Pope Francis Commissioned Report to Attack Sex Abuse Victims While Archbishop of Buenos Aires

“Pope Francis commissioned a four-book study in 2010 as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires attacking sexual abuse victims and defending a priest convicted of molesting a teenage boy. Francis, who was then known as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, asked a lawyer and jurist by the name of Marcelo Sancinetti to carry out a more than 2,600-page study encompassing four volumes for the Argentinian Episcopal Conference to discredit the alleged victims of Father Julio César Grassi.” –Source

It’s bad enough this Pope and all previous Popes have defended these child molestations for literally all of what they claim are religious lives; but to claim the victims were lying just to get the priest that molested them in trouble, is downright demonic.   Continue reading

Elijah Wood: Hollywood in grip of child sex abuse

elijah-wood-wp-600Actor Elijah Wood, best known for his role as Frodo in “Lord of the Rings,” is spilling the beans on a dark, ugly secret in Hollywood: child sex abuse.

The former child actor said in an interview with London’s Sunday Times that young actors are being sexually abused by high-powered predatory “vipers” in the movie industry. He says the abuse is “probably still happening.”  Continue reading…

Legalizing Sexual Child Abuse: Pedophilia Now Classified As A Sexual Orientation

082411_pedophilia_0-680x365People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality.  Source