screengrab1“A man stabbed several times bled to death while people recorded him on their phones instead of helping, it has been reported. Akbar Ali reportedly had two knives lodged inside his ribs and was bleeding heavily on the side of a road in Delhi while desperately asking passers-by for water, who apparently watched on but did not provide help. …He kept fighting till his last breath. He pulled out one knife from his rib, but could not take the other one out. He begged for help and they (the crowd) chose to make videos of my brother,” Najare Imam, the victim’s brother, told the Indian Express.” –Source

Don’t think for a minute that this is unique to India. Over the last few years alone I have shared the prophecy Jesus stated in Matthew 24:12 so many times I lost count. In fact, just this morning I came across four more articles about loved ones killing family members. As prophesied, more and more people no longer have that inborn love for their fellowman, next door neighbor, co-workers, classmates or even their very own family members in every nation on earth. And it’s all happening because now that we are on the threshold of the return of Jesus Christ, all those that refuse to read their Bibles have become deceived into an unnatural loyalty to the dying god of this world and because Satan has nothing but abject hatred for all men who were created in the image of God, all those that following him reflect that very same hatred in the same way true Christians reflect the true love of Jesus Christ. 

As a people living on a sin sick world we have seen every prophecy that was to come to fruition by now fulfilled right before our eyes. Yes, only those obedient to the Author of the Scripture that outlines the prophetic facts can see this clearly; but I have to say the most difficult of all these fulfillments has to be the one that Jesus predicted with absolute perfection and to the letter. He said in Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” And so it has!

Sinfulness is not only off the chart in society, it has become legalized in most nations including the USA. And since the end times began at the end of Daniel’s 2300 year prophecy, everything from consumption of mind altering things like alcohol have become so normalized thanks to it being legalized long ago that those that come across the occasional obedient Christian that says it is sinful to drink, those imbibing look at you like you have two heads. They even ignore the historic fact as to why alcohol was called “spirits” not too long ago because of the obvious demonic influence upon the drunkard.

The God of creation is a God that never changes and so mankind can shout His obedient flock are prudes, old fashioned or just plain peculiar all they want. As a result they don’t realize that too was prophesied! For it was declared long ago in Deuteronomy 26:18, “And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments;” And have you noticed lately? All the Christians today as well as every nonChristian religion teaches their flock it’s ok to break God’s law without a second thought. But were you also aware the Jews recently legalized breaking Sabbath in their nation and the Seventh Day Adventist church has been keeping Sunday holy in scores of their churches for many years. In fact, their Conference leaders recently declared in writing that keeping Sunday holy in an SDA church is “no big deal” which was all an SDA pastor needed to be able to open the church doors on Sunday.

And so it is as it was prophesied to be. Only a remnant of her seed (which the Bible says is not the SDA church) will remain faithful so as both declare present truth so as to ready a people for the coming of the Lord, but to also show that even in a disgusting end time society as this, there are a people who still love their fellowman enough to tell them the truth. Even on pain of death! And so as it is written brothers and sisters in the faith, “ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” -1 Peter 2:9.

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Wash Post column cheers Satan, jeers Christians * VIDEO: If Confederate statues are removed, is Constitution next? * Federal advertising ‘blacklist‘ of websites includes far-right outlets * Santa Rosa Police Release Illegal Alien from Custody; Kills Girlfriend Two Weeks Later * Pamela Geller: Too Much Power over Free Speech in the Hands of a Small Number of Big Tech Companies * Facebook Deletes Thousands of Accounts Ahead of German National Election * How Google secretly records your private conversations * Man who infiltrated ‘Muslim Mafia‘ warns of American insurgency * Marxist infiltration in America ‘virtually complete’ * Milwaukee high school student caught on camera pummeling teacher as class watches * VIDEO: California first-grader sent to principal’s office for misgendering classmate * Major news agency calls punch-throwing leftists ‘peace activists * This is CNN: Don Lemon accuses Trump of inciting ‘civil war * VIDEO: WOW!! Videos show East High cheerleaders repeatedly forced into splits, police investigating (video#2) * Texas Governor Declares Disaster Area in Advance of Category 3 Hurricane Harvey * DREAMer Amnesty Would Risk Protecting Gang Members, Says Expert * Delingpole: Thomas Wictor Is the Latest Victim of Google Censorship * Delingpole: Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ – Fact-Checked * Clinton Health Initiative Spent Only a Fraction of Expenditures Directly on Programs * MGM to match employee gifts to terror front group * Oh, no! Another infant facing death in his ‘best interest’ * PHOTOS: Thousands Flee Texas Coast as Hurricane Harvey Approaches * Swedish Anti-Mass Migration Podcasts Taken Down by Soundcloud for ‘Hate Speech


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