Courts say living by Christian faith illegal

“It started out with hints of official, United States governmental oppression of Christianity in the wake of the Supreme Court’s marriage decision, such as “discrimination” complaints against people who refuse to celebrate homosexual behavior. Bakers, photographers and marriage-venue owners were penalized, and government officials publicly vilified their Christian faith and ordered them, in some case, to be re-educated. Now two rulings have cemented the American court system’s determination that Christians must not be allowed to express their faith in public life. The U.S. Supreme Court left standing a lower court decision that Washington state pharmacists who are Christian must violate their faith in order to practice their profession. The second decision came from a federal judge in Mississippi with a reputation for ruling against Christians who said county clerks in the state must violate their faith to hold their office.” –Source

Back in 2000 I did a Newsletter titled “Is Preaching the Gospel now a Hate Crime?” and then did another Newsletter in 2001 titled “Why the Vatican Hates the Remnant” and then I did another Newsletter in 2002 titled “Hating the Christian” which later became the “Hating the Christian – the political movements of Antichrist” page on the website. Next in September of 2003 I was moved to write a Newsletter titled “Bible = Hate Crime in Canada.” Then in September of 2006 I wrote a Newsletter titled “More Sunday Laws Criminalizing Christianity” and the very next month I wrote the Newsletter titled “Rome Restructuring Christianity.” And finally I wrote the March 2007 Newsletter titled “Synchronized Hate.” And the rest of the Newsletters as well as many of these blog entries touch on everything from Rome’s war on Freedom of Speech to the government controlled media promoting the viewpoint of turning Christians into third class citizens.

Why am I sharing all this?  Continue reading…