Since the pope calls for world leaders to fight against climate change, the US and Germany now raised the climate threat to international security in their discussion while the US Army classified it as serious threat to national security. Not only that, majority of state governments are now easing the mask mandates but there is a catch – you will have to show your “vaccine card or passport” to be able to travel, go to church, to buy and sell, etc. The mask wearing and push to vaccinate everyone while simultaneously promote the climate change agenda will finally result for Sunday lockdown. SUNday law is soon to come! Christian prophecy is fast fulfilling. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44.

Get Ready for Financial Shocks From Climate Change, Biden Tells Officials
A warming planet holds potential risks for home prices, investments, banking and other aspects of the global economy, the government said. President Biden has ordered government agencies to prepare for climate-related shocks across the economy, as escalating disasters threaten home prices, the value of retirement funds and even the stability of the global financial system.
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