On January 23, 2025 Foxnews report, the Seventh-day Adventist church was mentioned as one of the major religious groups who are helping illegal immigrants into the US.
Todd Bensman (Center For Immigration Studies): “This been going on for four, five years straight now. At least 6 billion dollars, a very close collaborative between the Biden-Harris State Department and those 230 NGOs and 15 UN agencies to send hundreds of millions of US tax dollars to migrants on the trail, helping them, sustain them in their northward track to the United States border and weavingly they know exactly what they were doing….
Laura Ingraham: “This is essentially making life easier for those who are trying to make a trip up to the border. What groups are we talking about here. Is these like Catholic Relief Services, Lutheran church, other more radical immigration groups? Give me some names.
Todd Bensman (timestamp at 2:13): “All the major religious groups are represented here. So, you’ve got the HAIS, you’ve Caritas, you’ve got the Lutheran, you’ve got the Seventh-day Adventist, you’ve got International Relief Agencies, the Red Cross. There’s 230 of them and they’re all listed in the RMRP online, that’s their budget document…”
- Video Source: The Ingraham Angle – Thursday, January 23, Watch: Transcript timestamp at 21:55… https://www.foxnews.com/video/6367679657112
- Related news: https://www.dailywire.com/news/as-trump-2-0-approaches-ngos-continue-to-fund-mass-migration-with-u-s-tax-dollars
As I noted on my last news blog, the pope has called Trump’s Illegal Immigrant Deportation plan a “Disgrace,” which boomerang his deportation plan, exposing the hypocrisy of the Vatican against illegal immigrants.
Now you can also see the hypocrisy of the SDA church here by hiding their lies with these so-called humanitarian services by compromising the standards of Biblical truth. Truly, the SDA church is no longer the peculiar people of God as she used to be. She has fallen a long time ago and her hopeless apostasy and rebellion against God has greatly developed and will persist until Jesus returns.
“One thing it is certain is soon to be realized,–the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger,… will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout.” {Manuscript 111, 1905, par. 1; SpTB #7 57.1}
Please see this https://www.sdaapostasy.org/ for more information.
It’s now high time to “COME OUT OF HER,” from all apostate, babylonian, and corrupt chuches!
Revelation 18:4″And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
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