We Saw Nuns Kill Children

nunsWith all the noise we here in the news lately about the current molestation scandal that’s actually standing right on the Pope’s doorstep wherein church prelates are demanding his resignation as well as the Catholic people themselves asking him to resign, and to make matters worse the Pope is refusing to comment for fear of implicating himself.

That all being said, one would think it’s as bad as it can get in the Vatican. And yes, this was prophesied to happen with the Catholic church in our day. That church has been corrupt from day one and it was declared long ago that in the very last days everyone will know who the man of sin is. It says in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” And as we look around we know there is a great falling away wherein what’s good and moral is now considered evil and all that’s evil is now considered moral and upright to the point of killing your unborn child and homosexuals being married legally. And yes that is why Christians are hated globally. Most hate us because of the Bible we the obedient Christians lives by and they know the sinfulness of the world is pointed out. And being exposed to the light of truth like that simply angers some people no matter how gently that truth is presented.   Continue reading