“Americans are increasingly embracing socialism, and this is particularly true for young adults under the age of 30. As you will see below, four out of every ten Americans now prefer socialism to capitalism, and if current trends continue it is just a matter of time before those that prefer socialism are in the majority. Of course our society has already been very heavily socialized. We have been trained to believe that if a problem exists, then it is the job of government to fix it, and over time government on all levels of our system has just gotten bigger and bigger.” –Source
Surprised? Really? I’m not! Have you seen my “Homeschools Spurs” page recently? Or how about my Vatican Socialist Agenda page? Literally every school in the United States, and this includes the private schools as well as the many so called Christian schools, and most assuredly every Madrasa in this so called Christian nation, all of them are brainwashing the children to embrace the idea of a Socialist format in America so Rome can have an easy row to hoe when the time to enforce the mark finally arrives. I have literally thousands of articles on the Homeschools Spurs page and those spun off from it showing how the Government has blatantly dumbed down our precious children so as to ready them for a society they prefer wherein like ancient and papal Rome declare Government become a god unto the people. Far-fetched? Click here and you will see it was of course the norm in Pharaoh’s day but in some nations it is still the norm today! Satan has been busy!
And if you have a chance to check out my Vatican Socialist Agenda page wherein I show how the Popes, who still claim to be “another god on earth” to this day, are very active in American politics so as to bring about a mindset in this nation wherein what the political leaded say go. This is why Hillary so no problem declaring on camera during her campaign that “religious biases must change” because she knew all too well about how she was worshipped. And we all recall all the pics of Obama as Messiah and how some people actually prayed to him on camera and yes he too demanded Christians deny Jesus Christ on camera. And just so you know, I started that Vatican Socialist Agenda page because I saw how the Vatican was not only manipulating our politics, they were going after our children as well.
I cannot count how many times I have warned everyone I can about how the schools have been indoctrinating the children to get used to a police state format in America so that when the children eventually leave the schools and are old enough to vote they will lean towards voting what they were used to experiencing in the schools in the way it’s literally like a mini-police state and whatever their teachers told them was “normal” in society. And this is why when you go into any school, the children are already living in a Socialist society from the moment they step into school until they leave. And the very second their parents speak out against it, the teachers do all they can to shut the parents up. In fact, have you noticed all the articles on my Homeschools Spurs wherein the children were subjected to everything from literal school supervised abortions to books promoting Islam and even homosexuality without the parents being asked or even notified? The Government grew tired of having to switch gears and move their lesson plans to different school districts every time the parents complained and so now they just do what they want without letting the parents know, and if a parent finds out or complains about any of this, they suspend the child or ignore the parent. And since it’s the US Government that makes the decisions in all the schools, nary a parent can win any argument regarding their own child’s curriculum. And so this is why young adults under 30 are moving towards Socialism because #1, it’s exactly what they have been teaching the children in the schools for over 2 decades now and #2, it was prophesied to be this way.
By the way, were you aware that a Roman Catholic Emperor was the first to come up with this type of grossly government supervised form of education in the schools? He stated not too long ago, “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the State..” His name was Adolf Hitler.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SDA Walla Walla University Church Joins Progressive Spirituality Group * Catholic Nuns Bury HUNDREDS of children in mass graves * VIDEO: Irma-battered Caribbean islands brace for major Hurricane Maria’s flooding, damaging winds * Trump reportedly flip-flops on Paris climate deal decision * U.S. Air Force Is Spraying 6 Million Acres With Chemicals in Response to Harvey * VIDEO: French police demand protection from protesters & terrorists * VIDEO: While Detroit is Bankrupt, a Muslim moves in to become the 1st Muslim governor in US history? * With Support of Parliament, Scotland Consecrated to what a demon claims is the Immaculate Heart of Mary * NASA plan to stop supervolcano sparks doomsday fears * Vatican investigator: ‘All indications’ the Medjugorje demon could be approved as one speaking truth this year * VIDEO: Child porn discovered at Vatican AGAIN! * Polish cardinal calls for ban on Sunday shopping * VIDEO: Like all Hurricanes, Irma sucked the shoreline into the core * Rothschild: Our New World Order Will Be A Reality In 2018 * In TV interview, Steve Bannon slams church, bishops over immigration * VIDEO: ‘Bar Church’ serves up example of faith where you find it * VIDEO: Journalist fired for exposing how CIA ran weapons to terrorists * VIDEO: Pope worships and actually prays to a statue on camera * The Vatican’s Failure in the Abuse Scandal * Top Vatican official: Gay sex in Vatican ‘never been worse’ than under Francis * Suffolk churches to trial contactless and cashless payments * Pope Francis says there are limits to freedom of expression * Vatican expert says homophobia in Catholic Church due in part to high numbers of gay priests * Canon expert: Vatican protected bishops for centuries * “VIDEO: I’m a Protestant, but I can tell you because of Pope Francis I really could become a Catholic,” Al Gore * Kansas unveils new ‘Real ID’ drivers licenses, 3 years early