1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
Ephesians 5:11  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.


As I was in prayer this last Sabbath day the Lord reminded me of the passages you see above. These blessed words moved my heart to begin to share all I can in the coming days regarding what the Seventh Day Adventists leaders are doing behind closed doors so as to help the poor souls in the pews see the truth as it was prophesied to appear.

Just as the church of Rome has hidden archives which outline the apostasies and wickedness of Roman Catholicism, the SDA church also has what one can consider secret archives in that many of what I am about to share in a new series of videos will show why the SDA church keeps such documents out of the public eye as much as possible.  

Some of what you will see in these videos may have been seen by some, but before the facts could be presented throughout the church worldwide, leaders in the church snatched them up quickly so as to hide them behind closed doors. But those days are now gone and what you are about to see in these videos is in fact rock hard evidence that not only have the prelates of the Roman church infiltrated the SDA church from the pulpit all the way to the office of the General Conference president, these quotes declare in writing how they wholeheartedly agree with the Popes of Rome on many shocking counts with bold Pagan dogma that mocks the Lord thy God.

After watching even just this first video of many to come you need to ask yourself, is this the church I want to be standing in when the outpouring of the Latter Rain begins? Or worse yet; when the Eastern Sky splits?

In the first video I will first show a quote or two from the archives of the Roman Catholic church regarding their dogmatic or traditional stance, and then I will share statements from the leaders of the Seventh Day Adventist church that verify they do in fact agree with the Popes of Rome. This first video’ deals with the term “Hierarchy” and what it means in reality.

  •       hi·er·ar·chy hi·er·ar·chies pl. n.(hī′ə-rär′kē, hī′rär′-) 
    A group of persons or things organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above: career spent movingup through the military hierarchy. (Source: TheFreeDictionary.com)

This method of ranks and grades was first embraced by Pagan Rome which was of course carried over by Papal Rome. This hierarchal structure is the same you will find in the military and by no means should ever to be found in a Christian church as it must always be Jesus Christ as the head of the church and not man. But notice how the Roman Catholic church admits they use the structure of a military hierarchy to this day.

  • The Church is both visible and spiritual, a hierarchical society and the Mystical Body of Christ.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Profession of Faith, Section Two, Article 9, Paragraph 1, Section III, #779. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/church1.html#MYSTERY).
  • “‘The state of life which is constituted by the profession of the evangelical counsels, while not entering into the hierarchical structure of the Church, belongs undeniably to her life and holiness.'” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Profession of Faith, Section Two, Article 9, Paragraph 4, Section III, #914. http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/church4.html#CONSECRATED).

It used to be that only the Roman Catholic church erected the hierarchal format in their church. But as we know, the Seventh Day Adventist church has also embraced this very same church structure so as to bow to the long prophesied ecumenical agenda of the man of sin in Rome that must come to fruition in these last days. In so doing causes all churches of the world to stand in agreement with the Pope when the time comes for his mark to be enforced for he and not Christ has the last word in how the lower ranks, or people of the church must worship.

Now notice what the SDA church has declared in writing behind closed doors on this very same topic. The hierarchal head or president of the SDA church, who was Neal C. Wilson at this time said;

  • “The plain and undeniable fact is that the Seventh-day Adventist church is most assuredly not a ‘congregational’ one …but is clearly of the…‘hierarchical’ variety. …the church governs by a method of organization …which embraces exactly, from a legal standpoint, the same kind of organization (in opposition to ‘congregationalism’) as is embraced by the term ‘hierarchical’.” (Neal C. Wilson, Court Transcript of United States vs the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission vs the Pacific Press Publishing Association and the General Conference, Reply Brief for Defendants, Civil Case #74-2025, p 29, parenthesis in original).
  • Wilson also stated that “The Seventh-day Adventist Church…maintains…a hierarchical structure of church authority.” (Neal C. Wilson, in the Court Transcript of the United States Secretary of Labor vs Pacific Union Conference and General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Case CV 75-3032-R, presided over by Judge Manuel L. Real, February 6, 1976).

Then in 1990 the president of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church said that

  • “…the structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is essentially hierarchical…The pyramid of church organization maintains equilibrium and sustains growth…” (Walter Scragg, President of the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in the Record, June 23, 1990, p 4-5).

It says in the Great Controversy on page 445 that

  • “When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the State to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.”  {GC88 445.1}

Compile this Vatican inspired hierarchal structure of the SDA church along with their 501c3 contract with the US government, or second beast of Revelation as students of prophecy know it to be, and the image of the beast system becomes that much clearer and visibly confirmed in the apostate Seventh Day Adventist church to all that have eyes that see.

The Bible gives unto the obedient flock the basic instructions on how each individual church should be organized. Nowhere in Scripture will you find a regional and certainly not a global church hierarchy as the way to do this. In fact Jesus specifically spoke against the Roman hierarchy format as I will share in a moment. The two ordained and sanctified offices of the church are elders and deacons (See Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 3:8–13), with Jesus Christ alone as the Cornerstone of the church. He is to be the Supreme Authority and no man must ever assume that position as a Pope or president does today. (Ephesians 1:22, 2:20; Colossians 1:18).

And just so you know, the term elder is mostly used in the plural sense indicating the leadership of the church as a group. And when used in a singular manner, the term elder, bishop and pastor are actually describing the same office of pastor as we refer to it today. But now for something even the SDA leaders wish was never penned in Scripture. Notice what was recorded in Matthew 20:25-26. It says that “Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;”

The Gentiles He is referring to here is in fact the Pagans that ruled in Rome who originated the hierarchal structure we now see in Papal Rome and sadly in the SDA church today.

The local church was meant to be autonomous or self-sufficient. Each church had a duty as well as the right to be self-governed with the freedom from any secular hierarchy wherein a man stands as the ultimate leader of all the churches of the world. The Popes of Rome and Presidents of the SDA church today stand in direct violation to how the Lord Jesus Christ would have His Bride organize under His name. Having Christ as the Cornerstone allows for spiritual growth in each church in that when issues arise they seek the Lord in both prayer and study for an answer and not mankind. The hierarchal format moves the pastors by convenience to forego the time consuming Bible studies to seek what the president or Pope says on any doctrine at hand as the final say. And so, to the president of the SDA church I echo what was declared way back in 1896, which was, “It is not wise to choose one man as president of the General Conference.” -Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 342 (1896).

Notice that the General Conference President said about their Roman Catholic hierarchal structure back in 1975:

  • “Although it is true that there was a period in the life of the Seventh-day Adventist Church when the denomination took a distinctly anti-Roman Catholic viewpoint, and the term ‘hierarchy’ was used in a pejorative sense to refer to the papal form of church governance, that attitude on the church’s part was nothing more than a manifestation of widespread anti-popery among conservative Protestant denominations in the early part of this century and the latter part of the last, and which has now been consigned to the historical trash heap so far as the Seventh-day Adventist Church is concerned.” EEOC vs PPPA and GC, Civil Case #74-2025 CBR (1975).

And now notice what it says in Testimonies for the Church:

  • “The arms of power in Battle Creek are being extended more and more widely, seeking to control the work far and near, and to crush that which they cannot controlI lift my voice in protestThe spirit that now controls is not the Spirit of the Lord.” —Testimonies for the Church 8:150.
  • That these men (leaders) should stand in a sacred place, to be as the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the General Conference to be,that is past. – General Conference Bulletin 1901 page 25  {PC 422.5 & LDE 50.4} 

It is the prayer and hope of the Seventh Day Remnant people that the Seventh Day Adventist people Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” -Revelation 18:4,5

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:  
8 states blast Phoenix attack on artists’ speech * VIDEO: The truth about global warming * VIDEO: More than 200 people killed as deadly tsunami hits Indonesia * Stealth Indonesia tsunami turns perfect night into nightmare * Rumbling Indonesia volcano could trigger more tsunamis, experts warn * FYI: Facebook’s Top Five Fails of 2018 * Florida Confirms First Case of Rare, Polio-Like Illness in 2018 * WHAT?! California: Illegal Alien Who Killed American Shielded from Deportation * Coming soon: Legal child euthanasia * Proof! China still forces women into abortion * VIDEO: This may appear funny, BUT it shows how the mind can be manipulated very easily! * The Most Egregious Fake News Stories Of 2018 * Is permafrost really ‘navigable waters’? * California rejects 2nd Amendment court rulings from other states * VIDEO: They are Secretly Killing us



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