“Thursday during his commencement speech at Harvard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for a “new social contract” with a “universal basic income.” Zuckerberg said, “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Previous generations fought for the vote and civil rights, they had the New Deal and the Great Society. And now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress not by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful.” –Source
In other words, since we have followed the lead of the Vatican in promoting a Socialist format in America by offering welfare to tens of millions of people that don’t need it at all but gladly receive over getting a real job, and since most in America like the idea of allowing the Government to control every aspect of their lives thanks to the dumbing down brought on by the government schools system, why not force the American people to accept a mandatory income so as to teach them to rely 100% on the corrupted Government so that when new and more insane laws are passed removing freedoms and promoting insanities like the mandatory Vaccinations they keep pushing. That way when the people refuse to do as their government commands they can just threaten to take away their “mandatory incomes” so as to force them into compliance just as we saw the government do with the so called Preachers and pastors who bowed in worship to the filthy lucre handed them under the long prophesied 501c contract. Now granted the restriction on political sermons was lifted on May 4th a few weeks ago, but that is where they hung their hat for 63 years! But then that’s how big government works. They push the unjust laws for as long as it grants them additional control of the people and only lift it when it benefits them. And getting the one world church members (ALL church denominations today) to chime in to help the Pope in his push for Sunday Laws, that’s a prophetic no-brainer. And yes, this includes the SDA church as an admitted member. See their own doc files here.
Since Zuckerberg’s brainchild “Facebook” now sports over 2 billion users (no doubt with hundreds of millions of fake subs to help fudge the numbers on their “viable voting bloc”) he can speak in a political arena now knowing he has the ears of hundreds of millions of voters. But that’s nowhere near as important to him as that large bloc makes all the movers and shakers see a political cash cow and so when can see how they will join in to push this. And the fact he is echoing the Vatican’s agenda in all this under the watchful eye of the Catholic Inquisitional Agency most know as the CIA, he has just outed himself as a political shill. The fact he declared just a few days ago that “We Need a ‘Global Superstructure to Advance Humanity’” suggests he’s all in on this one.
Zuckerberg also stated in the article that “We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.” Like what Mark? Whether or not filet mignon goes well with Pepsi or would Mountain Dew suffice? Seriously, we’ve all seen people in the grocery stores buying prime rib, lobster tail and even stuffed clams using the government’s Link card. The welfare system has literally become their bread and butter, or should I say grey poupon and marble rye?
That all being said, have you see my Vatican Socialist Agenda page on the website? I have well over 100 articles and video showing how Rome’s Socialist agenda is deigned to work. This is a sad state of affairs especially for those living in Venezuela right now. The only way the Vatican will be able to enforce the mark is to have power over the people in every nation on an individual basis. Yes, they already have the tools they need to enforce the mark right now. But that’s only viable for the USA. They will enforce the mark here in the USA first so as to show the other nations how well it will work in their regions as well, and so this is why some third world methods like offering financial assistance the other nations clamor after when in fact none is needed here in the States. Satan is one for covering every base and so to prevent any one soul from slipping through his talons, he is going to do all he can to cover ever base. And because our political leaders are grossly corrupt, he is having a field day setting up shop here in America (the second beast) just as prophecy predicted he would.
As some of you may already know, I just posted a quote in my most recent video from Thomas Jefferson that bears repeating. And this is especially the case after seeing what Mark Zuckerberg just said. Jefferson stated; “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.”
Nuff said?
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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