FYI: Bill Gates of hell: Windows 10 hijacking computers

microsoft“Microsoft has turned “nasty” in its campaign to coerce hundreds of millions of customers to upgrade to its Windows 10 operating system, a program critics condemn as privacy-invading, data-swiping and “brimming with freemium services and ads.” Microsoft has been trying to lure computer users into its new operating system for months, bombarding them with unending pop-up screens. But many users are comfortable with the systems they have, have no interest in learning new operations and have simply clicked the “X” to get rid of the unwanted solicitation. You can’t do that anymore. Microsoft changed the coding on the “X” so that clicking it now instructs MS to “upgrade” your computer to Windows 10. Yes, really. In fact, the two options on the page, “OK” and “Upgrade Now,” do the same thing as the “X.” –Source

Finally, a somewhat mainstream article exposing Microsoft for unethical practices that everyone using Windows 7, 8 or even 10 need to know about. Yes, many PC mags touched on this already months ago. But not many people read or speak geek. And so I am glad this article came out using laymen’s terms so as to shine a light on something most people running the new Windows 10 operating system had no clue about.  Continue reading…

iPhone Maker Foxconn Has Replaced 60,000 Human Jobs with Robots

Tour Of The Foxconn Complex And Interview With CEO Terry GuoRobots will do repetitive tasks previously done by people.

The biggest manufacturer of Apple AAPL 0.79% products is going to replace human workers with robots.

Foxconn FXCNY -3.70% has cut 60,000 jobs historically reserved for humans and is in the process of replacing them with robots, according to the BBC and the South China Morning Post. (Foxconn manufactures for a great number of brands and it’s not clear whether these changes affect Apple products.)  continue reading…

The Lancet: Global economic crisis linked to over 260,000 additional cancer deaths, according to new study

Unemployment and reduced public-sector health spending following the 2008 global economic crisis were associated with increased cancer mortality, according to a new study published in The Lancet. The study estimates that the recent economic crisis was associated with over 260000 additional cancer deaths in countries within the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) by 2010, of which 160000 were in the European Union.

The study is the first global analysis to look at the effect of unemployment and changes in public-sector healthcare spending on cancer deaths, and suggests universal health care coverage may protect patients from the health consequences of rising unemployment and reduced public-sector healthcare spending.  Continue reading…

North Colombia woman killed in failed exorcism attempt

hospitalA woman from the north of Colombia has died after a self-proclaimed witch set her ablaze in a fatal attempt to rid the victim of “evil spirits,”  local media reported Tuesday.

The fatal accident happened in Buenavista, a town in the Caribbean province of Sucre, where the 36-year-old victim had called in the help from a local lady who claimed supernatural powers some 10 days ago.  Continue reading…

Here’s why states want to make it tough to skip childhood vaccines

491404049-1024x682When Jennifer Stella’s two children were babies, she made sure they got all the usual vaccines. But when one started having seizures and the other developed eczema after they’d gotten immunizations, the Vermont woman decided her kids would no longer get shots required to attend school.

Stella, a co-founder of the Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice, is among a growing number of parents who are opting out of childhood vaccinations because they’re worried about their safety. Public health experts say the movement is leading to outbreaks of nearly eradicated dangerous diseases, such as measles and whooping cough, among clusters of unvaccinated kids.  Continue reading…

Vaccines and Infant Death: 1-Year-Old Boy Died Three Days After Being Vaccinated

The ongoing conflict about vaccination and its health risk has been an ongoing controversy when it comes to infant and toddler healthcare. The said health risks range from autism to death.

On October 2015, at the age of one, Michael Whitesell received his MMR, hepatitis A, varicella and flu vaccines. Like any regular vaccination aftereffect, Michael had a high fever three days after their trip to the hospital. According to Vactruth, he was given Tylenol to soothe his fever, but he was found dead the following morning.  Continue reading…

epaVIDEO:  All government regulators are LIARS!

They lie to the public while protecting the profits of their corporate masters.

The FDA LIES about prescription drug safety to enrich the drug companies and keep dangerous, deadly drugs on the market for as long as possible.

See the histories of “Vioxx” and “Rezulin”.  Continue reading…

Holy Trinity calls us to solidarity with others, Pope says

Vatican Pope Humanitarian SummitThe feast of the Holy Trinity is an invitation for us to commit to enriching our everyday relationships by promoting communion, consolation, and mercy, Pope Francis said during his weekly Sunday Angelus address.

“Our being created in the image and likeness of God-communion calls us to understand ourselves as beings-in-relation, and to live interpersonal relationships in solidarity and reciprocal love,” the Pope told the pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square.  Contineu reading…