40,000 Christians Persecuted By Muslims In Germany

gettyimages-461062563-640x480A new study shows that potentially thousands of Christians have been attacked and harassed in German migrant homes by Muslim guards and fellow migrants.

Multiple human rights organizations are warning the German government of the conditions that Christians in asylum homes are being subjected to. One organization in particular has chronicled 231 specific cases of the harassment of Christians by Muslim migrants and Muslim security guards in asylum homes.  Continue reading…

Poll: Jesus Was a Socialist Who Would Support Bernie Sanders

theyoungmessiah_07-_h_2016“The scientific poll was created by the filmmaking team behind ‘The Young Messiah,’ based on an Anne Rice novel. Jesus was apparently a socialist who would support Bernie Sanders for president. At least those are the implications of a poll taken by those who are marketing the June 9 DVD release of The Young Messiah, based on an Anne Rice novel about Jesus as a child.” –Source

First and foremost, anything from Hollywood is going to be demon inspired and so there is no need to dig into the man Cyrus Nowrasteh that actually directed the film “the young Messiah.” And yes, if you’re wondering, all that comes from Hollywood is of Satan. The name of their city alone confirms this hands down. Ask any witch what wood he or she prefers to use for the wand they wield in incantations and they will tell you the wood of the holly tree, or holly wood. So again, the director is no different than any other director in Hollywood.

But what of the author?

The woman “Anne Rice” that wrote the “Christian novel” titled “Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt” of which Cyrus Nowrasteh created the movie “The Young Messiah” that was released last March is not Christian by any means. In the movie it appears as per eyewitness accounts that the “Jesus” in the film was a Socialist. And so, I did my digging as I usually do and found that the woman that wrote the novel that became the movie had other works in her repertoire. And those works were very violent, horrific, perverted and sexual to boot. In fact, her list or “genre” states she writes “Gothic fiction, horror, Erotica, Christian fiction, Fantasy.” So, I dug a tad deeper and found she became an Atheist at the age of 18 but later in 1998, wherein she almost died and was in a coma for a while, she went back to her family faith of, you guessed it, Roman Catholicism. So of course her novel about Jesus in His youth was bound to be made into a movie wherein it would be released in an election year so as to further spread seeds of Socialism into every nook and cranny that the Pope of Rome can find. Also keep in mind that since the Bible doesn’t go into much detail in Jesus’ youth, this movie will have to be mostly fiction (lies) drummed up in the mind of a woman not walking with Jesus. Continue reading…

Generate new models of economic progress, Pope urges business leaders

.- Economic worldviews based only on material well-being cannot contribute to dignified labor and new models of economic progress are needed, Pope Francis told a gathering of business experts on Friday.

“An economic vision geared to profit and material well-being alone is – as experience is daily showing us – incapable of contributing in a positive way to a globalization that favours the integral development of the world’s peoples, a just distribution of the earth’s resources, the guarantee of dignified labour and the encouragement of private initiative and local enterprise,” Pope Francis said May 13 to the members of the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation.  Source

VIDEO: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

discovered-cancer-enzymes-in-vaccines-550x330“Neon Nettle has reported about medical scientists being murdered, the majority of which were stationed in Florida. These doctors had one thing in common: they have all discovered that vaccines were tampered with nagalase enzyme protein and then administered to humans. This enzyme prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s natural defense against cancer cells and autism. Thebigriddle.com has confirmed that nagalese is a protein that’s being created by all cancer cells, as well as found in autistic kids in large quantities. That’s the secret “bonus” we’ve been getting in our vaccines!” –Source

There’s your smoking gun! Literally!

As I’ve been saying for decades, the AMA is nothing more than a profit driven machine and they will do whatever it takes to make money. And that includes murder. But then they have been killing millions of babies every year as well as helping the sick and elderly commit self-murder as well so, this is merely par for the course they’re on. The fact they were instrumental in getting laws passed that allow women to kill their very own babies confirmed that decades ago. But it’s so much worse now since then. This money making machine is so heartless that literally millions of people become addicts and even die from mistakes and even suicide due to the AMA’s drugs, and nary a politician will do anything about it because they know they can make millions keeping it all under the rug.  Source

Biden, Boehner stress common good at Notre Dame

7c3e0dd7d15541e787122d7288dfbd2fAs they had when Pope Francis addressed Congress last fall, Vice President Joe Biden and former House Speaker John Boehner stood together again on May 15, this time at Notre Dame’s Commencement to receive the Laetare Medal, the university’s highest honor.

The decision to honor the two political leaders had drawn criticism, especially because of the Vice President’s support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage, but the citation read before they received the honor noted they were being recognized for their public service and work for the common good.  Source

Venezuela State Of Emergency: Country’s President Accuses U.S. Of Plotting To Topple Regime

Venezuela Tense As Unrest Over President Maduro's Government ContinuesPresident Nicolas Maduro declared a state of emergency in Venezuela on Friday, May 13. According to Maduro, the state of emergency, which was decreed to last for 60 days, was issued because of plots against Venezuela from within Venezuela and from the United States to “subvert him.” He didn’t specify details pertaining to the plots.

Opposition forces within Venezuela publicly criticized the measure, reports Reuters, calling it the action of a “desperate president.” Observers say that the Venezuela state of emergency is proof that the country’s president it panicking amid calls for a recall referendum.  Source

Welcome to a Bernie Sanders Wiccan ritual

la-1463249897-snap-photoAttending a rally for Bernie Sanders usually involves long lines and security screenings, but that wasn’t the case at an intimate, informal event Friday evening supporting the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign in a park here.

Instead of metal detectors, entrance required burning ceremonial sweetgrass.

Participants were “smudged,” meaning the smoke from the sweetgrass was wafted over them before they could enter the sacred circle and begin a Wiccan ritual to support Sanders ahead of Oregon’s primary on Tuesday.  Source

Truth surfaces in Whole Foods ‘gay’ cake slur

whole-foods-love-wins-cakeJordan Brown, the openly homosexual Texas pastor who tried to paint Whole Foods’ bakers as discriminatory against homosexuals by charging they wrote a slur on a cake he ordered in blue frosting, not only admitted on Monday he had lied, but withdrew the lawsuit he had launched against the grocer.

“Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong. I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story, Brown said, in a statement. “I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the bakery associate who I understand was put in a terrible position because of my actions.”  Source

‘Peak absurdity’: Islamophobia accelerating global warming?

islamophobia-and-global-warming-5-15-16-posterIn what some are calling “peak absurdity,” last week MIT’s Department of Global Studies and Languages sponsored a lecture entitled – really – “Is Islamophobia accelerating global warming?”

The lecture was given by “future generation professor” at Melbourne University named Ghassan Hage whose academic credentials included authorship of such tomes as “White Nation: Fantasies of white supremacy in a multicultural society” and “Against Paranoid Nationalism.”

The lecture description was as follows:

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’


Big Festival Brother? What summer music festivals are doing with your personal data

face-scans-music-festivalsLONDON — It’s May and the sun is finally out after a long British winter. For many that means one thing: festival season.

It’s a good occasion to disconnect from technology, go off the grid and enjoy a few days of carefree excitement. Or not.

Along with booze, music and mud — a lot of mud — British festivals may have another feature: mass surveillance.

Last year, Leicestershire police scanned the faces of 90,000 festival-goers at Download Festival, checking them against a list of wanted criminals across the country. It was the first time anywhere in the UK that facial recognition technology — NeoFace — was used at a public outdoor event.  Source