Have you ever noticed this? Whenever there’s a mass shooting, natural disaster, economic crisis or the death of some celebrity; be it legit or manufactured by the powers that be, the media is literally blanketed by it. What I mean is, as I was looking for an article to post to the blog this morning, all I see on absolutely every News source online is commentaries and videos about what happened in Las Vegas at that concert wherein so far 50 poor souls have died and upwards of 400 wounded. And don’t get me wrong, if it turns out to be legit, as I believe it is, this is a very sad day for America and all those families involved. And so pray for those families during their time of grief. And yes, I am not one to put my head in the sand and ignore the fact our Government is infamous for generating all sorts of false flag attacks. But again, this one comes off as a bit more legit in that we don’t see “actors” playing their part in HD video as we all saw in Sandy Hook and the Marathon bombing. And don’t get me started on what really happened on September 11. Continue reading