Man bleeds to death from stabbing while people record him on their phones

screengrab1“A man stabbed several times bled to death while people recorded him on their phones instead of helping, it has been reported. Akbar Ali reportedly had two knives lodged inside his ribs and was bleeding heavily on the side of a road in Delhi while desperately asking passers-by for water, who apparently watched on but did not provide help. …He kept fighting till his last breath. He pulled out one knife from his rib, but could not take the other one out. He begged for help and they (the crowd) chose to make videos of my brother,” Najare Imam, the victim’s brother, told the Indian Express.” –Source

Don’t think for a minute that this is unique to India. Over the last few years alone I have shared the prophecy Jesus stated in Matthew 24:12 so many times I lost count. In fact, just this morning I came across four more articles about loved ones killing family members. As prophesied, more and more people no longer have that inborn love for their fellowman, next door neighbor, co-workers, classmates or even their very own family members in every nation on earth. And it’s all happening because now that we are on the threshold of the return of Jesus Christ, all those that refuse to read their Bibles have become deceived into an unnatural loyalty to the dying god of this world and because Satan has nothing but abject hatred for all men who were created in the image of God, all those that following him reflect that very same hatred in the same way true Christians reflect the true love of Jesus Christ.  Continue reading

German couple tortured two women to death, police say

89550128_1d3ef764-edbd-4b29-896a-5b35042f24c1Police in Germany investigating the deaths of two women say they were the victims of a couple who held them hostage and tortured them.

They say a man and his ex-wife placed dating advertisements to lure the women to their home.

The suspects – Wilfried W, 46, and Angelika B, 47 – were arrested last Wednesday and charged with manslaughter.

The man denies any wrongdoing but his partner is reported to have confessed. Source