system has just gotten bigger and bigger.” –Source
Surprised? Really? I’m not! Have you seen my “Homeschools Spurs” page recently? Or how about my Vatican Socialist Agenda page? Literally every school in the United States, and this includes the private schools as well as the many so called Christian schools, and most assuredly every Madrasa in this so called Christian nation, all of them are brainwashing the children to embrace the idea of a Socialist format in America so Rome can have an easy row to hoe when the time to enforce the mark finally arrives. I have literally thousands of articles on the Homeschools Spurs page and those spun off from it showing how the Government has blatantly dumbed down our precious children so as to ready them for a society they prefer wherein like ancient and papal Rome declare Government become a god unto the people. Far-fetched? Click here and you will see it was of course the norm in Pharaoh’s day but in some nations it is still the norm today! Satan has been busy! Continue reading
Dozens of top schools fail to presume innocence
“They are among the elite of higher education: Boston University, College of William & Mary, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Penn State, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt and others. They represent, to many, the epitome of education. The best understanding of history, social events, medicine, science, literature and law. Yet all of those schools, and many more, fail to ensure that students accused of on-campus infractions are presumed innocent until proven guilty.” –Source
And why do you suppose that is? Well it’s for the exact same reason most nations seek to emulate American culture or people in the Western half of our nation influence fashion, sports and “what’s cool” for the other half of the nation. It has to do with the blind leading the blind. It’s a means by which Satan has been able to lure people into his trophy case for literally eons. Continue reading
Kindergarten boy ‘instantly turns into girl’ at school
“The push to make children comfortable with transgenderism has reached disturbing new depths, with a California school promoting it to kindergartners by having a 5-year-old boy undergo a “transition ceremony” in front of classmates. The boy left his classroom at Rocklin Academy Schools in Rocklin dressed as a boy then returned dressed as a girl. KTXL-TV, a Fox affiliate in Sacramento, reported two books written specifically for young children were read in the class “to illustrate what it means to be transgender.” The two books were “I am Jazz” and “The Red Crayon,” according to Both are meant to explain transgenderism in a sympathetic way to children ages 4 to 8. …The report said the “ceremony” traumatized some of the students, including girls who went home crying to their parents, asking if they were going to turn into a boy. Many parents were upset about the event, especially since they were not informed beforehand that it was going to take place.” –Source
Absolutely insane! Now do you see why I created a page on my site years ago title “Homeschool Spurs?” The amount of antichristian and downright demonic idiocy that was being pumped into the minds of the children was so frequent from school to school that I had to warn the parents. And the way it has been done to keep the general public off guard was shocking. And what I mean by off guard is; to make sure there wasn’t a mass exodus of parents yanking the children out of the schools, the government employees (aka teachers) were told to push the sinfulness in many different regions of the nation that were far enough apart from each other that parents in other areas across America thought it was no big deal since it wasn’t near their child’s school. Continue reading
Preschool teachers cause children to be heterosexual
Why not suggest you can play house with two moms?
A recent research paper suggests that preschool teachers are the reason most people identify as heterosexual.
“Reproducing (and Disrupting) Heteronormativity: Gendered Sexual Socialization in Preschool Classrooms,” published last month in the journal Sociology of Education, is based a sociology researcher’s observations of nine different preschool classrooms over the course of 10 months. Continue reading
U.S. schools ‘bowing’ to Islam during Ramadan
“High schools across America are being pressured to offer time off school, in-school prayer rooms, and special dietary demands by Muslim students observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. One campus in Brooklyn has agreed not to serve food at its prom until after sundown while another school in upstate New York is setting up prayer rooms to satisfy the demands of students who observe Ramadan.” –Source
Amazing isn’t it? In a Christian nation we now have Government teachers who have displayed all sorts of hatred towards anything about Jesus Christ who is the pinnacle of peace and love unparalleled throughout the history of mankind so much so it is illegal to even mention His name in American schools. But, if you worship a god that demands you kill Christians in as graphic a manner that pleases the Pope in Rome who actually wrote the book on torture as well as the Quran of Islam, then you are free to demand all sorts of religious rights in the government schools of America who for decades protested to demand a supposed removal of church & state. Continue reading