Are you Ready for the Plagues?



As many of you know, I have a page on the website that outlines how each plague will eventually hit this planet in the very near future. But for the sake of keeping the blog and then of course this video short, since I already did a video about the 7 last plagues anyway, I will only share with you plagues number two and three because as we also know, the Lord has already set the stage for all seven plagues to go global anyway; but for some reason many think plague two and three are a bit far-fetched and impossible to occur. But if you check out the videos and pics I have linked out regarding these two plagues on my site, or if you’re watching this blog after it becomes a video, you can see that we are already seeing blood red water on planet earth as we speak.

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Prepare to meet thy God!

THE-TRUTH-PROVIDEDjHave you noticed that things are not getting any better in society even though all the world’s religious and political leaders keep claiming they will if you trust them and what they claim is best for you and your family? I am not going to list off every crazy and scary thing that is happening in this blog entry because we all live on the same planet. We all know what’s happening first-hand. But why is it happening like this you ask?   Continue reading