Since the pope calls for world leaders to fight against climate change, the US and Germany now raised the climate threat to international security in their discussion while the US Army classified it as serious threat to national security. Not only that, majority of state governments are now easing the mask mandates but there is a catch – you will have to show your “vaccine card or passport” to be able to travel, go to church, to buy and sell, etc. The mask wearing and push to vaccinate everyone while simultaneously promote the climate change agenda will finally result for Sunday lockdown. SUNday law is soon to come! Christian prophecy is fast fulfilling. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44.

Get Ready for Financial Shocks From Climate Change, Biden Tells Officials
A warming planet holds potential risks for home prices, investments, banking and other aspects of the global economy, the government said. President Biden has ordered government agencies to prepare for climate-related shocks across the economy, as escalating disasters threaten home prices, the value of retirement funds and even the stability of the global financial system.

U.S. Army Takes On Climate Change As ‘Serious Threat’ To National Security
The U.S Army announced it will begin prioritizing climate change considerations as part of its ongoing strategic operations and threat analysis, according to a newly released memo.
Titled, “US Army: Addressing Climate Change Threats”, the document classifies climate change as a “serious threat to U.S. National security interests and defense objectives,” while also detailing how the military agency intends to play a more active role in responding to climate-related issues moving forward.
John Kerry and German Foreign Minister Maas discuss climate threat to international security
US climate envoy John Kerry and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas raised the threat of climate change to international security at talks in Berlin on Tuesday. Mr Kerry is in Germany on the final leg of a week-long Europe trip as preparations for November’s Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow gather pace.
John Kerry Meets Pope Francis, Applauds Him for Being ‘Ahead of the Curve’ On Climate Issues
“The Pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis,” Kerry said in a Vatican News interview after their meeting. “He’s been ahead of the curve. He’s been a leader.”
Getting Sunday right: Family rediscovers the power of the Sabbath
Scripture makes clear that the Sabbath is a day of rest. But for most Americans, including many Catholics, it ends up being a day of restlessness. A nice brunch might be prioritized, trips to the office might be foregone and Mass might even be included. But rather than fulfillment, joy and refreshment, the Sunday experience of many today is marked by anxiousness, malaise and even a degree of depression. Such discontent in the Lord’s day is evident in terms such as “the Sunday scaries” and “the Sunday blues.” Research in 2017 from job site found that 76 percent of Americans (compared to only 47 percent of respondents from other nations) reported having “really bad” Sunday-night anxiety.
Rio’s Jesus Christ “praises” vaccines and China sends key ingredient for their production
“Vaccines save, could be read on the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio. Rio de Janeiro’s iconic statue of Jesus Christ was the recipient of an advertising campaign in favour of coronavirus vaccines, which coincided with the news that Brazil would be receiving the key ingredients from China for the local production of immunizers.”
NGOs expose the mega rich that benefit from monopoly control of vaccine alliance
The People’s Vaccine Alliance, a network of NGOs campaigning for an end to patents for inoculations said its figures were based on the Forbes Rich List data. Profits from Covid-19 jabs have helped at least nine people become billionaires, a campaign group claimed, calling for an end to pharmaceutical corporations’ “monopoly control” on vaccine technology.”
FDA: ‘Vaccine hesitant’ can’t use antibody test to prove immunity!
Feds now insist protection from virus comes only through vaccination. Many Americans who have chosen not to get one of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines because of the risks have hoped that testing positive for antibodies could substitute for being vaccinated, providing a virtual “vaccine passport.” But the Food and Drug Administration issued guidance this week stating a vaccine is still needed to confirm immunity from the COVID-19 virus.”
Oregon lifted the face mask mandate for people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but also implemented a stipulation that a business or church must require maskless entrants to show proof of their coronavirus vaccination. The business or house of worship must then review the vaccination card to ensure that it is authentic.”
Dr. Fauci: Expect cruise lines and airlines to require proof of vaccination before you can travel
In the absence of federally mandated vaccine passports, Dr. Anthony Fauci expects multiple U.S businesses to impose their own requirements for customers to show proof of vaccination to receive service. Fauci, the White House’s top medical adviser, said Thursday that businesses like airlines and cruise ships will likely require customers to show proof of receiving both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine before being allowed on board. He also noted that several universities have already begun requiring students to be vaccinated before returning to campus this fall.”
NOTICE THIS HEADLINE LAST YEAR IN APRIL 2020? Dr. Fauci claims it’s ‘possible’ Americans will carry ‘certificates of immunity’ (Mind-conditioning!)

EU reaches agreement on COVID-19 vaccine passports for summer travel restart
EU members agree on ‘vaccine passports’, that would allow the free movement of tourists among the 27 European Union member countries this summer. All European Union member states will accept the vaccine passport
- The vaccine passport will show whether people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus – EU countries should not impose additional travel measures such as quarantines”
Related: HEALTH – EU vaccine passport Agreed. A deal has been reached on a travel pass for the bloc – to be called a “EU Digital COVID CERTIFICATE.”
EU citizens will be able to obtain the pass if they have AT LEAST one of 3 elements: – Vaccination documentation – at least one dose required – Previously recovered from Covid – Recent negative test – Vaccines currently approved for the pass are Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
The Covid Origin Theory Dam Breaks; An India Insider Tells All; Is Covid Vax Triggering Deaths? Texas Bans Mandates; The #MagnetChallenge: Truth, or Hoax?
CDC chief: Vaccine mandates will be set locally
WASHINGTON — Any mandates in the U.S. to require people to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be set locally, not federally, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
“It may very well be that local businesses, local jurisdictions, will work towards vaccine mandates,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “That is going to be locally driven and not federally driven.”
“Today we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage to human beings.”
“The mass murder of Americans through the experimental COVID injections continues, as the CDC is now reporting that 3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Many believe there is solid evidence that the CDC is holding back much of the data, and that the number of deaths and injuries reported is much higher…”
“Are you one of those people hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine? You know, one of those “dangerous” and “selfish” people, as the Democrats would call you, who is foolish for not getting the jab because, after all, it’s completely safe? Well, the CDC has quietly released data that might prove you’re not that foolish after all.”
“Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains, harvesting the sewage as “biosludge” and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. (See absolute proof of this in the state government links below.) Welcome to 2021 in America, where the dead are liquefied and fed to the living, almost like a scene ripped right out of The Matrix.”
“Explosive and absolutely dealbreaker news reported today and yesterday by the Hal Turner Radio Show May 17, 2021 points to the inclusion of a highly poisonous ingredient in the Moderna vaccine--remember that the Moderna mRNA vaccine was commissioned for development by DARPA, as covered here earlier, and DARPA is a weapons research agency not a healthcare nursery–and raises the question of intended, planned criminality.”
FARMAGEDDON: Microchip supply line collapse hits TRACTORS and farm equipment
Just in case you didn’t realize the food supply problem could get any worse, major tractor / agriculture manufacturers are now unable to deliver new equipment to retailers because of the shortage of microchips.
Much like modern cars and trucks, today’s tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment use microchips and software to control everything from fuel efficiency to emissions. Because of the global microchip shortage, these agricultural equipment manufacturers are having to sideline their own production, much like Ford is doing with trucks.”
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