VIDEO: Professor: Christians Bigger Threat Than Islamists

46293“Though Professor Catherine M. Wallace calls herself a Christian – one of the social justice variety – she claimed in  a lecture called “Confronting Fundamentalism” at the Seminary Co-op Bookstore on the campus of the University of Chicago that Christian fundamentalists pose a greater threat to our nation because they can somehow gain access to the nuclear codes. …Wallace believes that “Christian fundamentalist” violence is a threat because it stems from a literal reading of the Bible, which she claims is a modern aberration and that “nobody in the ancient world would have read the Bible literally.” –Source

Not only does this professor admit she is Roman Catholic, she declares with pride that she is a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic. And she does so directly after slamming who she calls fundamentalists. That by the way happens to be Rome’s pet name for all Christians that actually read and believe the Bible.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Pope Francis goes to Sweden

popefrancisreadskoran“-no comments posted on this Vatican video.” – Source

Why is it the Pope is suddenly going to Sweden? I believe it’s obvious and the timing is key here. What do I mean? For those that haven’t been following this. Notice the following articles in the list compiled below. The articles are not posted in any particular or chronological order. I posted them as I found them while confirming my discernment on this. I’ve posted some over the years and some are as old as 2004! When I saw this video and a few recent articles about the Pope’s interest in Sweden the Lord reminded me of what’s been going on in Sweden over the years. For the most part, this has been going on without international alert for over a decade!   Continue reading

The Pope now pushes Climate Justice

f49b2024-4f63-442a-98d3-2bd3593bcaf5-2060x1236-640x350“On the surface, this seems like such a simple request…it’s not! After digging and finding the TRUE agenda on the climate change scam, it’s very clear that this entire thing is an effort to redistribute wealth around the world. Don’t believe us? Just check out the comments from the people attending the Paris Climate Summit:” –Source

When speaking of the man of sin in Rome, the prophet Daniel said long ago the following truths. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” -Daniel 8:25   Continue reading

Muslim teenagers walk free after gang-rape conviction in Germany

36137935_303“In the wake of the news that a group of teenagers were unlikely to see any real punishment for gang-raping a 14-year-old girl and leaving her for dead, citizens of the German city of Hamburg called for new rules regarding violent crime committed by minors. On Monday, an online petition calling for the teens to see jail time had garnered some 21,000 signatures. “The sexual self-determination and integrity of a woman must have more weight than any concern for the perpetrators,” [of sexual crimes,] says the petition. …However, the authorities have made it clear that they came to this decision on their own, and were not swayed by such petitions, Spiegel Online reported. …The judge admitted that “the penalties may seem mild to the public,” but that the teens had all made confessions, appeared repentant and been judged to no longer present a danger to society. …Laws prosecuting perpetrators for sexual crimes in Germany have also come under fire after the string of assaults committed in the city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Althoughsome revisions to the law have been pushed through, it remains difficult to prosecute sexual offenses.” –Source

Why is that? It’s because the teens were Muslim immigrants. But then you would never know that by reading this article wherein the word Muslim is nowhere to be found. And it isn’t until the last 30 seconds of the seven minute audio that was posted with the article that was describing all this as “unusual” by some obviously PC psychologist. She even claimed this gang rape as a “single incident” and not the “beginning of a series” of such crimes. But when the interviewer comments on the other attacks and especially mentions the Cologne New Year’s Eve attack by Muslims, without actually saying the word “Muslim,” the psychologist then back pedals a bit by saying “it is something they will see more of.” So which is it? An isolated incident as this government approved psychologist claims, or a repetitive issue as everyone else on the planet has seen? You see, this is what happens when lies are exposed. They fall to the ground and ignored as if they were never uttered.   Continue reading