Scientists finally prove there IS life after death but we might not be going to heaven

ghostA team of British researchers have “confirmed” that consciousness can go on when someone dies but the study also uncovered some disturbing aspects of the so-called afterlife.

The scientists looked at the cases of over 2,000 people and have established that thoughts continue on after their hearts stops beating.

They found that those who experienced some awareness, only two percent said their experience was consistent with the feeling of an outer body experience where an individual is completely aware and can hear and see what’s going on around them when their heart stops beating.  Continue reading…

Europe Polish troops will help secure Pope Francis’ youth meeting

imageWARSAW, Poland — Polish Army troops will help secure a meeting taking place in July between Pope Francis and thousands of youths from around the world in southern Poland, a spokesman said Thursday.

Some security officials have suggested that the vast meadows wedged between a road and a river near the city of Krakow can’t guarantee the security of the July 31 meeting. They said evacuation could be difficult in an emergency and noted no medical facilities in the vicinity. Polish state and church authorities have since taken steps to ensure safety there. Continue reading…

Reformation celebrations will be ecumenical and international, says German Protestant leader

image_previewThe 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 should be a profoundly ecumenical, as well as European and international celebration, according to Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD).

“With this clear distinction from all other commemorations of past centuries, we are sending a signal of reconciliation and a new beginning,” Bedford-Strohm said at a 9 May press conference in Berlin announcing events leading up to the anniversary on 31 October 2017.

The commemoration marks the day in 1517 on which Martin Luther is said to have posted his 95 theses denouncing church abuses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.  Continue reading…

Judge says Kansas can’t require citizenship proof to vote

julie_a-robinson_district_judge“A judge said Tuesday that Kansas can’t require people to show proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote for federal elections at motor vehicle offices. U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson ruled that the state’s proof-of-citizenship requirements likely violate a provision in the National Voter Registration Act that requires only “minimal information” to determine a voter’s eligibility. She ordered Kansas to register thousands of voters whose paperwork is on hold because they did not comply with the requirement.” –Source

And why do you suppose she did that? And why within months of a presidential election? Besides the fact most in politicians, and especially those on the left, need the illegals to vote to help shore up their agenda, it has to do with her appointment as federal judge by the U.S. Senate. Being the first black female federal judge in Kansas is also very telling in that one can expect a lot of back room deals will be part of the career of any such judge that is a “first” in their field. Take Obama being the “first” in his field and how obvious it was he was used as a puppet more than any president before him. They knew he would jump at the chance to be “the first,” and they knew he would do anything to stay and exalt self there.  Continue reading…

Venezuela food shortages cause some to hunt dogs, cats, pigeons

635991878850718784-epa-venezuela-usaLA VICTORIA, Venezuela — Unemployed construction worker Roberto Sanchez could hear a time bomb ticking as he waited in line with 300 people outside a grocery store this week, hoping that corn meal or rice might be delivered later in the afternoon.

He fears that Venezuela could explode at any minute into political and economic chaos.

“We have no food. They are cutting power four hours a day. Crime is soaring. And (President Nicolás) Maduro blames everyone but himself for the mess we find ourselves in,” said Sanchez, 36. “We can’t go on like this forever. Something has to give.”  Continue reading…

‘Beginning of the end of the public school system’

transgender-bathroom-2-e1423877138264“President Obama, in the dark of the night, without consulting Congress, without consulting educators, without consulting parents, decides to issue an executive order … forcing transgender policies on schools and on parents who clearly don’t want it,” Patrick said. But he as hardly finished. In a press conference with reporters, Patrick also vowed not to yield to Obama’s “blackmail” approach to enacting his agenda. “He says he’s going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy,” Patrick said, during a press conference. “Well in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.” –Source

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. American schools, both public and private, are not a safe place for children. Why am I mentioning the private schools as well? Two words… Government Subsidies. That’s right, no matter what school you attend in the good ole’ US of A it is reliant upon government money to keep its doors open.  Continue reading…

NATO’s former deputy military chief in Europe says his book, a fictional story which describes a nuclear war with Russia over the Baltic nations taking place in 2017, is based on an “entirely plausible” scenario. General Sir Richard Shirreff, from Britain, served at the second-highest NATO military office in Europe between 2011 and 2014. He says his experience acquired in the alliance of war-gaming future conflicts helped him model the narrative for the book.

573c5e6cc46188cb088b459bNATO’s former deputy military chief in Europe says his book, a fictional story which describes a nuclear war with Russia over the Baltic nations taking place in 2017, is based on an “entirely plausible” scenario.

General Sir Richard Shirreff, from Britain, served at the second-highest NATO military office in Europe between 2011 and 2014. He says his experience acquired in the alliance of war-gaming future conflicts helped him model the narrative for the book.  Continue reading…

‘Volcano of Fire’ erupts in Guatemala, prompting evacuations (PHOTOS)

573cb45dc46188611d8b459bGuatemala’s National Institute for Seismology and Vulcanology are reporting that an ash column reaching 5,500 meters (18,000 feet) above sea level has emerged, while “moderate” lava flow is pouring out of the mountain.

“This pyroclastic flow was accompanied by moderate rumble of the volcano [and] fallen ash is reported in the villages of El Rodeo, La Rochelle, Osuna, Panimache, Morelia, Sangre de Cristo and Yepocapa,” a statement by the government agency confirmed.  Continue reading…

Ecuador coast hit by two earthquakes; one dead

People gather on the streets minutes after a tremor was felt in Quito
People gather on the streets minutes after a tremor was felt in Quito, Ecuador May 18, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Granja

Two earthquakes struck Ecuador’s coast on Wednesday, leading to one death and light damage in the same region where a magnitude 7.8 tremor killed more than 650 people last month.

Wednesday’s tremors, measuring 6.7 and 6.8 in magnitude, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, cut electricity in some coastal areas and sent people running into the streets as far away as the highland capital of Quito, witnesses said.  Continue reading…


New York will allow some undocumented immigrants to teach and practice medicine

MaryEllen Elia, Betty RosaThe state of New York will allow some undocumented immigrants to teach and practice medicine after the state’s licensing board voted Tuesday to accept applications from immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

The action by the Board of Regents will open up new opportunities for thousands of people with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – or DACA – status.  Continue reading…