A religious news headline on November 24, 2024, stated that “The significance of Sunday worship for Christians.” It goes on to say that “The tradition of Sunday worship finds its origins in the Bible and early Christian practices. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, an event celebrated as the Resurrection. This made Sunday, often referred to as the “Lord’s Day,” a sacred occasion for Christians to gather and commemorate the foundation of their faith.”
The SDA apostasy continues, as prophesied. “The evolving relationship between Adventists and Catholics… was candid and hopeful” during the event discussion held at Norte Vista High according to the Spectrum Magazine news reported on October 12, 2024 which were addressed by a distinguised Adventist theologian, Dr. Reinder Bruinsma, together with a featured respondent Father Ibe Ukoma, who is a Roman Catholic priest.
A news headline on November 3, 2024 reported that “AI Chatbots are the new priests, An acronym for Churchy Answers That Help You, Cathy is a new AI chatbot that answers faith-based questions from the perspective of a friendly, knowledgeable Episcopalian. Despite its feminine name, the “priestbot,” as Cathy sometimes calls itself, is genderless. There are no ornate flowing robes or croziers, either. But like a wise cleric, Cathy jumped right in with an answer… Developed and funded by the ecumenical group TryTank Research Institute, Cathy uses large language models from OpenAI’s ChatGPT and has ingested the Book of Common Prayer and the entire Episcopal Church website… Cathy is designed to “translate” the Bible into relatable language geared toward younger audiences. It can also serve as a tool for priests by helping them build sermon outlines… Cathy is far from the only faith-based bot — many denominations are experimenting with generative AI. There’s Text With Jesus, Buddhabot, Chatbot Eli, Gita GPT, and QuranGPT, to name a few.”
**Tragic Incident:** During a regional soccer match in Chilca, Peru, lightning struck, instantly killing 39-year-old Jose Hugo de la Cruz Meza and injuring five players. Goalkeeper Juan Chocca Llacta, 40, was hit directly and suffered severe burns, requiring immediate medical… pic.twitter.com/Nulhfo2a16
Scientists have deciphered the world’s oldest map — and they believe it may lead them to the location of Noah’s Ark,” according to news report published on October 29, 2024. It goes on the say that “The 3,000-year-old Babylonian artifact has puzzled archaeologists for centuries, but in the past few weeks, experts have uncovered meaning. The clay tablet was discovered in the Middle East before being acquired by the British Museum in 1882.”
“It’s hard to relate it to modern-day times because it wasn’t written for 2024. It was written for then. When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and God created everyone else, as well,” Watch:
Modern slavery is a reality, with children being exploited in the US and other countries. We are currently living in the end times. As of 2017 , there are 152 million children – 64 million girls and 88 million boys who are subject to child labour around the world.
Happy Labor Day.
As you watch this, small illegal alien children are being put to work full-time in Times Square.
We spoke to some child workers and heard their stories.