Duterte on business sector’s 10-point wishlist: ‘It’s doable’

president-duterte-dof-sec-dominguez-20160621-002_2ee957bc1c974098a4108982967af6dfDAVAO CITY, Philippines – “It’s all doable. It’s just a matter of doing it.”

This was President-elect Rodrigo Duterte response to a 10-point wishlist presented to him by businessmen on Tuesday, June 21.

“Sulong Pilipinas,” a two-day forum held in Davao City, gathered some 450 businessmen who came up with recommendations for the incoming Duterte administration on how to improve the country’s economy and business environment.

The recommendations include improving the country’s transportation network, reduction of corporate and personal income tax, a national ID system, and improving Internet connection all over the country.  Continue reading…

The European Commission Wants You to Log into Social Media Accounts With Govt Issued ID Cards

eussr-cc-cc-1The EU is out of control. Americans, read up on what is going on in the European Union. I implore you. We can only pray that the UK turns its back on this system of hyper-cronyism.

(From Breitbart)

The European Commission plans to attack citizens’ right to online privacy, insisting that state-issued ID cards should be used to log into platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and even Uber.

The Vice President for the Digital Single Market on the European Commission, former Communist Andrus Ansip, is behind the next European Union (EU) raid on personal freedoms, promoting the idea of using national ID cards to log in to online services.

Leaked documents from within the European Commission revealed a call for the roll out of a more extensive use of national ID cards across the EU. The documents have since beenuploaded to the Commission’s own website…

“Calling on us to log onto YouTube with national IDs etc shows a direction of travel which should worry anybody who believes in personal liberty,” said Ms. James, adding: “Voting Leave in this Brexit Referendum is our way to shout “Stop” and put an end to this madness.”

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