“The push to make children comfortable with transgenderism has reached disturbing new depths, with a California school promoting it to kindergartners by having a 5-year-old boy undergo a “transition ceremony” in front of classmates. The boy left his classroom at Rocklin Academy Schools in Rocklin dressed as a boy then returned dressed as a girl. KTXL-TV, a Fox affiliate in Sacramento, reported two books written specifically for young children were read in the class “to illustrate what it means to be transgender.” The two books were “I am Jazz” and “The Red Crayon,” according to LifeSiteNews.com. Both are meant to explain transgenderism in a sympathetic way to children ages 4 to 8. …The report said the “ceremony” traumatized some of the students, including girls who went home crying to their parents, asking if they were going to turn into a boy. Many parents were upset about the event, especially since they were not informed beforehand that it was going to take place.” –Source
Absolutely insane! Now do you see why I created a page on my site years ago title “Homeschool Spurs?” The amount of antichristian and downright demonic idiocy that was being pumped into the minds of the children was so frequent from school to school that I had to warn the parents. And the way it has been done to keep the general public off guard was shocking. And what I mean by off guard is; to make sure there wasn’t a mass exodus of parents yanking the children out of the schools, the government employees (aka teachers) were told to push the sinfulness in many different regions of the nation that were far enough apart from each other that parents in other areas across America thought it was no big deal since it wasn’t near their child’s school.
And then, as the second beast of Revelation (aka as the USA Government) saw it was able to get to the children soul by soul in a sporadic manner they strategically continued their evil agenda against the children in bigger numbers as the shock started to wear off due to repetitiveness. But thanks to complacency bred by laziness and a lack of concern by the parents in the “safe schools”, instead of targeting schools across the nation that were hundreds and thousands of miles apart, now they targeted schools across the state. And as expected, that then led to schools separated by mere zip codes.
And notice the way they now choose to attack the children with their prophesied flesh crazed agenda. Today the Government won’t even alert the parents beforehand as the article just stipulated. Have you noticed? That is happening all over the nation over and over again and no one seems to notice why. They do it that way knowing there isn’t anything the parents can do to erase it from their children’s minds now that the teachers exposed them to it in the most convincing manner they can devise. And, since these are government schools doing this, none of them will be closed for these illegal activities. And the teacher that was asked to do if for the government will only receive a few days off work with pay so as to make it appear like they got reprimanded for it when in fact they just got a bonus most call a paid vacation instead.
In the 1980’s when they started to push homosexuality to the children in the Chicago area, at least back then they would send the children home with a note the day before for the parents to read saying they planned to do this and the child had the right to stay home if the parents wanted to opt out. But even there it was a win win for the school because giving the parents one days’ notice meant it would be next to impossible for the parents to let the children stay home as many families have both parents working and finding a nanny or babysitter on such short notice was not easy. Praise God it wasn’t that way for my wife and I when they sent our children home with a note like that. Not only did they stay home the next from school, both my wife and I went to their schools the very same day we got the note and removed all 8 of our children from school forever. And that is one more reason they don’t give the parents the option to opt out anymore. They just push this evil sewage on the kids to the point of scaring the daylights out of them knowing mom and dad can’t do a thing to stop them!
And for those that think I’m exaggerating about how bad it truly is in American schools. See my Homeschool Spurs when you get time. And keep in mind as you scroll through literally thousands of articles and videos of the most disgusting and violent facts regarding the public and private school system, know that I don’t go looking for these articles. I am way too busy to stop my work of warning the people about the prophesied events occurring almost daily around the world regarding the nearness of the Lord’s coming. In other words, these articles just happen across my desk as I go through the mainstream media websites looking for articles. They are THAT frequent!
Now do you see why Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler said “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the State.” And notice this quote that outlines why they’re doing this today. “75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject the Christian faith by their first year of College.” -Video “Let My Children Go” -Caryl Matritiano Author, Vice President Jeremiah films and International cult expert.
If there is any way you can get your precious children out of the schools system in America I implore you to do so as soon as possible!
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Left-wing groups sued for violating Christians’ civil rights * Student Who Posed With Confederate Flag in Charlottesville Kicked Out of Christian College * VIDEO: CNN publishes biased list of ‘hate groups,’ quickly issues corrections * VIDEO: North Korea is ready to strike unless ‘US starts acting sensibly’ * Pope Thinks RAPE and TERROR are Just Part of the ‘Refugee Experience’ * Barcelona Terrorists Planned to Kill Hundreds and Strike Cathedral, Says Suspect * Headless torsoof missing reporter Kim Wall found in Danish waters * VIDEO: Police: Flash Mob of Thieves Steal Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods from NYC Sneaker Stores * VIDEO: Race War Hoax Exposed: Black Chicagoans Say Leave Washington Statue Alone * VIDEO: Surprise! See violent leftists attacking their own * FYI: Does Baby Powder Cause Cancer? A Jury Says Yes. Scientists Aren’t So Sure * Hundreds confess to eating human flesh * Swiss supermarket’s insect burgers will finally go on sale