“One of Canada’s most venerable religious charities has been told by the Canada Revenue Agency that it can no longer work for justice in the world. Agency officials conducting a political activities audit on the Canadian Unitarian Council said the broad statement in the council’s bylaws is too vague. “Vague purposes are ambiguous and can be interpreted in many different ways,” the agency said in a compliance letter, which includes other demands more than a year after the audit was launched. …Many charities targeted by CRA’s political activity audit program, begun in 2012 under the Stephen Harper government, had expected relief from the Liberals, who campaigned on a promise to set charities “free from political harassment.” …”I do wish that the government would stop these audits, like, right now,” said Ng. “It has cost me many, many, many hours of work. … It has also cost us a lot of money that we haven’t budgeted for.” …Of 38 completed audits so far, only one found no problems. Six charities have been given notice the agency intends to revoke their charitable status…” –Source
Just so you know, the charitable foundation or “Canadian Unitarian Council” is set up by the government in Canada in similar fashion to the United States 501c3 contract wherein all the disobedient pastors of the nation signed unto since 1954 which then became law in 2007 under the second Bush administration. (See the prophetic implications to their signing here) In Canada, and no doubt under DC inspiration and coercion, the CUC was formed in 1961.That’s just 7 years after Lyndon Johnson set it up in 1954 in the United States. Continue Reading…