“Both the Catholic bishops of the United States and the Vatican have now virtually endorsed the strategy of “disruption” being used across the nation to oppose the new administration of President Trump. …The 700 attendees applauded and cheered as Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego told them, “President Trump was the candidate of disruption. . . . Well now, we must all become disrupters.” Bishop McElroy, along with Chicago Archbishop Cardinal Blaise Cupich, has emerged as a leading voice among “social justice” Catholics determined to rally the Catholic Church to reject President Trump’s leadership and policy agenda.” –Source
One thing is crystal clear in all this is and that is of course the Vatican’s New World Order agenda. Of which we all know to be based on a Socialist (like Hitler) format so as to grant them ample control. And one sure fire way to assure they get to that end is to flood the USA with proCatholic voters, (illegal or legit) so as to have a voting bloc that supersedes all others. This is the only reason they are angry with the Constitutional reality of illegal immigration being curtailed. This is also why the US Constitution will eventually be changed.
As much as I don’t trust Trump (even though Hillary would be worse) one thing is clear about his immigration policy. As it has been since its inception, the US policy on immigration is an exact duplicate of how it is in the hypocritical nation of Vatican City or any other nation for that matter. In fact, try getting into any nation on earth without following proper procedures and some of them won’t even deport you. They will throw you in jail and let you rot there. The US at least sends you back home where you belong until you enter the nation legally. But the Vatican twists that truth and tries to make it look like we are supposed to let everyone into the nation no matter what. And they always use the “love” card in doing so while at the same time ignoring the laws of the land. Their admitted desire to destroy this nation using the votes of Roman Catholic illegals is far more important to them than the legal citizens who did the proper paperwork from Mexico or any other nation or even the ones born here. That’s how easy it is to see the loveless agenda of the beast in Rome. It’s about them and their agenda and nothing else.
There is nothing wrong with our nation’s policies on “legal” immigration. Anyone can come into the nation as long as they do so legally like they do in all other nations on this planet. But because Rome is hell-bent on speeding things up seeing that the harbinger of the plagues is upon us making their dying god’s agenda lest apt to be 100% effective due to lack of time, they will risk the lives of literally everyone in this nation, including their own parishioners just so they can have the power they lust after. They even demand their loyal church members deny God’s written will on how we as citizens are to respect the laws of the land, or even those that write those laws. (See Romans 13:1-7)
The Vatican is seeking to undermine this nation by demanding their church members, who they claim in their church Catechism are also dual citizens of Rome to disrupt the peace of this nation so that the man of sin in Rome can have his way! THAT brothers and sisters is an act of war, and it is being perpetrated by the Roman Catholic church against the United States of America and I am appalled that no one in politics have the guts to stand up and say that out loud. But then, prophecy must be fulfilled, and so it shall.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: