San Andreas Fault ‘locked, loaded and ready to roll’ with big quake, expert says


Southern California’s section of the San Andreas Fault is “locked, loaded and ready to roll,” a leading earthquake scientist said Wednesday at the National Earthquake Conference in Long Beach.

The San Andreas Fault is one of California’s most dangerous, and is the state’s longest fault. Yet for Southern California, the last big earthquake to strike the southern San Andreas was in 1857, when a magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured an astonishing 185 miles between Monterey County and the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles.

 It has been quiet since then – too quiet, said Thomas Jordan, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center. Source

London may elect first Muslim mayor, after ugly, ‘dog-whistling’ campaign

160505114702-01-sadiq-khan-0504-medium-plus-169London (CNN)  Londoners will find out Friday if they have elected the first Muslim mayor of any major Western city, after an unusually bitter campaign in which race and religion have proven ugly flashpoints.

The race between Labour’s Sadiq Khan, son of a bus driver, and Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith, son of a billionaire, has seen the latter accused of peddling “vile race politics” in his campaign against his rival.
Khan, a 45-year-old lawyer and member of Parliament, is the London-born son of Pakistani immigrants, and a practicing Muslim in a city where his co-religionists comprise about 12% of the population.  Source

Texas to Target: Explain how you protect women, children

target-1One of the byproducts of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2015 to abandon millennia of Judeo-Christian precedent and create “same-sex marriage” has been the reinvigoration of efforts by transgender-rights activists to allow people to use bathrooms according to their “perceived gender.”

It’s being played out in cities, counties and schools. In Chicago, for example, 51 families were forced to sue the school district after officials there opened their restrooms to virtually all comers. Also, the Obama administration is publicly “shaming” Christian colleges that exercise their right to be exempt from such laws based on religious beliefs.

In North Carolina, where state lawmakers adopted a law requiring people to use restrooms according to their biological sex, the Obama administration attacked this week.  Source

SHOCK: Scientists Grow Human Embryos for 14 Days So They Can Conduct Experiments on Them

5weekoldunbornbabyA shocking new report indicates scientists have found a way for human embryos to live outside the womb for 14 days, which is a record, so they can be experimented on for a longer period of time.

Leading pro-life advocates are outraged that scientists would specifically create unique human beings to purposefully experiment on and later destroy just for research. They are worried scientists will continue creating more unborn human people who will be subjected to research for a longer duration of their embryonic life.  Source

The Flint water crisis is a shadow on Obama’s legacy

4536In the final months of the Obama administration, the president’s legacy is the subject of much speculation. The president admitted last week that the lack of planning for post-Libya intervention was the administration’s biggest mistake. While historians will debate this question, I beg to disagree. I believe history will judge that the “biggest mistake” of the Obama presidency was the lack of leadership in the poisoning of Flint, Michigan.

No question, the poisoning rises to the level of criminal negligence involving gross mismanagement and cover-ups. Hundreds of young people will, as a result, never achieve their intellectual promise. How different the reaction of the Obama administration would have been if Isis had claimed responsibility for poisoning Flint.  Source

Mexico City declares 3rd day of traffic cuts over high smog

09a92d3b498ac516970f6a706700d5b0MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico City is ordering 40 percent of cars and trucks to stay off the streets Thursday, extending for a third day a traffic cutback aimed at lessening pollution.

Under a rule in effect through June, one-fifth of the city’s vehicles normally must stay at home on a weekday, with the day determined by license plate numbers. But on Wednesday, smog stayed above 1½ times acceptable limits for a third straight day, meaning an additional 20 percent of vehicles can’t be used Thursday.

Ozone, a key component of smog, reached 1.9 times acceptable limits. The metropolitan environmental commission blamed Mexico City’s typical spring weather: hot, dry weather, a lack of wind and sunny days that favor the creation of ozone.  Source

L.A. sees another sharp rise in homelessness and outdoor tents

la-me-ln-homeless-count-20160504-001Homelessness rose 11% in the city of Los Angeles and 5.7% in the county last year despite an intensive federal push that slashed the county ranks of homeless veterans by nearly a third, according to a report released Wednesday.

The increase marks the fourth consecutive year of rising homelessness in L.A., as local officials struggle to identify funding for billion-dollar plans they approved to solve the nation’s most intractable homeless problem.

Countywide, nearly 47,000 homeless people were counted in 2016, up from 44,000 in 2015 and 39,000 in 2013, the homeless report said. Nearly two-thirds — 28,000 — were in the city of Los Angeles.  Source

Michigan man sprayed poison on food in several Ann Arbor grocery stores, FBI says

poison5n-1-webThe FBI said Tuesday the serial spray suspect is in custody, but his identity has not been revealed. No criminal charges have been announced and no motive has been specified.

The suspect was caught on camera spraying a sickening mixture of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, water and Tomcat-brand mouse killer on prepared food and produce in the past two weeks, the FBI said. Authorities said he contaminated food at three Ann Arbor locations, including a Whole Foods.  Source

Transgender politician poised for historic win in Catholic Philippines

337fde547de7676eb73a753c37fda30142bd8e89Geraldine Roman blows kisses to curious crowds and serenades them with a love song as she proudly campaigns to be the first transgender lawmaker in the mainly Catholic Philippines.

The 49-year-old member of a powerful political family has a strong chance to win a seat in the nation’s lower house in Monday’s elections, in what would be a remarkable breakthrough for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Conservative church dogma is a dominant force in Philippine politics: divorce, abortion and same-sex marriage are illegal, while there are no openly gay politicians at the national level and an LGBT party has long struggled for influence.  Source

Scientists reveal likely cause of recent southeast U.S. earthquakes

scientists-reveal-likely-cause-of-recent-southeast-us-earthquakesCHAPEL HILL, N.C., May 3 (UPI) — The southeastern United States isn’t known for its seismic activity, but the region does experience the odd earthquake.

A new study — published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth — offers an explanation for the phenomenon.

Most earthquakes occur near plate boundaries and major fault lines. The southeastern corner of the United States lies in the middle of the North American Plate, far from the seismically active margins.

However, new analysis suggests the plate’s interior continues to lose bits and pieces of its mantle. As fragments break off and sink toward Earth’s interior, the mantle is left thinner and more brittle — and more susceptible to the fault slipping that triggers earthquakes.  Source