Vatican’s Eucharistic ‘Jesus’ Revival in USA is Here – Sunday Laws are coming

According to Catholic Agency News on July 18, 2024, “the National Eucharistic Congress officially kicked off Wednesday evening with the triumphant culmination of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimages, the solemn entry of the Eucharistic Jesus in a papally-blessed golden monstrance, and speeches from Catholic luminaries that set the tone for the historic five-day event.”

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Pope Francis and Pope Pius XII – Building A Better World?!

“In a video message on Thursday, Pope Francis encouraged Christians to stay committed to making the world a more just and peaceful place, as his predecessor Pius XII urged 70 years ago… Pope Francis thanked the members of the Movement for a Better World for their work. “Above all, I encourage you to work for justice, for children and the elderly, and for peace. This is a better world, which we want to be a world of peace,” he said.” – Source

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“Pope: May the Ignatian Year help us see all things new in Christ” Prophecy News Updates – 5/28/21

Notice this blasphemous claim of Pope: “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.]

Then notice the Jesuit Oath here: “I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

Then read below headline where the pope offers a blessing to celebrate the Ignatian year from May 2021 till June 2022… The Bible says, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.Matthew 7:15 

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Top U.N. Official: Trump Engaging in ‘Flirtation’ with Torture, Americans More ‘Accepting’ of It

United-Nations-High-Commissioner-for-Human-Rights-jordan-prince-Zeid-Raad-Al-Hussein-getty-640x480“In this context, most worrisome to me is the persistent flirtation by the President of the United States, throughout his campaign and soon thereafter, with a return to torture. We are now told the US Army field manual will not be redrafted, and the US Secretary of Defence is guiding the White House on this. For now there is little danger of a return to the practice of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” a euphemism that dupes no one. The mood in the US could of course change dramatically, if the country were at some stage to experience a gruesome terrorist attack. And, mindful of how the American public has, over the last ten years, become far more accepting of torture, the balance could be tipped in favour of its practice – and destroy the delicate position the Convention Against Torture is in.” –Source

Now do you see why students of prophecy understood as we did during the Trump campaign when he and the Pope butted heads that is was nothing more than a negative propaganda campaign designed to pull the onus off the Pope and how he will still have complete control over US policy because prophecy will be fulfilled? And the fact Trump and His Roman Catholic wife met with the Pope in May and had nothing but praises for him shows it’s all politics. Nothing more nothing less.   Continue reading

Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group In the World, Study Says

7a696270e665d66f3f7b09c6f975076a“Massimo Introvigne, Director of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (Cesnur), told Vatican Radio that around half a billion Christians in the world are unable to express their faith completely freely, while around 90,000 – one every six minutes – died for their faith in the past year alone. Referring to statistics from the Centre for the Study of Global Christianity, Mr Introvigne said around 70 per cent of Christians murdered in 2016 died in tribal conflicts in Africa. These deaths were included, he said, because very often they involved Christians who refuse to take up arms for reasons of conscience.” –Source
<And that is why the Muslims under direction of Rome kill the Christians. It’s also why we see the politicians and most so called “Christians” in America supporting Chrislam in their own churches. Cowards always have the same reasons for their cowardice. Cowards always target Christians because they feel their love for them is weakness and so they make easy victims. The Vatican knows how easy it was to kill hundreds of millions during the prophesied “Great Tribulation” Jesus spoke of, and so their loyal pawns in Islam today do the same figuring the gentle Christians are an easy target. Fact is what the cowards in Rome, Islam and in the SDA and other churches that declare “Allah is God” don’t seem to realize is, real Christians don’t fear death at all. The obedient Christian knows we will get up again never to die for all eternity. Christians also know it is far more courageous to stand in the truth as it is proclaimed in Jesus Christ and be obedient even unto death than it is to beat on someone who loves you so much they refuse to even strike back knowing to do so will harm you.   Continue reading

VIDEO: “Someone” is paying to bus in violent protesters city by city

cxjbfhnwgaa5fvm“Now, courtesy of a Zero Hedge reader, we have visual confirmation of how a substantial portion of these professional, paid protesters arrive at the site of the protest, in this case Chicago. As our reader notes, “I have a video of 5 city blocks on the West side of Chicago lined with busses from Wisconsin (Badger Bus Lines) bringing in protestors. The Sears tower is visible in the background.”” –Source

It’s amazing how long that line of busses appeared to be. Literally 5 city blocks and they were lined up on both sides. So in essence, 10 city blocks of paid for professional protesters to start riots in each city?! They are doing all they can to disrupt America and further divide the people. They even claim (in this video) that the powers that be can deny Trump the office of the president. But with a Republican house, Senate, and President elect, that’s not very likely. And if you notice in that video, the media is once again hiding truth and isn’t saying anything about the fact that the protests are bought, paid for and staged in those cities.   Continue reading

New D.C. museum busy rewriting history

hitler-with-joseph-goebbels-photoshopped-out“New Smithsonian hails accuser Anita Hill, barely mentions Clarence Thomas” (, Oct. 3, 2016), Raffi Williams writes: “Thomas disputed Hill’s allegations and won confirmation, but his side of the story is mostly ignored in the exhibits. Museum officials acknowledged that Thomas has ‘very little presence’ in any of the exhibitions.” He adds, “One of the few mentions of Thomas in the museum reads: ‘In 1991 Anita Hill charged Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas with sexual harassment.’” It is astounding that a museum dedicated to black history would essentially snub one of the most important African-Americans of our time, Clarence Thomas – only the second-ever African-American justice to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States.”  –Source

If you think that’s shocking, the author of the article that posted the excerpt is a white man! But that’s not my point. My point is that I am oh so glad they got caught doing this! It’s confirms what students of prophecy have been saying for literally centuries! What I mean is. So many people think Christmas is a Christian holiday when in fact in early America it was shunned and outlawed because of it’s obvious connections with Paganism and the bloodthirsty Popes. The Popes not only changed the history books, they got Congress andthe massively corrupt American school system to help them remove any negative facts regarding the Vatican’s past so as to give them a new religious and political foundation to stand on.   Continue reading

Catholic fans chant ‘You killed Jesus’ during basketball game

church-sign-saying-jews-killed-jesus-2873765_289753_ver1-0_640_480Catholic high school students chanted, “You killed Jesus” at a basketball game against a predominantly Jewish high school in a Boston suburb on Friday night.

During the playoff contest between Catholic Memorial School and the public Newton North High School, fans of the latter began shouting, “Sausage fest!” at the opposing team, an off-color reference to the fact that CMS is an all-boys institution.

In response, the Catholic fans repeated, “You killed Jesus, you killed Jesus,” spectators at the event said.

The Catholic fans’ cheer was a reference to Jewish deicide, the charge that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. Source

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

160404_ag_rk-385x200Beginning in 1478, the Spanish Inquisition systematically silenced any citizen who held views that did not align with the king’s. Using the powerful arm of the government, the grand inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, and his henchmen sought out all those who held religious, scientific, or moral views that conflicted with the monarch’s, punishing the “heretics” with jail sentences; property confiscation; fines; and in severe cases, torture and execution. Source

Mexico: Evangelical Christian beaten and imprisoned after he refused to convert to Catholicism

ciudad-juarezA Christian man was beaten and imprisoned in Mexico in what has been described as “the latest instance in a long trend of persecution”.  Lauro Nunez, from Chachalacas in the Oaxaca region, was attacked by a mob on Easter Monday as he attempted to return to his village to visit his family. He had previously been expelled from his home for his evangelical Christian faith. Source