According to a news report on August 26, 2024, “Apologists for Venezuela’s socialist regime claim that U.S. sanctions made the country poor. And while sanctions didn’t help, the reason the country is poor is because of the socialist policies of the Maduro and Chávez regimes. The transition to socialism and the crash of the economy all happened long before Trump imposed sanctions in 2017… In case anyone missed the horrendous effects of socialism/communism on Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, and Laos, Venezuela should serve as a cautionary tale to American voters to reject socialism.”
When every nation, not just Venezuela and others mentioned in the report, follows Rome’s socialist agenda, the ultimate “horrendous effects of socialism/communism” will finally be seen by all, because this system is the only way the Vatican will be able to enforce her long-awaited mark of control over the people, beginning in the USA, the second beast, and then all other nations will follow her lead.
Yes, the infrastructure has been set-up to implement the mark soon, thanks to the COVID agenda of the beast, as this was also prophesied, as well as her climate change agenda which is all based in a lie!
A solemn warning is given to everyone to prepare for the impending crisis, which will involve all people on the planet. Those who reject man’s law but obey God’s law, especially the fourth commandment, will be persecuted for Christ’s sake!
Are you ready to suffer for Christ? Are you sure?!
Truth is truth!
Ps. Jesuit magazine article “The Catholic case for Communism’ defended Marxism
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