A prominent Evangelical researcher has warned that the lack of a biblical worldview among parents of preteens puts youth at a “spiritual disadvantage.” The George Barna-led Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released the first report of its American Worldview Inventory 2022 Tuesday, which analyzed “the worldview dilemma of American parents.” … Although some parents are “aware the child’s worldview is being developed,” Barna said they may “choose or allow outsiders to accomplish that duty on the parent’s behalf.” “Shockingly few parents intentionally speak to their children about beliefs and behavior based upon a biblical worldview,” Barna said. “Perhaps the most powerful worldview lesson parents provide is through their own behavior, yet our studies consistently indicate that parental choices generally do not reflect biblical principles or an intentionally Christian approach to life.” The research concluded that American parents’ views about the Bible play a role in the group’s widespread absence of a biblical worldview. Specifically, nearly six out of 10 parents surveyed do not see the Bible as a “reliable and accurate source of God’s truth,” while just 40% view the Bible as “God’s accurate words for humanity.” – SOURCE.
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