What I am about to share is just a fraction of what I have listed at SDAapostasy.org so as to keep this blog entry short and on point. After what happened recently with Pastor David Gates who not only ignored the Word of God regarding how only false prophets will set dates for prophesied events after the fulfillment of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel, which came to fruition in 1844, to actually changing the Bible’s prophetic definition from a day equaling a year as Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34 defined it to using the Vatican’s claim that a day equals a day so as to shore up a so called prophetic event he claims began in the Fall of 2015 and will come to fruition in the Spring of 2019, I felt it was time to warn some of the brethren in the Seventh Day Adventist church who are right now being moved by the Lord to seriously considered coming out of that church that it is in fact time to come out of her right now. Hopefully this compilation of facts will bless them with the confirmation they need to make the right choice. And again, this is just a fraction of the growing compilation of articles, pictures, videos, studies, statements and SDA doc files that I have posted on SDAapostasy.org for those of you that need even more confirmation.  

And so with that said, were you aware that the SDA church and 3ABN recently had Dwight Nelson declaring on camera that Allah is Godwithout so much as a slap on the wrist even though the Bible says otherwise and Muslims keep killing Christians each and every day and recently burned down a Christian church because they used the name “Allah” for their Christian God further proving Allah is not the name of the Christian God as the SDA church claims. Were you also aware that the SDA church also has John Carter repeating the same thing about Allah on camera? The SDA church also has Doug Batchelor saying the one hour with the beast comes at the start of the plaguesinstead of at the end as the Bible says which we know will cause much confusion in the church. Sadly, Pastor Doug Batchelor used to boldly speak out against Vatican prelates; but now he is proudly taking pictures with them, and just a few months ago he told an SDA woman on a radio call in show that she can go to a Jewish Temple wherein Christ is boldly denied to celebrate with family members on the Sabbath day. Is it any wonder more and more SDA churches are looking like Pagan Cathedrals of Rome and there are SDA pastors dressed in Pagan clothing addressing the Pope as “your holiness” in a Vatican mass on video. SDA church leaders all over the world are repeatedly bowing in worship to Vatican prelates so as to allow the confusion of Babylon to flourish. If just one SDA pastor did this it would be easy to stop by removing him from the pulpit. But when many in the SDA church do it all over the world it not only makes it impossible to stop them, it makes it clear there is an obvious Vatican agenda moving all throughout the church to lull their members to sleep.

The General Conference of the SDA church has also stated in writing just under 3 years ago that SDA churches keeping Sunday holy each week is no big deal, there are SDA leaders that not only studied with Jesuits in the Vatican itself, they proudly photographed themselves wearing the robe of Jesuits as well as displaying their Pagan hand signals on camera. The SDA leaders have also uplifted the Popes of Rome on camera and more and more leaders address him as a holy leaderBen Carson also called the Pope “Holy Leader” as well.

The past SDA President Neal C. Wilson has even stated in writing that calling the Pope Antichrist is forever to be placed on the historical trash heap, the SDA General Conference has even joined their church in a legal contract with the second beast of Revelation so as to help create the image of the beast and worse yet, there are dozens of SDA churches keeping Sunday as Sabbath each and every week. The SDA church has invited and allowed Roman Catholic Jesuit priests to preach unto their students at Andrews University, and another time they allowed a Catholic priest to preach in an SDA church on video. The SDA leaders have even asked their students to bow to Allah in a Mosque on camera and then boasted of their blasphemous act in one of their magazines to show Rome they embrace the ecumenical spirit of the man of sin.

Were you also aware that the SDA church actually has an Adventist Vatican in MARYland of all places? And the SDA church changed its logo recently to display the waves depicting 666 in ancient hieroglyphics and the upside down cross of the antichristian church of Rome. The current SDA president Ted Wilson who is the son of Neil C. Wilson just declared there is nothing in the pipeline when it comes to Sunday laws even though there are thousands of articles from all over the world that say otherwise. And so is it any wonder that they now have David Gates’s who not only admits on camera of talking with high level Jesuits; he actually setting dates and even re-writing the bible truths on how prophetic symbols are defined so as to match with Vatican dogma.

Worse yet, he has caused thousands of poor souls in the SDA church that watched his video to believe it’s now perfectly acceptable to base his findings on his own opinion, statements from friends, discussions with high level leaders in the Catholic church, and the dream of a friend when the Bible clearly says in 2 Peter 1:20-21, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.  21,  For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

With all that happening, how is it so many people are still sitting in SDA churches as if there is nothing wrong with the apostasy of their General Conference leaders and church pastors? All I can say to those of you still in the SDA church; it is plainly declared in Ezekiel 14:10 that “they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him;”

In other words, the false prophet will be punished by our God and those that believed the lies of that easily exposed false prophet will also be punished by the Lord. And this is true especially today when we have all 66 books of the Bible to use to vindicate the truth and show that just as prophesied, the SDA church is filled with many false prophets on their pulpits. As also prophesied, these men are purposely lulling their church members to sleep with all their Government approved theology that borrows heavily from the man of sin in Rome. What’s amazing is that the only way people fall for the lies preached by these fallen leaders and pastors is to ignore the Word of God regarding what they say as well as what the Lord commands regarding coming out of an apostate church; for it is plain from the Old to the New Testament that the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it.

The fact the SDA church joined with the second beast of Revelation in a binding 501c3 contract proves, they are no longer obedient and in their rebellion have grown blind to the point of trusting mankind over the Creator of mankind. Or as Paul put it in Romans 1:25, these men have “changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
U.S.: Pakistani Officials Help Muslims Force Christian Women into Marriage * 240 Migrants Apprehended in 48 Hours by One Border Patrol Station Officials: ‘Dozens’ of Bomb Threats Reported Across U.S. * Congo Ebola Outbreak Spreads to Cities, Threatens Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan * California State Board Votes to Approve Bay-Delta Plan, Restrict Water to Farmers * Abortion ‘Haven’ Illinois Attracting Thousands of Women from Other States * Teenage Gunman Dead After Shootout with Police Outside Middle School * Vatican Calls for ‘Urgent Action and Urgent Decisions’ to Stop Climate Change Russia Pulls Nuclear Bombers from Venezuela After Pressure from U.S. (that was quick!) * VIDEO: RELIGION OF PEACE? Middle Eastern Women Share Chilling Sharia Law Stories: ‘Silence Is Killing Us’ * The Latest: Greenpeace: US blocking text on climate change * VIDEO: Decade since Al Gore predicted ice-free Arctic in 5-7 years * Biology profs refuse to say when life begins * FYI: VIDEO: Tennessee U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green alleges vaccines may cause autism, questions CDC data *Climate scientist hit with campus ‘inquisition’ over post opposing carbon tax * 6 people beat, poured scalding water on boy, 3, at New Jersey house, officials say


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