SDA Tithe sent to Pope

The word TITHE written in vintage lead letterpress type

What I am about to share here mostly speaks for itself and so I will let it do just that. When speaking of whether or not the General Conference sends money to the National Council of Churches, notice how they responded in a letter from back in 1967. Make special note of the last sentence wherein they say “…we do not make contributions to their [NCC] program.”

If you read the entire letter you will see they seem to have no problem meeting with such people that the Word of God says we must never associate with. (See Amos 3:3, Proverbs 12:26, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14 and James 4:4.)   Continue reading

Pope Francis meets with World Council of Churches leadership in Rome

pope-francis-and-wcc-leadershipPope Francis and the leadership of the World Council of Churches have met in the Vatican and discussed how Christian unity is vital in bringing a true sense of justice to issues the world is facing today.

The Aug. 24 meeting attended by WCC moderator Dr. Agnes Abuom and WCC general secretary Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit also focused on how to deepen relations in the one ecumenical movement, the WCC reported.

Tveit, who is a Norwegian Lutheran said in remarks, “We are very grateful for the very constructive and fruitful meeting with Pope Francis today.  Continue reading

World Council of Churches head outraged by Orlando shooting, urges automatic weapons’ control

olav-fykse-tveitThe general secretary of the World Council of Churches has expressed “shock, outrage and sadness” over the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida on June 12 said to be the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

In the attack, 50 people are reported to have lost their lives and 53 more were wounded in an attack by a single gunman on a nightclub frequented by members of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community.  Continue reading…

Climate is a matter of justice, peace and faith, world churches leader tells Lutherans

lutheranShanghai, Kolkata, Jakarta, Tokyo, New York City, Hong Kong, Miami and New Orleans are not cities linked to the geography of the Reformation that was happening 500 years ago in Wittenberg.

“These are among the thousands of cities around the world that will be hit by rising sea levels as a consequence of climate change,” said World Council of Churches general secretary, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit.

He was speaking at the meeting of the main governing body of the Lutheran World Federation, its council, in Wittenberg, Germany, where 500 years ago “waves of change reaching every country on earth were created”.  Continue reading…